Positive Adjectives in Spanish for Any Person or Occasion
Positive adjectives are great tools for speakers of any language, including Spanish! By learning them, you’ll be able to give compliments, and describe things, experiences, and occasions in an upbeat way.
Positive adjectives are a simple way to expand your knowledge as a beginner or spice up your vocabulary as an intermediate speaker.
Before we go into our own list of positive adjectives, let’s review some helpful facts about Spanish adjectives.
Gender in Adjectives
There are two different types of gendered adjectives, each with different rules: single-ending adjectives and double-ending adjectives. Double ending adjectives have two variations that depend on the gender of the noun they are referencing.
For example:
El gorro bonito — The pretty hat
La gorra bonita — The pretty cap
Single-ending adjectives don’t change with the gender of the noun they are referencing. For example:
El perro grande — The big dog (male noun)
La persona grande — The big person (female noun)
Number in Adjectives
To learn about quantity in adjectives, let’s first look at invariable adjectives. These have neither gender nor number and remain the same regardless of how the noun changes. For example:
Los helados gratis — Free ice cream
La entrada gratis — Free admission
All other kinds of adjectives adjust their number by adding -s or –es at the end to make them plural. For example:
El exámen difícil — The difficult test
Los exámenes difíciles — The difficult tests
La flor bonita — The pretty flower
Las flores bonitas — The pretty flowers
Adjective Placement
Adjective placement is important! As a general rule, you put adjectives after the nouns they describe. Sometimes, however, the meaning of an adjective changes depending on its placement. For example:
Mi viejo amigo — My old friend
Mi amigo viejo — My elderly friend
Other times, placing the adjective before the noun will give it emphasis. This is common in poetry and formal letters, but it’s advisable to use this placement sparingly when speaking Spanish in an informal setting.
Positive Adjectives
Now that we’ve done a quick review of adjective rules, let’s learn some positive adjectives!
People’s Personalities
La señora de la vecindad siempre fue amable con nosotros.
The lady next door has always been kind to us.
Los fans del fútbol son muy apasionados con su deporte.
Soccer fans are very passionate about their sport.
Mis compañeras de universidad son responsables con sus tareas.
My university classmates are responsible with their homework.
Mi tía, la artista, es creativa y talentosa.
My aunt, the artist, is creative and talented.
Jugar cartas con Manuel los domingos es divertido.
Playing cards with Manuel on Sundays is fun.
Physical Characteristics
Mamá dice que me veo guapo en traje y corbata.
My mom says I look handsome in a suit and tie.
Papá dice que Lucy se ve guapa en vestido.
Dad says Lucy looks beautiful in a dress.
Juan se ve descansado después de sus vacaciones.
Juan looks well-rested after his holiday.
Sara es fuerte como su hermano.
Sara is strong like her brother.
Johan se ve sano desde que comenzó a hacer pilates.
Johan looks healthy since he started doing pilates.
Mis amigos dicen que tengo una sonrisa brillante.
My friends say I have a bright smile.
Places or Destinations
El cuarto de juegos es amplio.
The gameroom is ample.
Este carro es bastante espacioso.
This car is quite spacious.
Con mis primos hicimos una fortaleza de cojines acogedora.
We made a cozy pillow fort with my cousins.
La maestra de matemáticas es ordenada con sus cuadernos.
The mathematics teacher is organized with her notebooks.
La sala de la familia Pérez se mantiene siempre limpia.
The Pérez family’s living room is always clean.
Me regalaron un bonito reloj para mi cumpleaños.
They gave me a beautiful watch for my birthday.
El martillo en nuestra caja de herramientas es durable.
The hammer on our toolbox is durable.
Buena calidad
Los nuevos frenos de mi carro son de buena calidad.
The new brakes on my car are high-quality.
De moda
Me quiero comprar el celular de moda.
I want to buy the trendy new phone
Mi computadora es útil y entretenida.
My computer is useful and entertaining.
El perro de Daniel es manso.
Daniel’s dog is tame.
Los conejos de Crista son adorables.
Christa’s bunnies are adorable.
Las mascotas de Julián siempre están entrenadas.
Julian’s pets are always trained.
Simón el chihuahua es amoroso con todos.
Simon the chihuahua is lovable to everyone.
25 More Positive Adjectives
- Cuidador — Caring
- Bondadoso — Kind
- Gentil — Gentle
- Risueño — Smiling
- Amigable — Friendly
- Carismático — Charismatic
- Inteligente — Intelligent
- Sabio — Wise
- Aseado — Hygienic
- Aventurero — Adventurous
- Hermoso — Gorgeous
- Majestuoso — Majestic
- Ameno — Enjoyable
- Cálido — Warm
- Genial — Great
- Elegante — Elegant
- Asombroso — Amazing
- Nuevo — New
- Práctico — Handy
- Genuino — Genuine
- Oportuno — Timely
- Robusto — Sturdy
- Ágil — Agile
- Brillante — Brilliant
- Soleado — Sunny
Positive Adjectives for Positive Mindsets
Now that you have a handy list of positive adjectives, you can go out and put them to good use! Spread some wholesomeness around, and tell people what you like and what you think about all kinds of things such as objects, animals, places, and personality traits.
If you want to practice using positive adjectives, expand your vocabulary and conversation skills, take a free class with one of our certified Spanish teachers and you’ll be describing things within the first few hours!
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