The Definitive Vocabulary Guide to Accounting in Spanish
Learning vocabulary related to accounting in Spanish is a wise investment of your time.
Perhaps you need to balance your books in a Spanish-speaking country or solicit the help of a native Spanish-speaking accountant.
Even if you are not an entrepreneur looking for new business opportunities in Latin America, learning new words about money, finances, and accounting, is a good idea.
Keep reading to explore the world of accounting in Spanish. I’ll provide you with a long list of accounting-related nouns, adjectives, and verbs in Spanish. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to balance your books yourself, or at least understand what your accountant is telling you in Spanish.
How to Talk About Accounting in Spanish
Every area of knowledge and work has its own specific set of terms and vocabulary. Accounting in Spanish is no exception. Every business needs a good accountant and has to deal with all the financial terms and obligations related to bookkeeping and accountancy.
Talking about accounting in Spanish is crucial to assure that a business based in a Spanish-speaking country is functioning in the right way.
If you’re not a businessperson opening companies overseas, why should you learn about accounting in Spanish?
Why Learn Accounting Vocabulary in Spanish?
First of all, learning a language implies learning everything you can about it and the culture that produced it. You don’t only learn the words that you think you may need one day, it doesn’t work like that.
That’s why you learn about music, math, or basketball in Spanish, to just name a few areas of life.
Also, did you know that accounting is one of the top 10 careers of the future in Spanish? If you haven’t yet decided which path to follow in life, that’s an interesting tidbit of information. It opens a lot of possibilities overseas. Within the United States, the Spanish-speaking percentage of the population keeps growing at a steady pace.
Accounting in Spanish
Now that we have established that learning accounting in Spanish is important to keep your language-learning progress improving, let’s dive deep into the specifics of this business area.
Accounting-related Nouns in Spanish
First, let’s learn some of the most common nouns used in accounting in Spanish:
la contabilidad | accounting |
el contador / la contadora | accountant |
el año / ejercicio fiscal | fiscal year |
el activo | asset |
el pasivo | liability |
la deuda | debt |
el impuesto | tax |
el IVA | VAT |
la cuenta por pagar | account payable |
la cuenta por cobrar | account receivable |
los ingresos | revenue |
los egresos / gastos | expenses |
la ganancia / utilidad | profit |
la pérdida | loss |
el déficit | deficit |
el fondo | fund |
el préstamo | loan |
el reporte | report |
el seguro | insurance |
el puntaje crediticio | credit score |
el traspaso | conveyance |
la cuenta corriente | checking account |
el flujo de caja / efectivo | cash flow |
la capitalización | capitalization |
el préstamo temporal | bridge loan |
el cheque sin fondos | bounced check |
el banco | bank |
el codeudor | co-debtor |
la firma | signature |
el contrato | contract |
las compras | purchases |
las ventas | sales |
la deuda | debt |
la fecha | date |
la teneduría de libros | bookkeeping |
el libro mayor | ledger |
el inventario | inventory |
el ingreso neto | net income |
la utilidad neta | net profit |
el gasto de operación | operating cost |
la utilidad de operación | operation profit |
el capital | equity |
el estado financiero | financial statement |
el reparto de utilidades | employees’ statutory profit sharing |
el mobiliario y equipo | furniture and fixtures |
el balance de comprobación | trial balance |
los bienes semiacabados | unfinished goods |
la depreciación lineal | straight-line depreciation |
la hipoteca | mortgage |
la sociedad | partnership |
los socios | partners |
los accionistas | shareholders |
la tasa de interés | interest rate |
los ahorros | savings |
el descuento | discount |
la administración / gerencia | management |
la contabilidad de gestión | managerial accounting |
la auditoría | audit |
el auditor / la auditora | auditor |
la factura | invoice |
el actuario | actuary |
la inversión | investment |
el fondo de retiro | retirement fund |
el fondo de inversión | investment fund |
la garantía | collateral, backing |
el porcentaje | percentage |
la bancarrota | bankruptcy |
el tipo de cambio | exchange rate |
la financiación | funding |
los bienes | assets |
los bienes raíces | real estate |
el dinero | money |
el cheque | check |
la chequera | checkbook |
el efectivo | cash |
el crédito | credit |
la tarjeta de crédito | credit card |
la tarjeta de débito | debit card |
el bono | bonus |
la cuenta bancaria | bank account |
los ingresos antes de impuestos | before-tax income |
la tasa | fee |
la transferencia | transfer |
la transferencia electrónica | electronic transfer |
el saldo | account balance |
el depósito | deposit |
el presupuesto | budget |
la liquidez | liquidity |
el salario | salary |
la nómina | payroll |
las ganancias de capital | capital gains |
Accounting-related Adjectives in Spanish
After that long list of nouns about accounting in Spanish, let’s study some accounting-related adjectives.
barato | cheap |
caro | expensive |
costoso | costly |
pagado | paid |
cobrado | charged |
requerido | required |
comprado | bought |
vendido | sold |
reportado | reported |
exitoso | successful |
libre de impuestos | duty-free, tax-free |
asequible | affordable |
financiado | financed |
aprobado | approved |
excesivo | excessive |
satisfactorio | satisfactory |
vencido | expired |
diferido | deferred |
denegado, rechazado | denied |
elegible | eligible |
Accounting-related Verbs in Spanish
Now, let’s focus on learning some useful accounting-related verbs in Spanish.
pagar | to pay |
cobrar | to charge |
vender | to sale |
balancear | to balance |
cerrar | to close |
firmar | to sign |
solicitar, pedir | to ask |
requerir | to require |
valorar | to value |
depreciar | to depreciate |
invertir | to invest |
ejecutar, aplicar | to enforce |
elegir | to choose |
diferir | to defer |
ganar | to earn |
perder | to lose |
reclamar | to dispute |
deber | to debt |
ahorrar | to save |
retirar | to withdraw |
transferir | to transfer |
devengar | to yield (interest) |
endosar | to endorse |
gastar | to expend |
comprar | to buy |
presentar | to submit |
capitalizar | to capitalize |
incluir | to include |
pedir un préstamo | to borrow |
Balance Your Books and Practice Your Spanish!
Now that you are familiar with plenty of useful vocabulary about accounting in Spanish, you can balance your books and practice your Spanish at the same time! Practice is the key word, as new vocabulary won’t stick in your brain unless you start using it in real-life conversations.
Sign up for a free class with one of our certified, native Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala, and start talking about accounting in Spanish today!
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