At the Gym: Exercise and Workout Vocabulary in Spanish
Are you ready to do some serious exercise—in Spanish?
Putting on headphones, lifting weights, pumping up your muscles, becoming stronger, sweating, and releasing dopamine into your brain—the whole gym experience is amazing.
Read this post to learn all the Spanish words and phrases you need to talk about your heart-pumping workout at the gym!
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Exercise in Spanish: Verbs
Two ways to conjugate “to exercise” exist in Spanish:
- hacer ejercicio – to do exercise
- ejercitarse – to exercise
PRO TIP: In order to conjugate a verb in future tense in Spanish you can also use the formula: ir a + verb (in infinitive). So you can say me ejercitaré or me voy a ejercitar. If you want to learn how to conjugate ir and hacer in Spanish, check this amazing Spanish irregular verbs guide.
Here are 20 more verbs to use when discussing your pre workout, workout, or post workout routine.
- to warm up – calentar
- to cool down – enfriarse
- to stretch – estirar(se)
- to lift – levantar
- to put down – bajar
- to repeat – repetir
- to crouch – agacharse
- to raise – levantar
- to bend – doblar o flexionar
- to rest – descansar
- to flex – flexionar (presumir if you’re talking about the slang word).
- to keep – mantener(se)
- to increase – aumentar
- to decrease – reducir
- to improve – mejorar
- to skip or jump – saltar
- to breathe – respirar
- to contract – contraer
- to relax – relajar(se)
- to take a shower – ducharse
PRO TIP: Use the verb relajar to refer to your muscles (relajar el músculo). Meanwhile, if you’re talking about yourself, use relajarse. The same applies for mantener and mantenerse or estirar and estirarse.
Example Spanish Sentences
Ayer ya hice ejercicio y me siento muy cansado.
I already did exercise yesterday and I feel very tired.
¿Vamos a hacer ejercicio más tarde?
Let’s do exercise later?
Estoy en el gimnasio.
I am at the gym.
Me gusta ejercitarme
I like to workout.
Mi padre se ejercitará esta tarde.
My father will exercise this afternoon.
Gym Facilities in Spanish
After a nice, sweat-inducing workout at the cycling studio, you may be craving a refreshing swim in the pool—or are you the type to power forward into the boxing ring for more adrenaline?
Whatever you choose to do, here are some common gym facilities in Spanish you’re likely to do it in!
English | Spanish |
gym | el gimnasio |
reception | la recepción |
locker room | el cuarto de los casilleros |
changing room | los vestidores |
showers | las duchas |
sauna | el sauna |
pool | la piscina |
cardio area | el área de cardio |
boxing ring | el ring de boxeo, el cuadrilátero |
cycling studio | el estudio de ciclismo |
free weights area | el área de pesas |
playground | el área o patio de juegos |
main studio | el estudio principal |
kickboxing zone | la zona de kickboxing |
recovery zone | la zona de recuperación |
yoga studio | el estudio de yoga |
lounge | el salón, la sala principal |
Clothes for the Gym in Spanish
For the most successful workout, you’ve got to dress the part. You wouldn’t want to be without your protector bucal in the boxing ring or your gorra de natación when you’re ready to swim at record speed.
Here’s a list of gym clothes in Spanish, which vary depending on the type of workout you’re doing.
English | Spanish |
headband | la banda para la cabeza |
t-shirt | la playera |
shorts | los shorts, la pantaloneta, los pantaloncillos, los pantalones cortos |
leggings | los leggins, la licra |
tennis shoes | los (zapatos) tenis |
boxing gloves | los guantes de boxeo |
mouthpiece | el protector bucal |
hoodie | el sudadero |
shin protectors | las espinilleras |
weight lifting gloves | los guantes para levantar pesas |
swimsuit | el traje de baño |
swim cap | la gorra de natación |
goggles | los lentes de agua o de natación |
tank top | la camiseta sin mangas |
Gym Equipment in Spanish
After changing your clothes and turning on your favorite workout playlist, you’re ready to hit the gym.
Let’s learn what to call gym equipment in Spanish!
English | Spanish |
treadmill | la caminadora |
stationary bicycle | la bicicleta estacionaria |
bench | la banca |
weights | las pesas |
dumbells | las mancuernas |
bars | las barras |
yoga mat | la colchoneta de yoga |
punching bags | los sacos de boxeo |
elliptical machine | la (máquina) elíptica |
rowing machine | la máquina para remar |
stair climber | la máquina para subir escaleras |
exercise balls | las pelotas para ejercicio |
ab wheel | la rueda para el abdomen |
power bands | las bandas de resistencia |
jumprope | la cuerda de saltar |
power rack | el estante de poder o el power rack |
Parts of the Body to Exercise in Spanish
Which muscles do you want to focus on?
Here are the most popular parts of the body to exercise in Spanish.
English | Spanish |
muscle | el músculo |
neck | el cuello |
core | el core, el núcleo, el tronco, el centro |
bicep | el bíceps |
tricep | el tríceps |
forearm | el antebrazo |
shoulders | los hombros |
pecs | los pectorales |
abs | el abdomen |
chest | el pecho |
lats | los laterales |
traps | el trapecio |
obliques | los oblicuos |
front, side, rear delts | los deltoides: frontales, laterales, traseros |
back | la espalda |
legs | las piernas |
quadriceps | el cuádriceps |
hamstrings | los tendones de la cova o los músculos posteriores de la pierna |
glutes | los glúteos |
calves | las pantorrillas |
PRO TIP! When talking about body parts in Spanish use the verb ejercitar. When you’re talking about yourself, conjugate the verb ejercitarse.
Workouts in Spanish
The bench press is just one of many workouts you can do at the gym.
Learn how to say “bench press” and other popular types of workouts.
English | Spanish |
workout | el ejercicio, el entrenamiento |
bench press | el press de banca |
tricep dips | los fondos de tríceps |
crunches | las abdominales |
jumping squats | las sentadillas con salto |
pull ups | las dominadas |
bicep curls | las flexiones de bíceps |
squats | las sentadillas |
lunges | los fondos |
push-ups | las flexiones, despechadas, lagartijas |
burpees | los burpees |
lateral shoulder raises | elevaciones laterales con mancuernas |
dumbbell shrugs | encogimiento de hombros con mancuernas |
deadlift | el peso muerto |
barbell back squat | la sentadilla con barra |
quadriceps leg extensions | las extensiones de cuádriceps |
calf raise | las elevaciones de pantorrillas |
overhead press | el press de hombros |
plank | la plancha |
HIIT (High intensity interval training) | el HIIT o el entrenamiento de alta intensidad |
By mastering numbers in Spanish, you easily count the following workout stats at the gym:
- sets – los sets o las series
- weight – el peso
- repetitions – las repeticiones
- weight loss – la pérdida de peso
- weight gain – el aumento de peso
- calories burned – las calorías quemadas
- traveled distance – la distancia recorrida
Example Spanish Sentences
Hoy me toca hacer pierna.
Today is leg day.
Mañana hago espalda y tríceps.
Tomorrow I (will) do back and triceps.
Ayer nos tocó hacer abdomen.
Yesterday we had to work on our abs.
¿Me puedes enseñar la manera correcta de levantar el peso muerto?
Can you show me the right way to do a deadlift?
¿Necesitas ayuda con ese equipo?
Do you need help with that equipment?
¿Qué comes antes de venir a hacer ejercicio?
What’s your pre workout meal?
¿Tienes una rutina al terminar tu rutina de ejercicio?
Do you have a post workout routine?
¿Has pensado inscribirte a una clase de…?
Have you thought about signing up for a _____ class?
Types of Classes at a Gym
Many fitness centers offer classes from aerobics to yoga and everything in between. To say these in Spanish just say: la clase de… and add any of the following nouns:
English | Spanish |
calisthenics | la calistenia |
boxing | el boxeo |
kickboxing | el kickboxing |
muay thai | el muay thai o el boxeo tailandés |
zumba | la zumba |
salsa | la salsa |
functional training | el entrenamiento funcional |
swimming | la natación |
yoga | el yoga |
Describing Goals at the Gym in Spanish
There are three easy ways to express your workout goals in Spanish:
- Quiero + goal
- Mi meta es + goal
- Venir al gimnasio por/para + goal
English | Spanish |
gain muscle | ganar músculo |
lose fat | perder grasa |
become stronger | volverme más fuerte |
become faster | volverme más rápido(a) |
get fit | ponerme en forma |
get in good (better) shape | ponerme en buena (mejor) forma |
feel better | sentirme mejor |
aesthetics | (por) estética |
train for… | entrenar para… |
tone up | tonificar |
strengthen | fortalecer |
relax | relajarme |
have fun | (por) diversión |
not to stress | para no estresarme |
health | (por) salud |
Phrases to Talk about Your Experience at the Gym
Workout done!
Use the following phrases to talk about your experience at the gym.
¿Por qué no vienes a una sesión de prueba y ves las instalaciones?
Why don’t you come to a trial session and check out the facilities?
Hacer ejercicio al menos tres veces por semana es muy importante.
Working out at least 3 times a week is important.
La membresía del gimnasio no es cara, y no hay que pagar inscripción.
The gym membership isn’t expensive, and you don’t have to pay a sign-up fee.
Quiero que vengas al gimnasio conmigo por tu salud.
I want you to join me at the gym for your health.
Llevo tres años yendo al gimnasio.
I have been going to the gym for three years.
Don’t Forget to Exercise in Spanish
Working out and getting in shape is excellent, and why not combine these endeavors with your new gym-related Spanish vocabulary? Exercising your mind is just as important as exercising your body. Did you know that learning Spanish has cognitive benefits, such as protecting your brain against age-related decline? To get on the path toward becoming bilingual, sign up for a free 1-on-1 class with one of our friendly certified teachers from Guatemala and find out how quickly you can strengthen your Spanish-speaking muscles.
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