A Simple Vocab Guide on Physics in Spanish
Whether you need to study physics in Spanish for high school or college or you simply want to impress a Spanish-speaking physicist with smart conversations, this article will help you reach your goals.
This simple vocabulary guide on physics in Spanish includes strategies to help you learn the new words. It also features activities and games to download to practice everything you’ll learn today.
Keep reading to boost to your vocabulary so that you never feel lost in the Spanish-speaking scientific world.
How to Learn Physics Vocabulary in Spanish
Let me give you some tips on how to study physics in Spanish, or rather how to study physics vocabulary in Spanish.
Spanish for specific purposes tends to be more challenging than everyday words, and learning subject-specific vocabulary requires innovative strategies. At the same time, you are always more self-motivated because you’re learning something that is immediately useful for your work and studies.
5 Tips to Study Physics in Spanish
Many Spanish words used in physics and other sciences are cognates and therefore easier to learn. However, for words that aren’t cognates, consider the following 5 learning strategies.
1. Study in Chunks
Divide your material into easily digestible pieces. Do you feel comfortable with 10 new words a day? Use different strategies to work with just these 10 words every day.
2. Use Pictures
Creating a picture dictionary will help your brain remember. Your drawings don’t need to be perfect. Just let yourself associate a word with an image.
3. Use Videos
Videos are a great resource that not only train your ear but also let you study words in context. You can also turn on subtitles and learn the correct spelling.
MinutoDeFisica is a wonderful YouTube channel related to physics in Spanish.
4. Befriend Etymological Dictionaries
Most words will become easier to remember if you understand where they come from and how they are formed. Understanding prefixes, suffixes, and roots that are most common in physics will help you make sense of the words.
Diccionario Etimológico Castellano en Línea is super useful. Look up your 10 daily words, and you’ll see how understanding rather than simply memorizing can do wonders.
5. Use Your Words Immediately
Write a scientific text, record yourself describing a phenomenon, or engage in another activity to incorporate your newly acquired words about physics in Spanish.
Key Terms to study
Now, let’s dive into vocabulary you’ll use when studying physics in Spanish. I’ve divided the list into categories to make them easier to learn.
This is not an exhaustive list of words for physics in Spanish, but it definitely covers the basic terms you’ll need to know when reading Spanish physics textbooks or lecture notes.
For a slew of more specific terms, check out this English-Spanish Glossary for High School.
Physics in Spanish: Basic Units
las unidades básicas | basic units |
la longitud | length |
el tiempo | time |
la masa | mass |
la intensidad de corriente eléctrica | intensity of electric current |
la temperatura | temperature |
la cantidad de sustancia | amount of substance |
la intensidad luminosa | light intensity |
el metro (m) | meter |
el segundo (s) | second |
e kilogramo (kg) | kilogram |
el amperio / ampere (A) | ampere |
el kelvin (K) | kelvin |
el mol (mol) | mole |
la candela (cd) | candela |
la velocidad de la luz | speed of light |
el tiempo atómico | atomic time |
el campo eléctrico | electric field |
Physics in Spanish: Other Units of Measurement
el hercio (Hz) | hertz |
la frecuencia | frequency |
el newton (N) | newton |
la fuerza | force |
el pascal (Pa) | pascal |
la presión | pressure |
el julio (J) | joul |
la energía | energy |
el trabajo | work |
el calor | heat |
el vatio (W) | watt |
la potencia | power |
el culombio (C) | coulomb |
la carga eléctrica | electrical charge |
el voltio (V) | voltio |
el celsius (ºC) | celsius |
Length, Capacity, and Volume
la longitud | length |
la pulgada | inch |
el pie | foot |
la yarda | yard |
la milla | mile |
el área | area |
la capacidad | capacity |
el volumen | volume |
Types of Energy
la energía mecánica | mechanical energy |
la energía cinética | kinetic energy |
la energía potencial | potential energy |
la energía electromagnética | electromagnetic energy |
la energía radiante | radiant energy |
la energía térmica | thermal energy |
la energía interna | internal energy |
Work and Power
el trabajo | work |
la potencia | power |
la potencia mecánica | mechanical power |
la potencia eléctrica | electric power |
la potencia sonora | sound power |
Physics in Spanish: Games and Activities
I don’t know about you, but I like studying new words through games. I prepared three games for you to play with new vocabulary and learn about Physics in Spanish in an effortless way.
You can download and print out the worksheets below and do the activities in your study time.
Download FREE Physics in Spanish Games and Activities.
Type your name and email below to get three games and activities about physics in Spanish: 1) Sopa de Letras 2) Word Scramble 3) Memory Game
Practice Time!
Now that you’ve learned the vocabulary needed to study physics in Spanish, it’s time to practice before you try out your newfound knowledge in the real world.
To learn vocabulary from other scientific fields, check out International Day of Women and Girls in Science in Spanish. The article includes a series of interesting words and expressions.
Do you want to talk about physics in Spanish in a 1-on-1 conversation? Sign up for a free class and take your physics vocabulary to the next level with one of our friendly and professional native Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala.
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