The Ultimate Science Vocabulary Guide to Chemistry in Spanish
Discovering the world of chemistry in Spanish proves to be an educational and enriching lesson for young students.
Spanish science words are useful throughout the majority of the school. Some will even come in handy for when your kids move on to college.
Science and chemistry study the composition of matter and biological processes. Chemistry in Spanish teaches kids the function of different types of matter and chemical substances. Through fun experiments and games this lesson is guaranteed to be engaging and easy-going.
Keep reading for the ultimate science vocabulary guide to chemistry in Spanish.
Download FREE Chemistry in Spanish Activities!
Type your name and email below to get two activities about chemistry in Spanish! You will receive: States of Matter Worksheet and Lab Equipment Exercise.
What Is Chemistry in Spanish?
La química (chemistry) is the science that studies substances that make different types of matter. It investigates their properties and how such substances interact, mix, and transform into new ones.
Chemistry also studies los elementos (elements) and how they undergo reactions that change their state. Los estados de la materia (states of matter) are líquido (liquid), sólido (solid), and gaseoso (gas).
The known elements of humanity are listed in the periodic table and are fascinating to discover!
A few elementos your kids are familiar with are oxigeno (oxygen), nitrogeno (nitrogen), hidrogeno (hydrogen), carbono (carbon), helio (helium), and more. When combined, these elements create new substances like agua (water) and dióxido de carbono (carbon dioxide).
Chemical studies have led to amazing and groundbreaking discoveries for humanity.
Fun Facts About Chemistry
- The person who studies chemistry in Spanish is known as a quimico.
- The most abundant element in the universe is hydrogen.
- The most abundant element on planet Earth is oxygen.
- The periodic table has 118 different elements.
- Matter and its DNA are made of atomos (atoms) and moleculas (molecules).
- The majority of chemical substances shrink when they become solid. The only exception is water, which actually expands when it freezes.
- Chemical substances usually transform when exposed to heat and freezing temperatures.
- Some elements are impossible to combine, for example water and oil.
- Not all substances should be combined, many are highly flammable and require precautions.
- Chemical reactions should be done with proper supervision and protective gear.
- Science experiments are fun and visual ways to teach chemistry to children.
Important Chemical Discoveries
- Louis Pasteur created the first vacuna (vaccine). He saved millions of lives and prevented diseases.
- French chemist Pierre Robiquet discovered la cafeína (caffeine).
- Former John Hopkins University president, Ira Remsen, discovered the first artificial sweetener in the world known as sacarina (saccharine). La sacarina is present in brands like Equal and Splenda.
- Adolf Von Baeyer created the blue dye used in jeans.
- Belgian Doctor, Leo Hendrik Baekeland, invented el plástico (plastic).
- Deutch chemist Van Houten invented cocoa powder.
- Dmitri Mendeleev created the first accepted version of the tabla periodica (periodic table) in 1869.
Learning Chemistry in Spanish Is Fun
Spanish science words are the backbone for any student who’s learning all about chemistry in school.
Kids have the ability to develop fluency at a young age. The more you expose them to a language, the more they become proficient in listening, reading, writing, and Spanish conversation.
Taking advantage of your kids’ urge and facility to learn brings them closer to becoming bilingual. Chemistry in Spanish is an area of science that expands their knowledge and prepares them for the future, just like learning Spanish does.
Science experiments are intriguing and highly interesting for young students. They have fun and use their hands in the process. Seeing the behavior of chemical reactions is visually attractive and can introduce Spanish vocabulary easily.
Vocabulary Pack: Science Words in Spanish
The possibilities of teaching science words in Spanish to your kids are never-ending.
Chemistry is a branch of science that expands to the furthest corners and still has millions of discoveries that are waiting to be made.
Here’s a long and complete list of Spanish science words for kids that’ll take their language game to a whole new level in class.
Chemistry in Spanish Basics Part 1
English | Spanish |
acid | el ácido |
atom | el átomo |
biochemistry | la bioquímica |
cell | la célula |
chemical reaction | la reacción química |
chemist | el químico |
chemistry | la química |
decomposition | la descomposición |
discovery | el descubrimiento |
electrón | el electrón |
experiment | el experimento |
flammable | inflamable |
gas | el gas |
laboratory | el laboratorio |
laboratory equipment | el equipo de laboratorio |
Example Sentences
Un átomo es la unidad básica de los elementos químicos.
An atom is the basic unit of a chemical element.
Una reacción química es un proceso que cambia la estructura de una sustancia.
A chemical reaction is a process that changes the structure of a substance.
La química es la rama de la ciencia que estudia las sustancias y material.
Chemistry is the branch of science that studies substances and matter.
Algunos de los descubrimientos más importantes de la humanidad son gracias a la química.
Some of humanity’s most important discoveries are thanks to chemistry.
Los experimentos químicos se realizan en un laboratorio.
Chemical experiments are done in a laboratory.
Algunas sustancias químicas son inflamables.
Some chemical substances are flammable.
Chemistry in Spanish Basics Part 2
English | Spanish |
liquid | el líquido |
matter | la materia |
metals | los metales |
minerals | los minerales |
molecule | la molécula |
neutron | el neutrón |
nonmetals | los no metales |
plasm | el plasma |
properties | las propiedades |
proton | el protón |
science | la ciencia |
scientist | el científico, la científica |
solid | el sólido |
substance | la sustancia |
unit | la unidad |
Example Sentences
La materia es una sustancia física que ocupa un espacio.
Matter is a physical substance that occupies a space.
En la tabla periódica encontramos metales, minerales y no metales.
On the periodic table, we can find metals, minerals, and nonmetals.
Las propiedades de un elemento cambian con reacciones químicas.
The properties of an element change with chemical reactions.
Una molécula está formada por un grupo de átomos.
A molecule is formed by a group of atoms.
Los científicos estudian e investigan los procesos químicos de las sustancias.
Scientists study and research chemical processes of substances.
Una sustancia sólida es firme y tiene forma estable.
A solid substance is firm and has a stable shape.
Learn more about other elements with this fascinating Kids Guide to Rocks and Minerals in Spanish.
Main Units of Chemistry Class in Spanish
English | Spanish |
amount | la cantidad |
electric current | la corriente eléctrica |
density | la densidad |
degrees | grados |
length | la longitud |
luminous intensity | la intensidad luminosa |
mass | la masa |
molar mass | la masa molar |
molarity | la molaridad (mol) |
temperature | la temperatura |
time | el tiempo |
volume | el volumen |
weight | el peso |
Example Sentences
Una unidad química mide cantidades de partículas.
A chemical unit measures quantities of particles.
La densidad mide que tan compacta es una sustancia.
Density measures how compact is a substance.
Los grados miden la temperatura.
Degrees measure temperature.
La masa es un cuerpo de materia que no tiene forma en particular.
The mass is a body of matter with no particular shape.
El volumen mide cuánto espacio ocupa una sustancia en un contenedor.
Volume measures how much space a substance takes inside a container.
El peso mide la cantidad de materia y que tan pesada es.
Weight measures the quantity of matter and its heaviness.
Equipment in Chemistry Class in Spanish Part 1
English | Spanish |
balance scale | la balanza |
beaker | la cubeta de precipitación |
bunsen burner | el mechero bunsen |
clamps | las abrazaderas |
condenser | el condensador |
crucible | el crisol |
tongs | las pinzas |
flask | el frasco |
funnel | el embudo |
gloves | los guantes |
Example Sentences
Una balanza es un instrumento para medir peso.
A balance scale is an instrument used to measure weight.
La cubeta de precipitación es un contenedor de vidrio utilizado en un laboratorio.
A beaker is a glass container used in a laboratory.
Un mechero bunsen se usa para calentar sustancias en experimentos.
A bunsen burner is used to heat substances in experiments.
Un crisol es un contenedor de metal o cerámica que se utiliza para derretir sustancias.
A crucible is a ceramic or metal container used to melt substances.
Un embudo se utiliza para guiar un líquido en una abertura pequeña.
A funnel is used to guide a liquid into a small opening.
Los guantes son importantes para proteger las manos.
Gloves are important for protecting hands.
Equipment in Chemistry Class in Spanish Part 2
English | Spanish |
goggles | las gafas de protección |
graduated cylinder | el cilindro graduado |
lab robe | la bata de laboratorio |
microscope | el microscopio |
mortar and pestle | el mortero y la maja |
pipette | la pipeta |
pipette bulb | la pera de pipeta |
scoopula | la espátula |
thermometer | el termómetro |
watch glass | el reloj de vidrio |
Example Sentences
Las gafas de protección ayudan a resguardar los ojos durante experimentos.
Goggles help protect the eyes during experiments.
Los científicos usan una bata de laboratorio.
Scientists wear a lab coat.
Un microscopio sirve para ampliar la imagen de sustancias que no se ven a simple vista.
A microscope is used to magnify the image of substances that cannot be seen easily.
El mortero y la maja se utilizan para triturar sustancias sólidas.
A mortar and pestle are used to crush solid substances.
Una pipeta es un tubo de vidrio pequeño.
A pipette is a small glass tube.
Un termómetro mide la temperatura de una sustancia.
A thermometer measures the temperature of a substance.
Read this blog post on How to Talk About the Temperature in Spanish and craft another fun and entertaining lesson for your kids.
Chemistry in Spanish Games and Activities
Spanish Science Words Educational Videos
Youtube has a large and diverse collection of videos that support learning Spanish science words. Here is a selection you can choose from to get your kids familiarized with Spanish pronunciation, listening, and useful vocabulary.
- Hablemos de química (Let’s Talk About Chemistry)
- ¿Que son los átomos? (What Are Atoms?)
- La materia y sus propiedades (Matter and its Properties)
- La tabla periódica (The Periodic Table)
- Estados de la materia para niños (The States of Matter for Kids)
DIY Chemical Experiments in Spanish
Homemade chemical experiments are easy to find online. They are the perfect opportunity for teaching young students the wonders of chemical reactions and Spanish science words. Most materials are easy to source and require a quick trip to the pharmacy, hardware store, or supermarket.
DIY experiments often use food dyes, containers, baking soda, soap, oil, vinegar, water, paint, sand, socks, and more!
Get creative and put your student’s hands to work with this list of 16 Surprising Experiments You Can Do At Home.
The States of Matter Worksheet
Enhance your kids’ knowledge of Spanish science words with our states of matter worksheet. It’s an entertaining activity and supports reading comprehension, visual learning, and writing skills in Spanish.
Spanish Science Words Hangman
A good old classic game of ahorcado (hangman) is excellent to improve your child’s reading and writing Spanish skills. Make it interesting and encourage some healthy competition by dividing your classroom into teams.
You can use the words the vocabulary pack in this lesson and include some prizes to make it fun.
Lab Equipment Flashcards and Exercise
Print out our pack of flashcards and Spanish science words exercise for your kids to get familiarized with lab equipment. Flashcards are an excellent resource for supporting chemistry in Spanish vocabulary and for supporting visual learners.
Our pack comes with a fun activity where kids have to match an illustration to the word. Make learning Spanish science words a challenge and keep it amusing with this fun game.
The Periodic Table Trivia
Get your kids familiarized with the elements and Spanish science words with a poster of the periodic table in Spanish. Ask questions as you cover the elements as review and start a conversation.
Here’s a set of questions for you to use as a guide and mix it up.
- ¿Cuántos elementos hay en la tabla periódica? (How many elements are in the periodic table?)
- ¿Qué elemento simboliza H? (What element does H symbolize)
- ¿Cuál es el elemento número 20? (What element is number 20?)
- ¿Cuál es el primer elemento de la tabla periódica? (What is the first element in the periodic table?)
Allow Your Kids To Experiment Spanish
Teaching them about chemistry allows them to fully grasp the importance of chemical processes and the value different elements have to humans. Learning Spanish science words takes young students one step closer to fluency and meaningful Spanish conversations.
If you need further support as a Spanish educator, we are ready to provide 1-on-1 or 2-on-1 online Spanish classes for K-12 students. We can help alleviate the difficulty of having many students of varying levels of performance. You can sign up for a free class today and give it a shot.
Explore the multiple options we have for group classes and allow our team of certified teachers to help you improve your Spanish lessons with useful vocabulary, grammar rules, and strategies.
Give your students a broader sense of community and allow them to take their communication skills to next level of greatness.
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