¡Guau! 15 Spanish Expressions of Surprise That Will Dazzle You
Spanish expressions of surprise are also known as interjections. You say these words or phrases in an exclamatory tone and capture the attention of your listeners. These expressions are written between exclamation marks.
Have fun while learning these useful Spanish words!
15 Excellent Expressions for Different Occasions
With these words you can express surprise, amazement, affirmation, denial, or warning.
These Spanish expressions of surprise add a touch of joy to any situation.
1. ¡Caracoles!
This expression is used in moments when you see something that you cannot believe. It’s the plural of el caracol (snail). Here, it is not related to animals, it’s just a fun way to express amazement.
Example Sentences:
¡Caracoles! No sabía que tenías auto nuevo.
Wow! I did not know you bought a new car.
¡Caracoles! Bailas muy bien. No conocía ese talento que estaba oculto en ti.
Wow! You dance very well. I did not know that hidden talent in you.
¡Caracoles, mamá! Me trajiste muchos dulces.
Wow, mom! You brought me a lot of sweets.
2. ¡Ajá!
If you ever find someone doing mischief or something you didn’t expect, this expression is the best to express amazement.
Example Sentences:
¡Ajá! Te encontré.
Aha! I found you.
¡Ajá! Tú me estabas siguiendo.
Aha! You were following me.
¡Ajá! Este es el ingrediente que estaba buscando.
Aha! This is the ingredient you were looking for.
3. ¡Qué va!
There are times when you just want to deny something but don’t want to sound too negative and want to add a touch of fun to it. One of the best Spanish expressions of surprise is ¡qué va! Use it when you want to deny something without sounding too serious.
Example Sentences:
¡Qué va! Yo no voy a comprar esto tan caro.
No way! I am not going to buy this. It is so expensive.
¡Qué va! No te voy a dejar solo.
No way! I will not leave you alone.
¡Qué va! Eso no es cierto. Te contaré la verdad.
No way! That is not true. I will tell you the truth.
4. ¡Vaya!
This expression is the same as the conjugation of the verb ir (to go) but its meaning is different. It is used when you disagree with something.
Example Sentences:
¡Vaya! Quería hacer un picnic hoy y está lloviendo.
Whoops! I wanted to have a picnic today but it is raining.
¡Vaya! Hay mucho tráfico. Es muy probable que lleguemos tarde.
Whoops! There is a lot of traffic. It is very likely that we will be late.
¡Vaya! Olvidé mis llaves.
Whoops! I forgot my keys.
5. ¡No me digas!
This is one of the Spanish expressions of surprise that are used the most when there is something you cannot believe.
Example Sentences:
¡No me digas! ¿En serio te vas a casar?
No way! Are you really getting married?
¡No me digas! Siento mucho que repruebes pero te deseo suerte en la próxima.
No way! I am very sorry you failed the test but I wish you luck on the next one.
¡No me digas! Te ves más joven que tu edad real.
No way! You look younger than your actual age.
6. ¡Guau!
You know this expression as “wow!” This is one of the expressions of surprise in Spanish that is used to show that you love something—or you can’t believe it.
Example Sentences:
¡Guau! Tu atuendo te hace lucir muy bien.
Wow! You look great in that outfit.
¡Guau! No sabía que te graduaste. ¡Felicidades!
Wow! I did not know you graduated. Congratulations!
¡Guau! Tus hijos han crecido muchísimo.
Wow! Your children have grown a lot.
7. ¡Caray!
To show anger, admiration or surprise, this is the correct expression.
Example Sentences:
¡Caray! Olvidé mi billetera.
Wow! I forgot my wallet.
¡Caray! No sabía que me vendrías a visitar hoy.
Wow! I did not know you were coming to visit me today.
¡Caray! El nuevo edificio es muy alto.
Wow! The new building is very tall.
8. ¡Uy!
In the moments where you do not know how to react to something unexpected, just say ¡uy! This expression is used to show amazement. You can use this for something negative as well as something that seems strange to you.
Example Sentences:
¡Uy, me asustaste! No sabía que estabas aquí.
Oops! You scared me! I did not know you were here.
¡Uy! Ese carro está yendo rápido.
Oops! That car is going really fast.
¡Uy! El perro de tu vecino es muy enojado. Casi me muerde.
Oops! Your neighbor’s dog is very angry. He almost bit me.
9. ¡Bravo!
In situations where something is positive and you are speechless, just say ¡bravo! It is one of the best Spanish expressions of surprise to congratulate or show your admiration for someone.
Example Sentences:
¡Bravo! Estuvo genial tu presentación.
Yes! Your presentation was great.
¡Bravo! El bebé ya puede decir mamá y papá.
Yes! The baby can already say mom and dad.
¡Bravo! Aprobé el examen.
Yes! I passed the exam.
10. ¡Ojo!
El ojo in Spanish is eye, for the sense of sight; however, it is also an expression of surprise that is used to show care or warning in a situation where someone could be hurt or make a mistake.
Example Sentences:
¡Ojo! Solo tienes veinte minutos para resolver el examen.
Watch out! You only have twenty minutes to solve the exam.
¡Ojo! El piso está resbaloso.
Watch out! The floor is slippery.
¡Ojo! Por ese camino es muy peligroso.
Watch out! That way is very dangerous.
11. ¡Aguas!
Another Spanish expression of surprise to express warning is ¡aguas!
Example Sentences:
¡Aguas! Te puedes quemar si te acercas mucho.
Warning! You can get burned if you get too close.
¡Aguas! Esa casa está embrujada.
Warning! That house is haunted.
¡Aguas! Ese cuchillo tiene mucho filo.
Warning! That knife is very sharp.
12. ¡Caramba!
If you want to express amazement about something you cannot believe, this word is useful.
Example Sentences:
¡Caramba! Me alegra que estés bien a pesar del accidente.
Wow! I am glad you are okay despite the accident.
¡Caramba! Tenemos nuevos vecinos.
Wow! We have new neighbors.
¡Caramba! Ya tengo más de cien seguidores.
Wow! I already have over a hundred followers.
13. ¡Dios mío!
This expression is used to express something impossible to believe or excellent. It is a way of saying one of the most used Spanish expressions of surprise, since you can also say ¡Oh Dios!, ¡Dios Santo!, or ¡Mi Dios!
Example Sentences:
¡Dios mío! Tu nuevo corte de pelo te queda precioso.
Oh my God! Your new haircut looks gorgeous on you.
¡Dios mío! No esperaba que fueras más alto que yo.
Oh my God! I did not expect you to be taller than me.
¡Dios mío! Casi pierdo el autobús.
Oh my God! I almost missed the bus.
14. ¡Ay de mí!
When something bad or unwanted occurs, this is the expression that fits. Use it to refer to when something negative happens to you.
Example Sentences:
¡Ay de mí! Se fue la luz y no he terminado mi tarea.
Poor me! The power went out and I haven’t finished my homework.
¡Ay de mí! Voy a llegar tarde.
Poor me! I am going to be late.
¡Ay de mí! Olvidé mi sombrilla y me voy a mojar.
Poor me! I forgot my umbrella and I am going to get wet.
15. ¡Cielos!
This expression is written the same as el cielo (sky) in plural but it is used to express something that has surprised you.
Example Sentences:
¡Cielos! Mi hermana ganó la lotería.
Hey! My sister won the lottery.
¡Cielos! La cometa está volando muy alto.
Hey! The kite is flying very high.
¡Cielos! Mi mejor amiga se va a casar.
Hey! My best friend is getting married.
Also for you: 17 Common Spanish Idioms You Should Know
Practice These Useful Expressions
These are Spanish expressions of surprise that you can use at any time. There is one for every occasion: surprise, amazement, amusement, denial, disagreement, anger, fright, and warning.
All of them are unique, and you can use them to improve your learning of Spanish. Sign up for a free class and continue enjoying using more expressions of surprise.
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- ¡Guau! 15 Spanish Expressions of Surprise That Will Dazzle You - January 26, 2021