Fruits and Veggies (Free Spanish Lessons for Kids)
Let me show you how teaching Spanish effectively can be fun with this complete guide to fruits and vegetables for kids!
The same way fruits and vegetables are important to stay healthy, learning a new language is important for kids to continue developing new skills.
This blog post will help you to prepare an awesome lesson about fruits and vegetables for kids. Enjoy the free downloadables we’ve made to assist you in your goal to teach a fun and inspiring lesson!
Download FREE Fruits and Veggies in Spanish Activities for Kids!
Type your name and email below to get three activities for kids about fruits and veggies in Spanish!
Enjoy over 70 unique lessons + free activity packets to download.
Colors in Spanish
Vocabulary words are important, but so are other parts of speech like adjectives! By learning about colors and other adjectives, your child begins to intuit proper word order in Spanish as it differs from English.
Here are the most common colors found in nature to describe fruits and vegetables:
English | Spanish |
blue | azul |
brown | café |
green | verde |
orange | naranja |
pink | rosa |
purple | púrpura, morado |
red | rojo |
white | blanco |
yellow | amarillo |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Mi color favorito es el azul.
My favorite color is blue.
Me encantan las fresas porque son de color rojo.
I love strawberries because they are red.
Include awesome topics in your lessons. Check out: Kid’s Guide to the Wonders of the World
Fruits in Spanish
There are fruits for literally everyone’s tastes! They come from various places and their flavors differ according to their origin.
Tropical Fruits (Las frutas tropicales)
English | Spanish |
banana | la banana |
mango | el mango |
mangosteen | el mangostán |
papaya | la papaya |
pineapple | la piña |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Quiero un sándwich de mantequilla de maní y banana.
I want a peanut butter and banana sandwich.
No me gusta la papaya, prefiero la piña.
I don’t like papaya, I prefer pineapple.
Subtropical Fruits (Las frutas subtropicales)
English | Spanish |
fig | el higo |
grapes | las uvas |
grapefruit | la toronja |
lime | la lima |
lemon | el limón |
olives | las aceitunas |
orange | la naranja |
raisin | la pasa or la ciruela pasa |
Example Sentences in Spanish
La pizza tenía aceitunas. ¡Me encantó!
The pizza had olives on top. I loved it!
Recolecté muchos limones. ¡Hagamos limonada!
I picked up a lot of lemons. Let’s make lemonade!
Melons (Los melones)
English | Spanish |
ambrosia melon | el melón ambrosía |
ananas melon | el ananás |
honeydew | el melón verde |
muskmelon | el melón |
persian melon | el melón persa |
watermelon | la sandía |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Me gusta comer sandía en el verano. ¡Es muy refrescante!
I like to eat watermelon during the summer. It’s very refreshing!
¡No sabía que había tantos tipos de melones!
I didn’t know there were so many types of melons!
Enjoy over 70 unique lessons + free activity packets to download.
Temperate Fruits (Las frutas templadas)
English | Spanish |
apple | la manzana |
apricot | el albaricoque |
avocado | el aguacate |
cherry | la cereza |
peach | el durazno |
plum | la ciruela |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Mi mamá acaba de plantar un árbol de albaricoque.
My mom has just planted an apricot tree.
¿Sabías que el aguacate es una fruta?
Did you know that avocado is a fruit?
¡Hagamos un pie de durazno!
Let’s make a peach pie!
Berries (Las bayas)
English | Spanish |
blackberry | la mora |
blueberry | el arándano |
kiwi | el kiwi |
raspberry | la frambuesa |
strawberry | la fresa |
tomato | el tomate |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Las moras son muy ácidas; prefiero las fresas.
Blackberries are so bitter; I prefer strawberries.
¡Hoy aprendí que el tomate es una fruta!
Today I learned that tomatoes are fruits!
More Fruits Vocabulary
Here are some useful words to use when describing our favorite fruits.
English | Spanish |
citrus fruit | los cítricos |
dried fruit | la fruta seca |
fresh fruit | la fruta fresca |
stone fruit | la fruta con hueso |
ripe | la fruta madura |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Los cítricos tienen mucha vitamina C.
Citrus fruits have a lot of vitamin C.
No me gusta la fruta madura; prefiero la fruta fresca.
I don’t like ripe fruit so much; I prefer fresh fruit.
Do you want an exhaustive list of fruits and vegetables vocabulary? Check out The Ridiculously Long List of Fruits and Vegetables in Spanish!
Fruity Desserts
Here are some common desserts that include fruits and their names in Spanish!
English | Spanish |
cake | el pastel |
cheesecake | el pastel de queso |
cookies | las galletas |
dessert | el postre |
pastries | los pastelitos |
pie | el pie |
strudel | el strudel |
sundae | el helado (con fruta y nueces) |
tart | la tarta |
Example Sentences in Spanish
¡Hoy haremos pastelitos de manzana!
Today we’ll make apple pastries!
Le puse mis frutas favoritas a mi helado.
I put my favorite fruits on my sundae.
Vegetables in Spanish
Time for the greens! Here’s an awesome list of vegetables in Spanish!
English | Spanish |
artichoke | la alcachofa |
asparagus | los espárragos |
beetroot | la remolacha |
broccoli | el brócoli |
cabbage | el repollo |
carrot | la zanahoria |
cauliflower | la coliflor |
celery | el apio |
chilly pepper | el chile pimiento |
corn | el elote |
cucumber | el pepino |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Las zanahorias son deliciosas y saludables.
Carrots are delicious and healthy.
Me gustaría una ensalada de pepino con limón.
I’d like a cucumber salad with lemon.
More Vegetables Vocabulary
English | Spanish |
eggplant | la berenjena |
garlic | el ajo |
lettuce | la lechuga |
mushrooms | los hongos |
onion | la cebolla |
peas | los guisantes |
potato | la papa |
pumpkin | la calabaza |
radish | el rábano |
turnip | el nabo |
yam | la batata |
Example Sentences in Spanish
¡Pongámosle hongos a la pizza!
Let’s add some mushrooms to the pizza!
Hagamos papas fritas caseras. Tenemos muchas papas.
Let’s make home-made french fries. We have a lot of potatoes.
Looking for fun activities? See also: A Vocabulary Guide To Scrapbooking in Spanish
Activities for Kids
Fruits and vegetables vocabulary for kids can be a fun, colorful topic to teach! Let us help with these awesome activities to do at home or in class!
Easy Recipes for Kids
Give your kids a chance to learn two important skills: Cooking and learning Spanish! While they help out in the kitchen, you can teach them the names of fruits and even cooking utensils at the same time.
1. Lemon Fruit Dip
Your kids will love preparing this easy, quick dip! It Includes sugar, lemon juice, cornstarch, vanilla extract, and other easy ingredients to find.
Check out the recipe!
2. Berry Breakfast Pizzas
Grab some frozen biscuits to use as pizza crusts. Then put some berries to boil to make a chewy, delicious jelly and spread it over the biscuits! You’ll be done in a few steps!
3. Three-Fruit Yogurt Shake
Give your kids a kiddie knife to chop their favorite fruits, add some yogurt, sugar, and blend it all together! That will give your kids a healthy and tasty snack!
Visual Aids
Nothing like songs and colorful videos about fruits and vegetables for kids to sing along and learn with!
1. Los colores de las frutas 3 | Rima infantil
Repetitive songs with constant rhymes make it easier for your kids to learn about fruits and colors!
2. 24 vegetales para niños – Hortalizas, frutas y verduras para niños
There are so many vegetables to remember! This song will make it fun and quick!
3. Foods in Spanish | Spanish Learning for Kids
Give your kids much more vocabulary about food!
Let Us Help You Teach Your Child Spanish!
Do you want your kids to have outstanding opportunities? Some studies show that kids who are also learning a new language in their early learning stages have higher chances of performing better than others in tests.
Interacting in 1-on1 classes with native Spanish speakers boosts your child’s confidence as a speaker, too! It allows them to get used to listening to the language, replicate pronunciation, and loosen up while speaking. So sign up for a free class and begin your kids’ journey toward success today!
If you need help with your packed classroom, say no more! We’re here to help. Our group classes promise to keep high-quality teaching methods for your kids. We want the best for your students’ future!
“This is the best way for your kid to learn Spanish. It’s one-on-one, taught by native Spanish speakers, and uses a curriculum.”
– Sharon K, Parent of 3
“It’s a great way to learn Spanish, from native Spanish speakers in a 1-on-1 environment. It’s been fairly easy to schedule classes around my daughter’s other classes. The best value for us has been ordering multiple classes at a time. All the instructors have been great!”
– Cindy D, Parent of 3
“HSA offers very affordable, quality, one on one classes with a native speaker. My son has greatly benefited from taking classes. We have seen his confidence increase as well as his pronunciation improve, because he learns from a native Spanish speaker. HSA has quick, personal customer service. Our family has been very pleased with our experience so far!”
– Erica P. Parent of 1
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