A Vocabulary Guide to Personality Words in Spanish
Spanish adjectives to describe people are a part of everyday small talk. Personality words in Spanish to describe people are helpful for talking about a person’s character, for introductions, and for describing yourself to others.
This practical Vocabulary Guide to Personality Words in Spanish is made to equip you with useful adjectives and plenty of examples for elevating your conversational skills. Let’s begin!
What Are Adjectives?
Los adjetivos (adjectives) are words that modify a noun or subject. They provide an actual description and details related to traits and characteristics.
Adjectives exist in masculine, femenine, and gender-neutral forms. They are used in both plural and singular form depending on the subject.
Take a quick review of los adjetivos with this Comprehensive Guide To Spanish Adjectives.
Describing Someone’s Personality
We all have different personality traits. La personalidad (personality) involves both positive and negative qualities. Both of them are just as important and make you stand out in a unique way.
Using Spanish adjectives to describe people is easy to master. Still, there are certain things you need to consider ahead of using Spanish adjectives to describe people.
Verb Conjugation
When you talk about how a person is or acts, you use the verb ser (to be). Mastering this verb is a must when it comes to using Spanish adjectives to describe people. Personality is pretty much consistent, it is what it is, so the verb “to be” combines perfectly with Spanish adjectives to describe people.
Let’s examine a few examples using the verb ser.
Tu eres cariñoso.
You are loving.
Yo soy amable.
I’m nice.
Ella es divertida.
She’s fun.
Lucas es optimista.
Lucas is an optimist.
Refresh your knowledge of the verb “to be” with this useful lesson on the Ser Conjugation With Practice Exercises.
Gender and Number Agreement
When you use adjectives, you talk about specific details of a person. The way these Spanish adjectives to describe people are used, requires you to combine them with a particular subject.
If you’re talking about a single woman, the adjective must agree with the singular and female form. It’s the same when it comes to singular male, and plural forms.
It’s also important to consider that some personality words in Spanish are gender-neutral.
Here’s a list with a few examples.
Andrea y Lucía son chistosas.
Andrea and Lucía are funny.
Felipe es egoísta.
Felipe is selfish.
Cristina es inteligente.
Cristina is intelligent.
Tus hijos son organizados.
Your kids are organized.
Luis es trabajador.
Luis is hardworking.
Spanish Adjectives to Describe People
When it comes to personality words in Spanish, the possibilities are endless. There are different types of Spanish adjectives to describe people you can use.
Positive Personality Words in Spanish Part 1
English | Spanish |
agile | ágil |
ambitious | ambicioso |
attentive | atento |
brave | valiente |
calm | tranquilo |
cautious | precavido |
considerate | considerado |
cordial | cordial |
daring | atrevido |
discreet | discreto |
efficient | eficiente |
enthusiast | entusiasta |
expressive | expresivo |
friendly | amigable |
fun | divertido |
Example Sentences
Andrea es muy ágil, no se espera a tomar acción.
Andrea is very agile, she doesn’t wait to take action.
Pablo siempre logra lo que quiere, él es ambicioso.
Pablo always accomplishes what he wants, he is ambitious.
Cristina es una persona atenta, se fija en cada detalle.
Cristina is an attentive person, she notices every detail.
Tu hijo es un chico valiente, ya no le tiene miedo a las arañas.
Your son is a brave boy, he’s not afraid of spiders anymore.
Mi perro es tranquilo, se la pasa durmiendo siempre.
My dog is calm, he’s always sleeping.
Ellos son muy atrevidos, nada les da vergüenza.
They’re very daring, nothing embarrasses them.
Somos divertidos, la vas a pasar bien.
We’re fun, you’ll have a good time.
Positive Personality Words in Spanish Part 2
English | Spanish |
funny | chistoso, gracioso |
gentile | gentil |
gracious | agraciado |
grateful | agradecido |
happy | alegre |
hardworking | trabajador |
helpful | servicial |
humble | humilde |
intelligent | inteligente |
interesting | interesante |
introvert | introvertido |
loving | amoroso |
lucky | afortunado |
mature | maduro |
nice | amable |
Example Sentences
Cuéntame un chiste, eres muy gracioso.
Tell me a joke, you’re very funny.
Soy servicial y me gusta ayudar a mi mamá.
I’m helpful and I like helping my mom.
Manuel es el más trabajador de la oficina.
Manuel is the most hardworking in the office.
Mi sobrino se saltó un año, es muy inteligente.
My nephew skipped a year, he’s very intelligent.
Soy introvertida pero me gusta platicar.
I’m an introvert but I enjoy chatting.
Recuerdo a mi abuela como una mujer amorosa.
I remember my grandma as a loving woman.
Soy afortunado de tenerte en mi vida.
I’m lucky to have you in my life.
Gracias por ser tan amable con los demás.
Thank you for being so nice to others.
Positive Personality Words in Spanish Part 3
English | Spanish |
obedient | obediente |
organized | organizado |
outgoing | extrovertido |
passionate | apasionado |
patient | paciente |
persevering | perseverante |
playful | juguetón |
pleasant | agradable |
polite | educado |
realistic | realista |
respectful | respetuoso |
responsible | responsable |
romantic | romántico |
sensitive | sensible |
serious | serio |
Example Sentences
Mi gata es obediente, se porta muy bien.
My cat is obedient, she behaves very well.
Mi asistente es una mujer organizada y paciente.
My assistant is an organized and patient woman.
Soy apasionado por el deporte.
I’m passionate about sports.
Mi nieto es un niño juguetón.
My grandson is a playful boy.
El es educado, invitalo a cenar a la casa.
He’s polite, invite him to the house for dinner.
Soy tan responsable que ya termine mi tarea.
I’m so responsible that I already finished my homework.
Gracias por las flores, eres muy romántico.
Thank you for the flowers, you’re so romantic.
Necesito que seas serio, esto no es broma.
I need you to be serious, this isn’t a joke.
Positive Personality Words in Spanish Part 4
English | Spanish |
sincere | sincero |
skillful | habil |
smart | listo |
smiling | sonriente, risueño |
tender | tierno |
thoughtful | pensativo |
timid | tímido |
trustworthy | confiable |
witty | ingenioso |
Example Sentences
Te perdono, aprecio que seas sincero.
I forgive you, I appreciate you being sincere.
No soy muy hábil, me cuesta hacer eso.
I’m not very skillful, I have a hard time doing that.
Él me encanta, es risueño y guapo.
I like him, he’s smiling and handsome.
Al principio eres tímido y luego entras en confianza.
At first, you’re timid and then you become confident.
Diego es una persona confiable, no te va a traicionar.
Diego is a trustworthy person, he won’t betray you.
Qué ingenioso eres, tienes ideas muy buenas.
How witty you are, you have very good ideas.
Negative Personality Words in Spanish Part 1
English | Spanish |
abusive | abusivo |
angry | enojado |
annoying | fastidioso |
apathetic | apático |
boring | aburrido |
careless | descuidado |
cheap | tacaño |
clumsy | torpe |
conceited | engreído |
defiant | desafiante |
demanding | exigente |
depressed | deprimido |
disobedient | desobediente |
disrespectful | irrespetuoso |
distracted | distraído |
Example Sentences
Mi tío es abusivo, es un poco irrespetuoso.
My uncle is mean, he’s a bit disrespectful.
Andrés interrumpe mucho, es fastidioso.
Andres interrupts a lot, it’s annoying.
El chico que me presentaste es aburrido.
The guy you introduced me to is boring.
No seas tan descuidado.
Don’t be so careless.
Mi jefe es exigente y estricto.
My boss is demanding and strict.
La nena es distraída, no pone atención en clase.
The little girl is distracted, she doesn’t pay attention in class.
Negative Personality Words in Spanish Part 2
English | Spanish |
evil | malvado |
exaggerated | exagerado |
immature | inmaduro |
impatient | impaciente |
impulsive | impulsivo |
incoherent | incoherente |
inconsiderate | desconsiderado |
insensitive | insensible |
instigator | instigador |
jealous | celoso |
lazy | perezoso |
liar | mentiroso |
malicious | malicioso |
messy | desordenado |
meticulous | meticuloso |
Example Sentences
Siento que ese personaje es malvado.
I feel like that character is evil.
Mario es exagerado, no ocurrió así.
Mario is exaggerated, it didn’t happen like that.
Terminé con mi novio porque es impulsivo e inmaduro.
I broke up with my boyfriend because he is impulsive and immature.
Eres desconsiderado e incoherente, necesitas un cambio de actitud.
You are inconsiderate and incoherent, you need an attitude adjustment.
No soporto que seas tan mentirosa.
I can’t stand you being such a liar.
Mi hijo es demasiado desordenado y perezoso.
My son is too messy and lazy.
Negative Personality Words in Spanish Part 3
English | Spanish |
mischievous | travieso |
naive | ingenuo |
naughty | pícaro |
nosey | metiche |
obsessive | obsesivo |
possessive | posesivo |
pretentious | pretencioso |
proud | orgulloso |
provocative | provocador |
restless | inquieto |
ridiculous | ridículo |
rude | grosero |
ruidoso | noisy |
sad | triste |
scandalous | escandaloso |
Example Sentences
La gente se aprovecha de que eres ingenua.
People take advantage of you for being naive.
Qué metiche eres, no es asunto tuyo.
You’re so nosey, it’s none of your business.
Me divorcié porque mi esposo era posesivo.
I got divorced because my husband was possessive.
No seas grosero.
Don’t be rude.
No soporto a Ana, es muy ruidosa.
I can’t stand Ana, she’s noisy.
Negative Personality Words in Spanish Part 4
English | Spanish |
scruffy | desaliñado |
selfish | egoísta |
shallow | superficial |
silly | tonto |
tattletale | chismoso |
unfriendly | antipático |
ungrateful | malagradecido |
unpleasant | desagradable |
unreliable | poco confiable |
Example Sentences
Préstale a tu hermana la muñeca, no seas egoísta.
Let your sister borrow the doll, don’t be selfish.
A Daniela le gustan las cosas materiales, es alguien superficial.
Daniela likes material things, she’s someone shallow.
No seas tonto.
Don’t be silly.
A nadie le gusta la gente chismosa.
Nobody likes tattletale people.
Eres poco confiable porque nunca contestas el teléfono.
You’re unreliable because you never answer your phone.
Discover even more Spanish adjectives to describe people in this Massive List of Spanish Adjectives for Beginners.
Learn More About Spanish Descriptions
Using Spanish adjectives to describe a person shows how intuitive and confident you are in conversation. Continue to enhance your fluency by signing up to a free class with our certified teachers from Guatemala.
Conversing with a native speaker is a successful strategy for elevating fluency and mastering complex Spanish grammar. Our teachers are equipped to teach you more personality words in Spanish and support you on the road to bilingualism.
Spanish is majorly spoken around the world. It’s on track to reach more than 40 million speakers in the United States. Doing business, studying, and working in Spanish is just bound to keep growing. Expand your communication possibilities and start learning Spanish with our flexible programs.
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