How to Go to the Doctor in Spanish: Vocabulary and Dialogues
Have you ever had to go to the doctor in Spanish and didn’t know how to explain yourself? Or perhaps you have an upcoming check-up programmed and feel nervous about it.
If you live in a Spanish-speaking country or travel to Latin America, you may face this situation. This makes learning healthcare vocabulary and medical phrases crucial.
Keep reading to learn why it’s important to learn vocabulary that will help you communicate better with your doctor, common medical terms and phrases, and a few useful questions and answers for your next visit to the doctor in Spanish.
Table of Contents:
- Going to the Doctor in Spanish
- Spanish Hospital Vocabulary
- Medical Specialties
- Healthcare Vocabulary
- Medical Conditions
- Medical Spanish Phrases
- Q & A at the Doctor’s Office
- Get Ready for Your Next Visit to the Doctor in Spanish!
Going to the Doctor in Spanish
An important part of learning a language is being prepared for specific situations that you may have to deal with one day. Going to the doctor’s office is one of those.
It may be an unexpected visit taking place during your trip to a Spanish-speaking beach town or a planned check-up with your personal doctor in your own sunny retirement home.
I can’t think of a situation where it’s more important to get your Spanish terms right than a visit to the doctor. With that in mind, I’ve put together this comprehensive vocabulary list of common medical terms and useful phrases you may need on your next visit to the doctor in Spanish.
Spanish Hospital Vocabulary
Let’s start with important terms related to the hospital and other medical facilities:
English | Spanish |
hospital | el hospital |
ambulance | la ambulancia |
doctor’s office | la clínica |
clinic | el consultorio médico |
emergency room | la farmacia |
operating room | la sala de emergencias |
infirmary | el hospital |
waiting room | la enfermería |
drugstore | el laboratorio |
ambulance | el quirófano |
sanatorium | la recepción |
ward | el sanatorio |
laboratory | la sala de espera |
reception | el pabellón |
Medical Specialties
It’s essential that you visit the right doctor, so here’s a useful list of common medical specialties and types of doctors. You’ll find more healthcare experts in this post on How to Discuss Your Health.
English | Spanish |
anesthesiologist | el anestesiólogo |
cardiologist | el cardiólogo |
dermatologist | el dermatólogo |
doctor | el doctor |
gynecologist | el ginecólogo |
neurologist | el neurólogo |
oncologist | el oncólogo |
ophthalmologist / eye doctor | el oftalmólogo |
optometrist | el optometrista |
otorhinolaryngologist / ear doctor | el otorrinolaringólogo |
pediatrician | el pediatra |
psychiatrist | el psiquiatra |
surgeon | el cirujano |
urologist | el urológo |
Healthcare Vocabulary
Let’s now go deeper into more specific healthcare vocabulary to explain to your doctor what’s bothering you or understand how your doctor recommends treating your ailments in Spanish.
This section includes symptoms, medical conditions, ailments, medicines, and treatments.
Recommended reading: Your Ultimate Guide to Conditions, Illnesses, and Diseases in Spanish
Symptoms and Side Effects
This part is crucial for you to master in Spanish. If you can’t properly communicate to your doctor what’s affecting you, the whole visit may not go as well as planned.
English | Spanish |
burn | la quemadura |
cough | la tos |
dizziness | el mareo |
fever | la fiebre |
headache | la dolor de cabeza |
heartburn | la acidez |
itch | la comezón |
rash | la irritación |
shortness of breath | la dificultad para respirar |
sore throat | el dolor de garganta |
stomach ache | el dolor de estómago |
stuffy nose | la nariz tapada |
swelling | la hinchazón |
vomit | el vómito |
Medical Conditions
Now it’s time to learn some more serious medical conditions and diseases:
English | Spanish |
astigmatism | el astigmatismo |
cancer | el cáncer |
cataracts | las cataratas |
color blindness | el daltonismo |
diabetes | la diabetes |
flu | la influenza |
glaucoma | la glaucoma |
heart failure | la insuficiencia cardiaca |
malaria | la malaria |
myopia | la miopía |
stroke | el derrame cerebral |
stuffy nose | la nariz tapada |
tonsillitis | la amigdalitis |
tuberculosis | la tuberculosis |
Ailments in Spanish
Let’s take a look at other types of ailments in Spanish that you may find useful on your next visit to the doctor:
English | Spanish |
allergic reaction | la reacción alérgica |
allergy | la alergia |
bee sting | la picadura de abeja |
ear infection | la otitis |
fatigue | la fatiga |
fracture | la fractura |
infection | la infección |
injury | la herida |
insomnia | el insomnio |
nausea | la náusea |
pain | el dolor |
stress | el estrés |
sunstroke | la insolación |
toothache | el dolor de muelas |
Medicines and Treatments
You’ve already had a conversation with your doctor, and they’re telling you what you need to do to take care of your health. They even write you a prescription for medicine. You need to be prepared to understand what your primary care doctor in Spanish tells you, and this list will help you with that:
English | Spanish |
antibiotic | el antibiótico |
bandage | la venda |
diagnosis | el diagnóstico |
eyedrops | las gotas de los ojos |
inhaler | el inhalador |
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) | la resonancia magnética |
medicine | la medicina |
pain killer | el analgésico |
pill | la pastilla |
prescription | la receta |
syrup | el jarabe |
tests | los análisis |
therapy | la terapia |
treatment | el tratamiento |
x-ray | la radiografía |
Medical Spanish Phrases
In this section, I introduce you to useful phrases to say to your doctor—or that your doctor or nurse may say to you.
See also: 50 Essential Medical Phrases for Your Upcoming Physical.
Me duele el estómago.
I have a stomach ache.
Tuve un accidente.
I had an accident.
Soy alérgico a la penicilina.
I’m allergic to penicillin.
No me siento bien.
I don’t feel well.
No puedo respirar bien.
I’m having trouble breathing.
Me zumban los oídos.
My ears are buzzing.
Le voy a tomar su temperatura.
I’m going to take your temperature.
Respire lentamente.
Breathe slowly.
Tiene que hacerse estos análisis.
You need to take these tests.
Tengo asma.
I have asthma.
Tosa, por favor.
Cough, please.
Abra la boca.
Open your mouth.
Tengo seguro de gastos médicos.
I have health insurance.
Depending on your ailment, you’ll need to know about the body parts in Spanish. Take a look at this helpful article on Spanish Body Parts: Vocabulary and Idioms.
Q & A at the Doctor’s Office
Finally, it’s time for some questions and answers that take place at the doctor’s office.
Q: ¿Es la primera vez que le pasa esto?
A1: Sí, nunca me había pasado esto antes.
A2: No, ya me había pasado antes.
Q: Is it the first time this has happened to you?
A1: Yes, this has never happened to me before.
A2: No, this has happened to me before.
Q: ¿Es alérgico a alguna medicina?
A1: Sí, soy alérgico a la penicilina.
A2: No, no tengo ninguna alergia que yo sepa.
Q: Are you allergic to any medicine?
A1: Yes, I’m allergic to penicillin.
A2: No, I have no allergies that I know of.
Q: ¿Cuántos años tiene?
A: Tengo 33 años.
Q: How old are you?
A: I’m 33 years old.
Q: ¿Ha tenido alguna operación en el pasado?
A1: Sí, me operaron de la nariz una vez.
A2: No, nunca me han operado antes.
Q: Have you had any surgeries in the past?
A1: Yes, I had nose surgery once.
A2: No, I’ve never had surgery before.
Q: ¿Tiene seguro?
A1: Sí, tengo seguro.
A2: No, no tengo seguro.
Q: Do you have insurance?
A1: Yes, I have insurance.
A2: No, I don’t have insurance.
Q: ¿Toma algún medicamento?
A1: Sí, tomo unas pastillas para la diabetes.
A2: No, no tomo ningún medicamento.
Q: Do you take any medication?
A1: Yes, I take some pills for my diabetes.
A2: No, I don’t take any medication.
Q: ¿Tiene alguna pregunta?
A1: Sí, ¿dónde puedo comprar estas medicinas?
A2: No gracias, todo está muy claro.
Q: Do you have any questions?
A1: Yes, where can I buy these medicines?
A2: No thank you, everything is clear.
Get Ready for Your Next Visit to the Doctor in Spanish!
Practice this healthcare vocabulary and useful medical phrases to be ready for your next visit to the doctor in Spanish. Remember that one of the main benefits of speaking Spanish is that it makes it easier for you to travel to Latin America and Spain. Studying these helpful medical terms empowers you to enjoy your trip without worry!
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