The Ultimate List of Superpowers in Spanish
Run like the wind and laser focus on this list of superpowers in Spanish!
Stop wishing for omnilingualism and learn a language by practicing with these superhuman attributes. Can you imagine reading an entire book by touching the cover or heating food with nothing but a glance?
What about flying or time travelling?
Read on to learn how to talk about animal morphing, nature-elements manipulation, immortality, and plenty more in this list of superpowers in Spanish.
To the Bat Pole!
What Are Superpowers?
Superpoderes or superpowers are superhuman and mutant attributes that were invented in the 1930s as the main feature of comic book characters. Its popularity made genre-jumping possible and it eventually extended to all sorts of media. That’s why today you can watch a comedy movie about witches, or read a dramatic vampire book.
The origins of this list of superpowers have an explanation. Whether it’s an animal bite or a human experiment, an outer space birth or godlike genes, background stories and prequels are very detailed and rich. As these evolve, more emotions, empathy and even existential crisis help you understand the points of view of these superheroes—and supervillains. Their life experiences and traumas have carved out their personalities and purpose.
Why Do People Want Superpowers?
People want to have any item of this list of superpowers simply because it would make life easier. You would feel more confident and your options would be plenty in terms of getting food, income, protection, a desired life-style, and of course, being somewhat special.
Some philosophers like Nietszche would support the idea that the ultimate human subconscious desire and motivation is to be powerful. Kant would encourage humans to make things right in this unfair world in order to transcend.
Regardless of people’s utter motivation, the idea of stretching human limits has seduced humans since the beginning of time. This has led us to fly on planes and manipulate nature, with its good and bad consequences.
Famous Characters with Superpowers
The most famous characters with superpowers have become pop culture icons. Most of them belong to either DC Comics or Marvel, the two giants of comics. A list of the most popular superheroes includes:
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman or La Mujer Maravilla is an outer space princess and one of the founders of The Justice League. She is a skilled strategist, fighter and acrobat that was trained in almost all forms of armed and unarmed action. Her superpowers include: superhuman speed and strength, and self-healing, making her almost immortal.
This Kryptonian was adopted by a couple of farmers who advised him to do good by humanity and fight crime in order to preserve peace. He works in Metropolis as a journalist by the name of Clark Kent and changes into Superman or Supermán when needed. He is considered the ultimate archetype of superhero as he has half of this list of superpowers. He can fly, has supernatural strength, super-speed, freezing breath, and x-ray vision.
Tormenta is a mutant recruited by X-Men leader Charles Xavier to educate and guide teenage mutants. She can manipulate weather and atmosphere elements such as wind, environmental temperature and lightning. Storm is an experienced fighter in body combat and due to her lineage she has a natural inclination for white magic, which she masters. She is incredibly sensitive and kind and has learned to develop her emotional intelligence incomparably because she is so connected to this planet that could easily create disaster over simple rage. This fictional superhero also is the queen of Wakanda.
The rich philanthropist and playboy Bruce Wayne or Bruno Díaz has a weird job aside from owning Wayne Enterprises. He is the ultimate night vigilante and protects Gotham City from evil forces of all sorts. His destiny as a superhero is far from random since he swore vengeance for his parent’s murders in the hands of criminals. He was raised by Alfred, his family butler and spared no expense in his intellectual and physical training to defeat villains. Batman has no inherent superpowers but has disciplined himself into making good prevail beyond human boundaries. This has led him to be able to resist mind control and telepathy. He has overpowered and outsmarted villains with super natural attributes.
Rogue’s character was named Pícara in Spain and Titania in Latin America although they changed the last one back to Rogue after the 90’s. She has unpredictable superhuman attributes such as the ability of removing or absorbing memories, power mimicking and hypervolted skin. Rogue can’t be too careful when it comes to touching people because she can hurt them, that’s why she always has gloves on and keeps distance.
The Other Side of the Coin
Megalomania or megalomanía is a byproduct of having superpowers and since human nature can permeate any of them, supervillains were born. Not all famous characters have the intention of doing the right thing. Some of them, drunk with power, have ruled the planet at the top of their to do list. Remember in this list of superpowers, every trait can be used for good or bad. Here are some examples:
Magneto (Magnet-oh) was born with the ability of controlling metals and building magnetic fields. As a mutant, he thinks he forms part of the dominant human subspecies and wishes to finish the coexistence between regular people and them. He built an army that continuously antagonizes Charles Xavier school in an effort to wipe out humanity. One of his skills is cynical rhetoric that can easily persuade you into taking his side.
Poison Ivy
Hiedra venenosa used to be a botanical researcher that was deceived by a male colleague who tried to poison her with deadly herbs from Egypt. Not only she survives but also grows immunity to natural disease and toxins. After being admitted to a mental facility by Batman she obsesses with him and develops plant controlling superpowers and pheromones that help her manipulate people’s minds and desires.
Green Goblin
El Duende Verde possesses supernatural strength, super-speed, quick healing and fast reflexes all provided by a lab accident with Goblin Formula. This Halloween-like villain started off using gadgets that looked like props for October the 31st. His weapons resemble jack-o-lanterns, ghosts and bats. The one thing he still uses is a flying hoverboard.
Mystique is a shapeshifter that works as Magneto’s right hand and strategist. Despite being a hundred years old and blue, she can mimic powers, talents, appearance, and voice. Mística was once ranked as the top comic villain of all time and how could she not be, she is all superheroes and supervillains in one!
List of Superpowers in Spanish
All of these famous characters, superhéroes y villanos, have at least one superpower that ends up defining their lives. Their personalities and destinies have adapted to the fact that they are somehow superhuman. Read ahead to find the ultimate list of superpowers in Spanish:
Natural Elements Manipulation
These are the most common out-of-this-world traits. And makes perfect sense! As a first instinct humans have tried to control their environment for centuries, characters that can do this, are alter egos of humanity. From this list of superpowers, weather, fire, ice, water and earth manipulation -with gadgets- is the closest we’ve been to superhumans.
Weather manipulation – la manipulación atmosférica
Atmokinesis or manipulación atmosférica is the ability to control weather, air and wind. The prefix atmo refers to the atmosphere and -kinesis means movements that respond to stimulus.
Fire manipulation – la manipulación del fuego
Manipulación de fuego obeys the capacity of creating or controlling fire with one’s mind. It is also called pyrokinesis, a term coined by novelist Stephen King in his book Firestarter.
Ice Manipulation – la manipulación del hielo
Manipulación de hielo is the prime feature of X-men’s Robert Louis Drake better known as Iceman. He can not only turn water into ice or control liquids temperature but also build walls or floors of ice. A variety of this super power is freeze vision or visión congeladora.
Water manipulation – la manipulación del agua
At least 16 characters from DC Comics and Marvel can manipulate water including Storm although it isn’t a sought-after superpower by itself. La manipulación del agua isn’t as popular as other abilities since you’d be needing big water sources constantly, unlike atmokinesis or pyrokinesis.
Geokinesis – la manipulación de la tierra
People who can manipular tierra or “manipulate earth” can create earthquakes, move boulders, heal wounds when buried, control sand and lava.
Animal-like Features
Something this list of superpowers can’t miss is the animal-like features we dream to have. Can you imagine flying or water breathing?
Wings – las alas
Some superheroes can only fly but some others grow full alas. These birdlike people can dominate airflows and communicate with other winged creatures.
Echolocation – la ecolocación
Ecolocación more than a superpower from comics, is a natural ability that animals like bats possess. Emitting calls and listening to their echo bouncing back from hills and walls is intellectual property of our dear Mother Nature.
Night Vision – la visión nocturna
Regular humans have poor visión nocturna due to a layer next to the retina that reflects light. On the other hand, deep sea and nocturnal animals have developed this ability and have served as inspiration for vampires’ and werewolve’s sets of superpowers.
Animal morphing – la transformación animal
Rearranging your DNA in order to morph into a different animal species sounds difficult. Supernatural creatures that can do it partially or completely, obtain animals’ looks, physiology, and all traits and abilities.This transformación animal has its origins in various folk tales and popular myths. In Mexico, la leyenda del Nahual or the Nahual legend is broadly known. It was believed that common people could morph into wild beasts that needed to satiate their blood thirst with farm animals. To this day, people claim to see them in mountains and deep into the woods.
Water breathing – la respiración bajo el agua
You’re thinking of Aquaman. There’s two kinds of people in this world: the ones that wish to fly and the ones that wish they could respirar bajo el agua. If this was possible what a pickle for Mother Nature! Having lungs and gills is far from reality but fictional characters that have it, tend to also have the ability of communicating with water animals.
Prefix tele-: From a Distance
“Tele-” means from a distance, and this section of the ultimate list of superpowers in Spanish has all of them. You will think of retro terror movies as well as sci-fi contemporary ones.
Telekinesis – la telequinesis
A cultural favorite, this superpower was introduced to pop culture through movies like Carrie and Matilda, telequinesis is the ability to move objects with one’s mind. Wouldn’t you love to clean the house without getting off the couch?
Telepathy – la telepatía
Plenty of people believe that with the correct training anyone can develop telepatía. This ability to communicate to other living beings with the mind has seduced many movie and TV writers over the years.
Telescopic Vision – la visión telescópica
At a magnified scale, people with visión telescópica can see any distant object.
Telemetry – la telemetría
Telemetría is the very particular ability of receiving and sending electronic signals. If you watched the movie Lucy, you know what I’m talking about.
Teleportation – la teletransportación
This one is my personal favorite. Imagine having breakfast in Mexico, lunch in India and dinner in France… on the same day! Teletransportación has been the main feature of comic, cartoon and movie characters that have different limitations. Some can only transport to places they know while others can go to places no one has been at before.
Some Classics
Most of this part of the list of superpowers will take you back in time to your childhood. The most famous superheroes have most of them and even some characters from bestsellers.
Elasticity – la elasticidad
Stretching, contracting, shaping and expanding your body into any possible form are the treats of having this kind of elasticidad. Anyone that possesses this gift can control the intensity level of the elasticity in their body parts. Did you know that some people are born with a weird case of extreme elasticity? It is called hiperlaxitud and it will give you goose-bumps!
Super-speed – la súper velocidad
Súper velocidad can take you far away in a glimpse of an eye. With our insufferable crowded cities and traffic, who wouldn’t love to have this ability? The classic example is Flash, but if you have seen the netflix showThe Boys you are aware of the downside to it.
Immortality – la inmortalidad
Anyone that likes this idea, changes their mind after meditating on it for 5 solid minutes. Who in their right mind would like to live forever with eternal insomnia as a by-product? Inmortalidad has different faces but everytime we read or watch a vampire story we often think… how could anyone overcome the voided non-feelings that accompany this infamous trait?
Invisibility – la invisibilidad
If regular people had this exceptional capacity no one would be able to gossip anymore. Invisibilidad is a superhuman ability that has been on collective thoughts for ages, it is featured since Greek mythology all the way to Harry Potter and to this day.
Mind Reading, Mind Control and Memory Manipulation – la lectura de mende, el control mental y la manipulación de la memoria
The difference with telepathy is that leer la mente does not involve communicating, only reading. Humans cannot read minds but can approach what someone’s thinking by creating mental models and patterns to infer what the other person’s thinking. Variations of this are mind control or controlar la mente -not to be confused with brainwashing- and memory manipulation or manipulación de memoria.
I’d Be Jealous of This
This list of superpowers has taken us to what I saved for last: The super attributes that would make me really jealous if you had them. Imagine never having to take a pill, or a plane or classes to learn a language!
Time manipulation – la manipulación del tiempo
For centuries, mankind has dreamt of dominating the nature forces and acquiring animal traits. We have conquered some of that as a species, but the one thing that can’t happen is to manipulate time. La manipulación del tiempo would let you freeze it, accelerate it, go back to memories, create new impossible ones, editing or completely changing personal experiences and even the world and history!
Time travel – el viaje en el tiempo
I’d love to spend the summer in 1800’s Italy or celebrating Christmas in Nazareth…2021 years back. Viajar en el tiempo is, believe it or not, something everyone is trying to do to this day, from scientists to people that claim to have had supernatural experiences.
Regenerative Powers – los poderes regenerativos
Never stepping foot in a hospital again. That’s what it would be like having poderes regenerativos. The most iconic characters are Wolverine, Spiderman, Lady Deathstrike, Mystique, Hulk and Deadpool.
Empathy Power – el poder de empatía
By the looks of any news front page of any given day, yes, empathy is a superpower. Charmed, X-men, and Twilight are some of the pieces with characters with poder de empatía. The good news is, this is an ability you can learn and you can literally save the world with it. Being empathic with other human beings, animals, and nature is our current challenge. Remember Peter Parker’s uncle phrase: “With great power comes great responsibility.”
Omnilingualism – el omnilingualismo
It’s a bird! no, it’s a plane! no, it’s a person that knows every language that ever existed! Captain America and Professor X are the most famous to develop this superhuman characteristic but it is very common in the comic, cartoon, TV and movie world. Imagine touring the world and learning about every culture first hand with omnilingualismo, how exciting!
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