Equestrian in Spanish: Horseback Riding Vocabulary
Let’s talk about all things equestrian in Spanish! Horses have been friends and helpers to humans for over 5,000 years, and we continue to cherish and work with them today.
Los caballos are great helpers on farms and ranches, and they’re also a source of transportation and entertainment for many people worldwide.
Anywhere you go, you’ll find horses and people who are passionate about them, which is why learning all things equestrian in Spanish comes in handy.
There are a surprising number of things to learn related to the equestrian in Spanish. We’ll start off by looking at general terms such as colors, species, and body parts. Then, we’ll move on to more niche topics such as competitions, equipment, and lingo to speak like a true equestrian in Spanish expert.
Equestrian in Spanish: Temperaments and Colors
Horses, not unlike humans, come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. These are divided into three temperaments based on their personalities and behaviors, and each temperament is best suited for specific tasks such as riding, agriculture, or competitions.
Let’s discover the different kinds of horses!
Los Caballos de Sangre Fría
Los caballos de sangre fría is the equestrian Spanish equivalent of a cold-blooded horse. It might be strange to think about los temperamentos in terms of temperature, but these temperaments are more symbolic than literal.
Cold-blooded horses are easygoing horses with a lot of strength and resilience, meaning that they’re usually employed as caballos de tiro, or draft horses.
Los Caballos de Sangre Tibia
Warmblooded horses are a combination of cold- and hot-blooded horses. Like having a hip mom and a laid-back dad, you get the best of both worlds.
Los Caballos de Sangre Caliente
Hot-blooded horses are nervous, alert, agile and fast.These horses are harder to get along with if you have little experience with horses. However, their resilience and agility make them great for riding and traveling long distances.
Horse Colors
Horse colors are way more complex that you might think. The names usually relate to more than just the hair color. You have different names based on combinations of mane and fur, spots, and different hues.
This list is not exhaustive, and just like with any other Spanish subject you study, some words will vary by region.
- el azalán — hair, tail, and fur are all the same color
- el albo — one or more white limbs
- el atigrado — striped, much like a tiger
- el bayo — blonde
- el blanco — white
- el melado — honey
- el moro — white with some grey or black parts
- el moro mosqueado — same as moro but with black, freckle-like spots
- el nevado — white spots over a solid color
- el palomino — light brown with lighter muzzle, crest, and tail
- el pinto — white and brown, or white and black
- el prieto — pitch black
- el retinto — dark brown with black muzzle, crest, and tail
- el ruano — crest and tail lighter than the fur
- el tobiano — big white spots
- el tordillo — mixture of white and black hair. (In some places, tordrillo is used for exclusively white horses.)
Non-horse Equines
Non-horse equines are the closest relatives to horses. They can breed with each other, creating unique species.
Donkeys, or los burros, are known for their exceptional strength and ease of care. They are noble beasts that can be stubborn at times. You can also say burro to your friends if they do something silly, but make sure they are good friends, you don’t want them to take it the wrong way.
Las mulas, or mules, are a cross between donkeys and horses.
Las zebras are the wild, untamable relatives of horses. In Spanish, you can write it in two different ways: la cebra or la zebra.
If you breed a zebra with a horse you get un cebrallo, Spanish for zorse. Los cebrallos are easier to tame and ride, but harder than a normal horse.
Los ponis are small and versatile horses that can be used for pulling, plowing, riding, ranch work, and many other useful chores. It turns out that ponis are the jack of all trades of the equestrian world!
Equestrian in Spanish: Horse Anatomy
Horses have long, slender legs built for speed and eyes that provide them with a view angle of almost 360 degrees. Horses also communicate with humans through body language! They use ear position, hoove stomps, and vocal sounds to express how they are feeling.
Here are some of the basic horse body parts you need to know in Spanish if you want to be a master equestrian in Spanish.
Spanish | English |
El hocico | Muzzle |
Los crines | Crest |
La frente | Forehead |
El maslo | Dock |
El corvejón | Hock |
La rodilla | Knee |
El espolón | Fetlock |
El casco | Hoof |
La cola | Tail |
El hombro | Elbow |
La caña | Cannon |
La cruz | Withers |
El lomo | Loin |
Equestrian in Spanish: Horse Equipment
Saddles, horseshoes, you name it! There are so many tools and equipment that people use with horses that anyone who wishes to master equestrian vocabulary in Spanish has to know about equipment.
Spanish | English |
La ación | Stirrup |
El bocado | Bit |
El brazo | Front legs |
La brida | Bridle |
La cabezada | Head collar |
La cincha | Cinch |
El desveno | Bridle / Bit |
La espuela | Spur |
El estribo | Stirrup |
El galápago | Light saddle / Sidesaddle |
El herraje | Horseshoe |
La herradura | Horseshoe |
Los jueces | Harness |
Las riendas | Reins |
La legra | Curet |
La silla de montar | Saddle |
We Love Spanish and Animals!
Learning about animals in Spanish is a super way to connect with new people since animal lovers are found all over the world. Horses are especially close to humans since they’ve been domesticated for thousands of years. Their contributions to our society have brought prosperity and companionship to many people. If you want to learn more about horses or any other animal, study with us at Homeschool Spanish Academy. We have over 10 years of experience under our belt and teach more than 24,000 active students each month. Book a free trial class today and learn Spanish faster than ever!
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