The Ultimate Guide to Autumn Vocabulary in Spanish
Autumn is right around the corner and if you are as excited as I am, this guide to autumn vocabulary in Spanish is just what you need!
In this blog post, I include autumn vocabulary lists and phrases to talk about this magical season in Spanish.
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Autumn Months
From September 22nd—the autumnal equinox—through December 20th, fall is part of our homes in many ways. The weather, the visible changes in nature, and the smell of pumpkin spice make this season one of our favorites!
Let’s warm-up!
Autumn Months in Spanish
English | Spanish |
autumn | el otoño |
autumnal equinox | el equinoccio otoñal |
december | diciembre |
october | octubre |
september | septiembre |
Example Sentences
El otoño empieza en septiembre
Fall starts in September.
En otoño empieza a hacer frío.
It starts to get cold in autumn.
Colors in Nature
To many the warm colors that represent autumn are unique and it is what makes the season one of the most beautiful times of the year!
Check out this basic vocabulary about the weather in autumn and how to talk about it in Spanish!
Fall Weather in Spanish
English | Spanish |
cold | frío |
cool currents | las corrientes frías |
low temperatures | las temperaturas bajas |
temperature | la temperatura |
warm | cálido |
Example Sentences
¿Por qué hace tanto frío hoy?
Why is it so cold today?
En otoño empiezan las corrientes frías.
Cool currencies start in autumn.
La temperatura pasa de cálida a fría durante esta estación.
Temperature goes from warm to cold during this season.
Now, let’s look at this useful vocabulary about nature and its beautiful colors to describe fall in Spanish!
Nature During Autumn
English | Spanish |
acorns | las bellotas |
amber | ámbar |
branches | las ramas |
brown | café |
chlorophyll | la clorofila |
countryside | el campo |
deciduous trees | los árboles caducifolio |
foliage | el follaje |
golden | dorado |
leaves | las hojas |
orange | naranja |
pine cones | las piñas |
red | rojo |
to change | cambiar |
to fall | caer |
Example Sentences
Las hojas de los árboles cambian de color porque pierden clorofila.
Tree leaves change their color because they lose chlorophyll.
Cuando las hojas se secan, se caen de las ramas.
When the leaves dry, they fall off the branches.
El foliaje de los árboles es muy colorido durante el otoño.
The tree foliage is very colorful during fall.
Los árboles caducifolios son característicos del otoño.
Deciduous trees are typical of autumn.
More Nature Vocabulary
English | Spanish |
to shed | desprender |
trees | los árboles |
yellow | amarillo |
woods | el bosque |
Example Sentences
Las caminatas en el bosque son lo mejor en esta temporada.
Walks in the woods are the best during this time.
Las piñas se desprenden de los árboles. ¡Vamos a recolectar algunas!
Pinecones shed from the trees. Let’s collect some!
Cold weather may make us want to stay at home, but we can be in style whenever we go out during the autumn winds! Here we have some must-have clothes and how to say them in Spanish.
Autumn Clothes
English | Spanish |
blazer | la chaqueta |
boots | las botas |
cardigan | el cárdigan |
coat | el abrigo |
flannel | la franela |
gloves | los guantes |
hat | el gorro |
jacket | la chaqueta |
midi skirt | la falda larga |
scarf | la bufanda |
Example Sentences
¡No olvides tu bufanda!
Don’t forget your scarf!
La franela es lo mejor para el otoño.
Flannel is the best for autumn.
Los abrigos son necesarios cuando hace frío.
Coats are a must when it’s cold.
More Fall Clothes in Spanish
English | Spanish |
socks | las calcetas |
sweater | el suéter |
tights | las medias |
vest | el chaleco |
windbreaker | la chumpa |
woolen dress | el vestido de lana |
woolen socks | las calcetas de lana |
Example Sentences
Uso mis calcetas de lana en las tardes frías.
I wear my woolen socks on cold afternoons.
Usa un chaleco debajo de tu suéter. Es mejor para el frío.
Wear a vest underneath your sweater. It’s better for the cold.
Mi ropa favorita son los vestidos de lana.
My favorite clothes are woolen dresses.
Fall Traditions
Even if I live quite far away from the United States, the traditions associated with autumn have always fascinated me. Aren’t they fun?
I have prepared awesome vocabulary lists for you about some traditions during autumn in Spanish!
Halloween in Spanish
English | Spanish |
black cat | el gato negro |
candy | los dulces |
carving pumpkins | tallar calabazas |
decorations | las decoraciones |
ghosts | los fantasmas |
ghost stories | las historias de fantasmas |
graveyard cemetery | el cementerio |
halloween costumes | los disfraces de halloween |
halloween party | la fiesta de halloween |
haunted houses | las casas embrujadas |
Example Sentences
¡Comeremos muchos dulces en Halloween!
We will eat lots of candy on Halloween!
¿Te atreves a ir al cementerio el 31 de Octubre?
Do you dare go to the graveyard cemetery on October 31st?
¡Ya quiero ir a la fiesta de Halloween!
I can’t wait to go to the Halloween party!
Las casas embrujadas son lo mejor del Halloween.
Haunted houses are the best of Halloween.
More Halloween Vocabulary
English | Spanish |
horror movie | la película de horror |
jack-o-lantern | la linterna de calabaza |
masks | las máscaras |
scarecrow | el espantapájaros |
spooky | espeluznante |
trick-or-treating | pedir dulces |
to scare | asustar |
witches | las brujas |
zombies | los zombies |
Example Sentences
¡Prepara las linternas de calabaza para decorar la casa!
Prepare the jack-o-lanterns to decorate the house!
¡El espantapájaros del vecino es espeluznante!
The neighbor’s scarecrow is spooky!
Compré muchas máscaras para que usemos al pedir dulces.
I bought a lot of masks for us to use when we go trick-or-treating.
Thanksgiving in Spanish
A time for sharing and starting family reunions, Thanksgiving sure has a lot of slang about autumn.
Now, you will be able to talk about this awesome holiday with your Spanish-speaking friends!
Thanksgiving Vocabulary
English | Spanish |
celebration | la celebración |
colonists | los colonizadores |
dinner | la cena |
family | la familia |
friends | los amigos |
football | el fútbol |
gratefulness | el agradecimiento |
holiday | la fiesta |
Massachusetts Bay Colony | la Colonia de la Bahía de Massachusetts |
native americans | los nativos americanos |
pilgrims | los peregrinos/las peregrinas |
Thanksgiving | el Día de Acción de Gracias |
to dine | cenar |
to give (thanks) | agradecer |
tradition | la tradición |
Example Sentences
Es importante agradecer junto a la familia en el Día de Acción de Gracias.
It is important to give thanks with the family on Thanksgiving.
El Día de Acción de Gracias se celebra el último jueves de noviembre.
We celebrate Thanksgiving on the last Thursday of November.
No me puedo perder el juego de fútbol este jueves.
I can’t miss the football game this Thursday.
I believe good food improves a celebration, which is why you can’t miss this vocabulary list you can use to talk about typical autumn food in Spanish!
Autumn Food in Spanish
English | Spanish |
apple pie | el pie de manzana |
beans | los frijoles |
bread | el pan |
casserole | la cazuela |
cornbread | el pan de maíz |
cranberry sauce | la salsa de arándanos |
dessert | el postre |
dish | el plato |
feast | el festín |
gravy | la salsa de carne |
ham | el jamón |
leftovers | las sobras |
meat | la carne |
pecan pie | el pie de pecanas |
potatoes | las papas |
Example Sentences
La salsa de arándanos es mi parte favorita de la cena.
Cranberry sauce is my favorite part of dinner.
Mi salsa de carne es la mejor.
My gravy is the best.
¿Me ayudas a guardar las sobras?
Would you help keep the leftovers?
¿Quieres más pie de manzana?
Would you like more apple pie?
More Food Vocabulary
English | Spanish |
pumpkin pie | el pie de calabaza |
sauce | la salsa |
stuffing | el relleno |
sweet potatoes | las papas dulces |
to bake | hornear |
to baste | untar |
to cook | cocinar |
turkey | el pavo |
yam | la batata |
Example Sentences
¿Te gustó el relleno del pavo?
Did you like the turkey’s stuffing?
¿Me puedes pasar una porción de pie de calabaza?
Can you give me a slice of pumpkin pie?
¿Me ayudarás a hornear el pavo?
Will you help me bake the turkey?
More Activities
Harvest festivals are common during the season because many plants come to fruition.
Let’s look at some awesome Spanish words about this tradition!
Harvest Time!
English | Spanish |
artichokes | las alcachofas |
cabbage | el repollo |
cauliflowers | las coliflores |
corn | el maíz |
crops | los cultivos |
eggplant | la berenjena |
harvest | la cosecha or cosechar |
harvest festival | el festival de la cosecha |
squash | el calabacín |
zucchini | el zucchini |
Example Sentences
¿Me acompañas al festival de la cosecha?
Would you go with me to the harvest festival?
Mi familia cosecha calabacines en su jardín.
My family harvests squash in their garden.
Habrá un festival de la cosecha este mes.
There will be a harvest festival this month.
Autumn Fruits in Spanish
English | Spanish |
apples | las manzanas |
avocados | los aguacates |
grapefruits | las toronjas |
orange | la naranja |
pumpkins | las calabazas |
tangerines | las mandarinas |
nuts | las nueces |
Example Sentences
¡Vamos a escoger unas calabazas!
Let’s go pick some pumpkins!
Mi fruta favorita de la temporada son las manzanas.
My favorite fruit of the season are apples.
It is great to learn about more typical activities during autumn in the United States! So, here is a list of some of them for you to talk about them in Spanish.
Fall Traditions in Spanish
English | Spanish |
apple bobbing | morder la manzana |
beggar’s night | la noche del mendigo |
black friday | el viernes negro |
bonfires | las fogatas |
buy-nothing day | el día de no comprar |
candy corn | el maíz dulce |
corn mazes | los laberintos de maíz |
election day | el día de las elecciones |
homecoming | el regreso a casa |
New York’s Thanksgiving Day Parade | el desfile del día de acción de gracias |
punkin chunkin | destrozar calabazas |
the world series | la serie mundial |
Example Sentences
¿Estás listo para el Viernes Negro?
Are you ready for Black Friday?
Me encanta ir a los laberintos de maíz.
I love going to the corn mazes.
Mis amigos y yo haremos una fogata.
My friends and I will make a bonfire.
Halloween Movies
As a movie lover—even if we do not celebrate Halloween or Thanksgiving in my country—I do love to make a movie marathon during this time!
Here are some of the favorite and most popular movies of the season!
Hocus Pocus (1933)
Directed by Disney’s favorite Kenny Ortega. I have watched this movie since I was a kid and I still watch it at this age! It is funny, family-friendly, and filled with amazing characters. It is a must-watch on October 31st.
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949)
This is a super fun film about spooky stories! The real definition of “old but good” defines this animated adaptation “The Wind in the Willows” and “Sleepy Hollow.”
The Haunted Mansion (2003)
Featuring our beloved Eddie Murphy, this fun yet spooky film contains amazing performances and fun sequences for the whole family to enjoy!
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)
Just like Hocus Pocus, this movie has always been part of my life! The best thing about it is that you can watch it on Halloween or Christmas and you’ll still have the time of your life!
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