How to Talk About Your Wedding in Spanish: A Vocabulary Guide
I’m so excited to talk to you today about your wedding in Spanish. Who doesn’t like chatting and gossiping about this exciting ceremony?
Even if you’re not planning to get married soon in a Spanish-speaking country, learning these words and expressions will boost your Spanish vocabulary.
I’ve prepared a long list of words, useful sentences, and idiomatic expressions that are useful to talk about any wedding in Spanish. If you think that I missed something, please let me know in the comments.
Without further ado, let’s get started.
Your Wedding in Spanish: Vocabulary and Expressions
I’ve chosen for you some useful vocabulary that you may need whether you’re getting married in a Spanish-speaking country, going to attend one, or simply reading about it in a wedding magazine or a romantic novel.
Preparation Time
Spanish | English |
la manicura | manicure |
el maquillaje | make-up |
el papeleo | paperwork |
el peluquero | hairdresser |
la prueba del vestido | dress fitting |
Spanish | English |
la novia | bride |
el novio | groom |
el marido | husband |
la mujer | wife |
el esposo | husband |
la esposa | wife |
el pastor | pastor |
el maestro / la maestra de ceremonias | master / mistress of ceremonies |
el cura | priest |
el padre | father |
el sacerdote | priest |
el reverendo | reverend |
el invitado / la invitada | guest |
la dama de honor | maid of honor |
el padrino | best man |
la madrina | godmother |
la pareja | couple |
la familia política | in-laws |
comprometido/a | engaged |
apalabrado/a | betrothes |
el prometido | friancé |
la prometida | fiancée |
el suegro | father-in-law |
la suegra | mother-in-law |
el cuñado | brother-in-law |
la cuñada | sister-in-law |
el yerno | son-in-law |
la nuera | daughter-in-law |
la dama de honor | maid of honor |
el paje | ring-bearer |
la paje | flower-girl |
los recién casados | newlyweds |
el coordinador / la coordinadora de bodas | wedding planner |
el fotógrafo / la fotógrafa | photographer |
Actions at Your Wedding in Spanish
Spanish | English |
casarse con alguien | to marry someone |
mandar las invitaciones | to send invitations |
leer un discurso | to read a speech |
organizar la boda | to organize the wedding |
besar la novia | to kiss the bride |
intercambiar los votos | to exchange vows |
pedir la mano | to ask for the bride’s hand |
firmar el acta de matrimonio | to sign the marriage certificate |
Wedding Concepts in Spanish
Spanish | English |
la boda | wedding |
el matrimonio | marriage |
el noviazgo | engagement |
la boda religiosa | Religious wedding |
la petición de mano | proposal |
la propuesta | proposal |
la boda civil | Civil wedding |
la ceremonia | ceremony |
el banquete | banquet |
los discursos | speeches |
la luna de miel | honeymoon |
el voto | vow |
la ceremonia de lazo / enlace | Wedding ceremony |
nupcial | Bridal, nuptial |
la sesión de fotos | Photo session |
Objects at Your Wedding in Spanish
Spanish | English |
el anillo | ring |
el vestido de novia | Wedding ring |
el traje do novio | Groom’s suit |
el velo | veil |
los regalos de boda | Wedding gifts |
la alianza | Wedding ring |
la tarta (Spain) | cake |
el pastel (Lat. Am.) | cake |
la invitación | invitation |
el esmoquín | tuxedo |
el anillo de compromiso | Engagement ring |
la lista de regalos | gift list |
el arroz | rice |
el sobre con dinero | envelope with money |
Wedding Venues in Spanish
Spanish | English |
la iglesia | church |
el registro civil | Civil registry |
la playa | beach |
el jardín | garden |
el salón de bodas | Wedding hall |
la tienda de novias | Bridal store |
Phrases for Your Wedding in Spanish
¿Quieres casarte conmigo?
Will you marry me?
¿Te gustaría ser mi esposa?
Would you like to be my wife?
Te invitamos a nuestra boda el 1 de septiembre en la Catedral de Guadalajara.
We invite you to our wedding on September 1st in the Cathedral of Guadalajara.
Será una ceremonia muy íntima, con pocos invitados.
It will be a very intimate ceremony, with few guests.
La ceremonia tendrá lugar en la playa.
The ceremony will take place on the beach.
El banquete será en el Restaurante “El Evento.”
The banquet will be at El Evento Restaurant.
¡Qué hermosa se ve la novia!
How beautiful the bride looks!
El novio se ve algo nervioso.
The groom looks a little nervous.
Los declaro marido y mujer.
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Puede besar a la novia.
You may kiss the bride.
¡Vivan los novios!
Long live the bride and the groom!
And here are the traditional Wedding vows for religious ceremonies:
Yo (nombre), te recibo a ti (nombre) para ser mi esposa/esposo, para tenerte y protegerte de hoy en adelante, para bien y para mal, en la riqueza y en la pobreza, en salud y en enfermedad, para amarte y cuidarte hasta que la muerte nos separe.
I (name) take thee (name), to be my wife/husband, to have and protect you from this day forward, for better and for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us part.
Idiomatic Expressions About Your Wedding in Spanish
Last but not least, I want to share with you some colloquial idiomatic expressions that are related to the topic. They are not all politically correct but it’s always good to know what they mean, and not to offend anybody.
1. Quedarse para vestir santos.
Literally, it means “to be left to dress saints.” This expression means to remain single, too long.
Si no te vuelves más social, te vas a quedar para vestir santos.
If you don’t become more social, you’ll remain single.
2. Pasarse el arroz.
If you say about somebody: se le pasó el arroz, it does not mean that they overcooked the meal but it means they got to the moment when having kids might be challenging.
Ya los dos tienen más de cincuenta años, creo que se les pasó el arroz.
They are both over fifty, I think they are past the prime.
3. Boda lluviosa, novia dichosa.
It simply means that if you get married on a rainy day, it will bring good luck to the bride.
4. Ser una solterona / ser un solterón
To be a spinster or to be a soletrón. It has a negative connotation.
Es una solterona por decisión propia.
She is a spinster by choice.
Practice Time
Do you feel like talking about your wedding in Spanish with somebody else? Whether you just want to chat about this exciting topic or you want to practice your newly acquired vocabulary and expressions, it’s always a good idea.
Remember that you can sign up for a free class and have a long conversation about any wedding in Spanish with one of our friendly and professional, Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala.
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