The Ultimate Vocabulary Guide to Materials in Spanish
Learning about materials in Spanish is more important than you may realize!
It seems most of our favorite artists have a fixation for talking about materials (los materiales) in their music. Consider the following song titles:
- “Brass in Pocket” by Pretenders
- “Concrete and Gold” by Foo Fighters
- “Iron Man” by Black Sabbath
- “Silver Springs” by Fleetwood Mac
Could it be because we use these types of materials almost every day?
To have more precise and interesting Spanish conversations about everyday items and the materials they’re made of, you’ll want to bookmark this super useful vocabulary guide all about materials in Spanish!
Clothing Materials
Have you ever watched red carpets for TV and movie awards and thought, “Wow, those are some gorgeous garments they’re wearing!”? Well, the key to a fine outfit are las telas (fabrics).
Check out this list of materials in Spanish that make the Hollywood stars so fancy and alluring:
English | Spanish |
Cashmere | el cachemir |
Cotton | el algodón |
Corduroy | la pana / el corduroy |
Faux leather | la cuerina |
Lace | el encaje |
Leather | el cuero |
Linen | el lino |
Polyester | el poliéster |
Sailcloth | la lona |
Satin | el satín |
Silk | la seda |
Spandex | la licra |
Velvet | el terciopelo |
Wool | la lana |
Yarn | el hilo |
The fashion industry tends to mix these materials together to create new textures, colors, and tendencies, of which these are the results in Spanish vocabulary:
English | Spanish |
Chiffon | la gasa |
Crêpe | el tejido crepé |
Damask | el damasco |
Gingham | la guinga |
Jersey | el tejido de punto |
Suede | la gamuza |
Taffeta | el tafetán |
Example Spanish Sentences
El esmoquin de Brad Pitt era de pana.
Brad Pitt’s tuxedo was made of corduroy.
¿Viste su vestido de encaje?
Did you see her lace dress?
Me encanta tu bufanda de cachemir.
I love your cashmere scarf.
¿Tu cincho está hecho de cuero?
Is your belt made of leather?
La seda de tu vestido es tan suave.
Your dress’s silk is so soft.
Necesito un suéter de lana.
I need a wool sweater.
Prefiero la cuerina sobre el cuero.
I prefer faux leather over leather.
Furnishing Materials in Spanish
Los materiales para muebles are essential for furniture to be the perfect addition to your living room, your bedroom, or your study. If you buy fine furniture, your environment feels appropriate for you and you’re surrounded by a well-organized, color-matching, soothing ambiance like this one!
Get ready for your next redecorating project with these furnishing materials:
English | Spanish |
Marble | el mármol |
Metal | el metal |
Melamine | la melamina |
Wood | la madera |
Types of Wood in Spanish
Evidence of men creating tools reportedly started 2.58 million years ago. Since the Paleolithic period, wood has been an essential material for manufacturing tools, furniture, and weapons.
What’s more, wood was the fundamental material for buildings, tools, machines, mills, carts, and furniture in Europe from the 10th to 18th centuries.
Did you know that the first printing press was made of wood?
From all those rustic uses of wood to the fancy furniture we buy nowadays, here are some of the main types of wood that we see in our houses (according to the trees we source it from):
English | Spanish |
Ashwood | el fresno |
Beech | el haya |
Cherry | el cerezo |
Mahogany | la caoba |
Maple | el arce |
Oak | el roble |
Pine | el pino |
Walnut | el nogal |
Example Spanish Sentences
Acabo de comprar una mesa de madera de nogal.
I just bought a walnut table.
¿Dónde compraste tu mesa de noche de roble?
Where did you buy your oak bedside table?
¡Mira ese gavetero de fresno! Es hermoso.
Check out that ashwood drawer! It’s gorgeous.
Estoy buscando un escritorio de arce.
I’m looking for a maplewood desk.
3 Materials of Everyday Life in Spanish
1. Electronic Materials
As technology evolves, so do the materials needed to manufacture the electronic devices we use. These are some materials used in technology in Spanish:
English | Spanish |
Arsenic | el arsénico |
Copper | el cobre |
Gold | el oro |
Platinum | el platino |
You may be wondering how these materials are useful in all the electronics that we know. Well, here are some facts that you can share with your Spanish-speaking friends:
El cobre es un material popular con alta conductividad eléctrica.
Copper is a popular material with a high electrical conductivity.
El platino se utiliza para crear fuertes imanes.
Platinum is used to create strong magnets.
El oro se usa para los cables en aparatos electrónicos.
Gold is used for cables in electronic devices.
2. Materials in Spanish of Objects That Surround Us
Daily life has been simplified for us with the multiple objects that surround us. Here are some materials in Spanish that we’re grateful to have nowadays:
English | Spanish |
Brass | el latón |
Ceramics | las cerámicas |
Glass | el vidrio |
Nylon | el nylon |
Plastic | el plástico |
Polymers | los polímeros |
Rubber | el hule |
Silicone | el silicón |
Silver | la plata |
Stainless steel | el acero inoxidable |
Los polímeros se encuentran en objetos simples como bolsas plásticas.
Polymers can be found in simple objects like plastic bags.
Ten cuidado con la ventana de vidrio.
Be careful with that glass window.
Esa alfombra de hule es útil para nuestro baño.
That rubber mat is useful for our bathroom.
Me encanta el estuche de silicón de tu celular.
I love your silicone phone case.
¿Ese collar es de plata?
Is that necklace silver?
Mi bolsa tiene una cadena de latón.
My bag has a brass chain.
No sueltes esa taza, es de cerámica fina.
Don’t drop that mug, it’s fine ceramic.
3. Construction Materials
What does your dream house look like? Have you ever pictured it? Well, if you haven’t, give it a try now!
With this materials vocabulary in Spanish, you’ll be able to plan how to build the house of your dreams someday!
English | Spanish |
Asphalt | el asfalto |
Brick | el ladrillo |
Cement | el cemento |
Clay | la arcilla |
Concrete | el concreto |
Construction materials | los materiales para construcción |
Fiberglass | la fibra de vidrio |
Iron | el hierro |
Plywood | el contrachapado |
Steel | el acero |
Stone | la piedra |
Sun-dried brick | el adobe |
Definitivamente quiero paredes de ladrillo.
I definitely want to have brick walls.
Necesitamos comprar cemento.
We need to buy cement.
La fibra de vidrio es útil para reforzar construcciones.
Fiberglass is useful to reinforce constructions.
Debo colocar barrotes de hierro en mi casa.
I need to set up iron bars in my house.
Other Materials: materiales compuestos
We can find raw materials (las materias primas) as we’ve seen above, but we can also find materials resulting from the combination of multiple others, known as “composites” or as we say in Spanish, los materiales compuestos.
This term refers to any material composed of several others—but did you know that you may have some of these in your mouth?
That’s right! Dentists use resin composites (las resinas compuestas) to fill in cavities, which helps our teeth revert back to their former shape, color, and functionality.
Other examples of composite materials in Spanish include:
English | Spanish |
Polystyrene | el poliestireno |
Acrylics | los acrílicos |
Linoleum | el linóleo |
Why You Should Know About Materials in Spanish
Throughout human history, the materials essential for living have changed—some are no longer in use, while others have continued to be useful for millions of years, like wood or clay.
You may have noticed that some eras are even named after materials themselves that mark crucial events in our history, like the Stone Age and the Bronze Age. This is because these materials were vital to the growth of civilizations and helped to define the experience of the era.
Materials are all around us—some of which are good for us, others not so much—and it’s in understanding the components of these everyday objects that gives us a deeper appreciation of their origin and history.
Practice Materials Vocabulary and More With Native Speakers
Want to learn more than materials in Spanish? Our certified native Spanish-speaking teachers will lead you to Spanish fluency while connecting you directly to Latin American culture, history, and people.
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Even if we share a common language, Latin America is a wide region with a diverse population whose traditions, foods, and folklore will fill your world with wonder and delight. Empower yourself to gain access to a whole new experience by becoming fluent in Spanish. Start today!
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