Spelling Words in Spanish: Lists and Lessons with the Letter G
Green grapes are great! And so is learning spelling words in Spanish! Spelling isn’t just for kids who want to participate in a spelling bee; it’s for every level and age of learner! Using spelling words in Spanish helps your reading, pronunciation, and comprehension skills.
Today, let’s learn about one of the few Spanish letters with two different sounds: the G.
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- Spelling Words in Spanish: Letter G
- Practice With Spelling Words in Spanish
- Spanish Spelling Lists: G-
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Spelling Words in Spanish: Letter G
Two Different Pronunciations
One of the great things about the Spanish language is straightforward pronunciation. However, two letters change their pronunciation based on the letters that follow them: C and G. Learn more about “C” spelling words in Spanish here!
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The Spanish G has a hard and soft sound. When followed by an A, O, U, or a consonant, the G has a hard sound, like the G in “great.” When the G is followed by an E or I, it has a soft sound, like the H in “here.” Here are some examples:
Hard G
Followed by A: gato (gah-toh)
Followed by O: goma (goh-mah)
Followed by U: guitarra (gee-tahr-rah)
Followed by consonants: globo (gloh-boh)
grande (grahn-day)
Soft G
Followed by E: gelatina (hel-ah-teen-ah)
Followed by I: girar (here-ahr)
The Silent U
Take a closer look at the word guitarra. The G is actually followed by two vowels. When a U comes after a G and before a vowel, it acts as a placeholder so a hard G can be followed by a soft vowel. In these circumstances, the U is silent and makes the G have a hard sound. If the word guitarra did not have the U, it would be pronounced hee-tahr-rah. The silent U is a spelling tool that makes the spelling match the pronunciation.
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– William R, Parent of 3
Practice with Spelling Words in Spanish
Now that you know all about the letter G in Spanish, it’s time to practice spelling with it! For Spanish spelling exercises, it’s important to practice spelling the words out loud to prepare for when someone asks you how to spell a word (like your name!). For these spelling lists, we will just review the sounds of a few letters, the ones that appear the most in the following words.
G: hay
A: ah
E: ay
I: ee
O: oh
U: oo
L: ele
R: airray
You are ready to start spelling! Here are some tips to make the most out of these spelling lists:
- Practice one list at a time so you can master the beginning sounds.
- Start with the short words first, and make sure you really have them down before moving on to the longer words.
- Pick some words you are struggling with to hang up in your house or study area. Every time you see them, try and spell them.
- Always say the word and its spelling out loud. This will help you relate the pronunciation of the word with its spelling.
Spanish Spelling Lists: G-
GA- Spelling Words in Spanish
3-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Gas | gahs | Gas |
4-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Gana | gah-nah | Desire / hankering |
Gasa | gah-sah | Gauze |
Gato | gah-toh | Cat |
5-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Gafas | gah-fahs | Glasses |
Galán | gah-lahn | Heartthrob |
Gallo | gah-yoh | Rooster |
Ganar | gah-nahr | To win |
Ganga | gahn-gah | Bargain |
Garra | gah-rrah | Claw |
Gasto | gahs-toh | Expense |
6-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Gancho | gahn-choh | Hook |
Garaje | gah-ray-hey | Garage |
Gastar | gahs-tahr | To spend |
7-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Galaxia | gah-lahk-see-ah | Galaxy |
Galleta | gah-yay-tah | Cookie |
GE- Spelling Words in Spanish
3-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Gel | hel | Gel |
4-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Gema | hay-mah | Gem |
Gene | hay-nay | Gene |
5-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Genio | hayn-yoh | Genius |
Gente | hayn-tay | People |
Geoda | hay-oh-dah | Geode |
Gesto | hays-toh | Gesture |
6-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Gemelo | hay-may-loh | Twin |
Género | hain-air-oh | Gender |
Genial | hain-ee-ahl | Great |
Gentil | hain-teel | Courteous |
7-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
General | hain-air-ahl | General |
Generar | hain-air-ahr | To generate |
GI- Spelling Words in Spanish
4-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Giba | hee-bah | Camel hump |
Gira | hee-rah | Tour |
5-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Gilvo | heel-boh | Honey-colored |
Girar | hee-rahr | To turn, spin |
6-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Gitano | hee-tahn-oh | Gypsy |
7-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Gigante | hee-gahn-tay | Giant |
Giralda | heer-ahl-dah | Weather vane |
Girasol | heer-ah-sohl | Sunflower |
GO- Spelling Words in Spanish
3-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Gol | gohl | Goal |
4-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Goma | goh-mah | Glue |
Gota | goh-tah | Drop |
Gozo | goh-soh | Joy |
5-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Golpe | gohl-pay | Hit |
Gordo | gohr-doh | Fat |
Gorra | gohr-rah | Cap |
Gozne | gos-nay | Hinge |
6-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Gorila | goh-ree-lah | Gorilla |
Gotera | goh-tair-ah | Leak |
Gozoso | goh-soh-soh | Joyful |
7-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Golpear | gohl-pay-ahr | To hit |
GU- Spelling Words in Spanish
4-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Guao | gwaow | Wow |
Guía | gee-ah | Guide |
Gula | goo-lah | Guttony |
5-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Guapo | gwah-poh | Handsome |
Guiar | gee-ahr | To guide |
Guion | gee-ohn | Hyphen, script |
Guiso | gee-soh | Stew |
Gusto | goos-toh | Liking |
6-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Guante | gwahn-tay | Glove |
Guerra | Gaihr-rah | War |
Guiñar | Geeh-nyahr | To wink |
Gustar | goos-tahr | To like |
7-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Guácala | gwah-kah-lah | Gross |
Guardar | gwahr-dahr | To save |
*Remember how we said that the U between a G and a vowel is silent? This is only true when the U precedes a soft vowel, E or I. When the U separates a G and a hard vowel (usually A), it has a W sound. Take, for example, the following words:
- Guante (gwahn-tay)
- Guatemala (gwah-tay-mah-lah)
- Guardia (gwahr-dya)
GR- Spelling Words in Spanish
4-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Gran | grahn | Large, great |
Gris | grees | Gray |
5-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Grada | grah-dah | Step |
Grama | grah-mah | Grass |
Gramo | grah-moh | Gram |
Grapa | grah-pah | Staple |
Grasa | grah-sah | Grease |
Grave | grah-bay | Serious |
Gripe | gree-pay | Flu |
6-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Grabar | grah-bahr | Record |
Gracia | grah-syah | Grace |
Grande | grahn-day | Large |
Granja | grahn-hah | Farm |
Gritar | gree-tahr | To yell |
Grueso | grway-soh | Thick |
7-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Gracias | grah-syahs | Thank you |
Gradual | grah-dwahl | Gradual |
Graduar | grah-dwahr | To graduate |
GL- Spelling Words in Spanish
5-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Globo | gloh-boh | Balloon |
6-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Global | gloh-bahl | Global |
Gloria | gloh-ryah | Glory |
Gluten | glooh-tain | Gluten |
7-letter words
Spanish | Pronunciation | English |
Glaciar | glah-syahr | Glacier |
Practice Spelling Words 1-on-1 With Live Spanish!
You have a lot of words to practice! Take it slowly at first, and pronounce the whole word to practice the hard and soft G sounds. Once you feel like you have the hang of it, try practicing these words with a friend, or better yet, with your Spanish teacher!
Try a free Spanish class with us and show off your Spanish spelling skills! They can help you perfect your spelling and provide even more exercises for you. ¡La práctica hace al maestro!
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