The Ultimate Vocabulary Guide to Your Kitchen in Spanish
“Kitchen” in Spanish is la cocina.
La cocina is the base of every home and has the power to transport you with flavors, smells, and delicious preparations.
If you’re a passionate foodie or love cooking, describing items in your kitchen in Spanish is a smart and useful way to build everyday vocabulary, while improving your fluency and conversational skills.
Keep reading for a lesson on essential kitchen in Spanish vocabulary, I guarantee it’ll take your Spanish to the next level and prepare you for any kitchen challenge.
Kitchen in Spanish Vocabulary
A large assortment of items are found in a kitchen. Every plays a part in creating yummy dishes and special memories for you and your family to share.
Consider bookmarking this post so you can come back to this list of vocabulary when needed. You can also make sticky notes and place them around the kitchen items as a memory and pronunciation exercise.
Now, let’s begin our lesson on kitchen in Spanish vocabulary!
Me encanta pasar tiempo en la cocina.
I love spending time in the kitchen.
Eres un excelente cocinero.
You’re an excellent cook.
Verbs to Use Around the Kitchen
These “kitchen in Spanish” verbs relate to the art of processing and preparing food. They’ll come in handy for when you’re following a recipe or sharing what goes on in your kitchen in Spanish.
cocinar – to cook
adobar / marinar – to marinate
sazonar – to season
lavar – to wash
cortar / partir – to cut
pelar – to peel
picar – to chop
moler – to grind
incorporar / agregar – to add
mezclar – to mix
batir – to whisk
licuar – to blend
combinar – to combine
freír – to fry
hervir – to boil
colar – to strain
cocer – to cook
hornear – to bake
asar – to grill / roast
saltear – to saute
preparar – to prepare
descongelar – to defrost
quemar – to burn
tostar – to toast
derretir – to melt
rodajear – to slice
calentar – to warm up / heat
rellenar – to fill / stuff
lavar – to wash
limpiar – to clean
¿A que temperatura tengo que calentar el horno?
At what temperature should I set the oven?
Tienes que picar tres zanahorias.
You have to chop three carrots.
Acabo de tostar el pan.
I just toasted the bread.
Voy a freír los vegetales.
I’m frying the vegetables.
El pastel se hornea en un pirex por 30 minutos.
The cake goes in the oven in a pyrex for 30 minutes.
Kitchen Furniture
The kitchen has specific furniture that you usually won’t find in other parts of the house. Let’s take a look.
English | Spanish |
pantry | la despensa |
kitchen furniture | los muebles de la cocina |
counter / countertops | el mostrador / la barra / las encimeras |
sink | el lavaplatos / el fregadero |
faucet | el grifo / la llave |
shelf | el estante / la repisa / el anaquel |
stool / chair | el banco / el taburete / la silla |
table | la mesa |
kitchen island | la isla de cocina |
wine rack | la estantería de vinos |
cupboard | la alacena |
breakfast nook | el desayunador |
drawers | las gavetas |
cabinets | los gabinetes |
wine cellar | la cava de vinos |
La cafetera está en el mostrador.
The coffee maker is on the counter.
La espátula está guardada en la gaveta de los cuchillos.
The spatula is stored in the knife drawer.
La comida se guarda en la despensa.
The food is kept in the pantry.
Kitchen Appliances
The world of electrodomésticos (kitchen appliances) is quite large and diverse. Let’s examine the different names for appliances you’ll find in your kitchen in Spanish.
English | Spanish |
refrigerator | el refrigerador / la nevera |
freezer | el congelador |
toaster | el tostador |
toaster oven | el horno tostador |
stove | la estufa / el fogón |
oven | el horno |
mixer | la batidora |
blender | la licuadora |
air fryer | la freidora de aire |
fryer | la freidora |
rice cooker | la olla arrocera |
juice extractor | el extractor de jugo |
microwave | el microondas |
pressure cooker | la olla de presión |
slow cooker | la olla de cocimiento lento |
instant pot | la olla instantánea |
food processor | el procesador de alimentos |
coffee maker | la cafetera |
espresso machine | la máquina de expresso |
coffee grinder | el molinillo de café |
milk frother | el espumador de leche |
electric kettle | la jarra electrica |
grill | la parrilla / la plancha |
waffle maker | la waflera |
dishwasher | el lavaplatos |
kitchen hood | la campana extractora |
scale | la balanza / la pesa |
timer | el temporizador |
Prendí la estufa para hervir las papas.
I lit the stove so I could boil the potatoes.
¿Dónde está la licuadora?
Where is the blender?
Voy a usar la freidora de aire para cocinar el pollo.
I’m using the air fryer to cook the chicken.
Kitchen Items
Let’s turn our focus to the many utensilios (utensils) and other items you find in the kitchen. All of these are useful for discussing your kitchen in Spanish.
English | Spanish |
spoon | la cuchara |
knife | el cuchillo |
fork | el tenedor |
teaspoon | la cucharita |
scissors | las tijeras |
tongs | las pinzas |
peeler | el pelador |
grater | el rayador |
pitcher | el pichel / la jarra |
corkscrew | el sacacorchos |
colander / strainer | el colador / el escurridor |
bottle opener | el abrebotellas / el destapador |
can opener | el abrelatas |
spatula | la espátula / la paleta |
whisk | el batidor |
salt shaker | el salero |
pan / skillet | el sartén |
cake pan | el molde para pasteles |
pot | la olla / el cazo |
saucepan | la cacerola |
cutlery | los cubiertos / la cubertería |
pepper grinder | el molinillo de pimienta |
lid | la tapa |
tray | la bandeja / la charola |
slotted spoon | la cuchara ranurada / la espumadera |
ladle | el cucharón |
glass | el vaso |
mug | la taza / el pocillo |
teacup | la taza para té |
measuring cup | la taza medidora |
rolling pin | el rodillo |
wine glass | la copa de vino |
plate | el plato |
bowl | el bol / el tazón |
ice cube tray | la bandeja de hielo |
funnel | el embudo |
container | el contenedor |
jar | el frasco |
juicer | el exprimidor |
spice rack | el especiero |
sugar bowl | la azucarera |
tea infuser | el infusor de té |
tea kettle | la tetera |
tea set | el juego de té |
salad bowl | la ensaladera |
garlic press | la prensa de ajo / el machacador de ajo |
meat grinder | la picadora de carne |
meat mallet | el mazo para carne |
mortar | el mortero |
oven mitts | los guantes para el horno / los guantes para lo caliente |
water filter | el filtro de agua |
recipe book | el recetario / el libro de recetas |
Mezcla todos los ingredientes en un bol.
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
El queso está en el contenedor.
The cheese is in the container.
Me pasas los cuchillos por favor.
Pass me the knives please.
Spices and Ingredients
The base of any good recipe is seasoning. Talking about your kitchen in Spanish means including the names of the wide array of spices, grains, and ingredients. Let’s examine the different types of staple foods you’ll encounter.
Spices and Condiments / Especias y Condimentos
English | Spanish |
salt | la sal |
pepper | la pimienta |
sugar | el azúcar |
sweetener | el edulcorante |
paprika | el pimentón |
dill weed | el eneldo |
oregano | el orégano |
basil | la albahaca |
rosemary | el romero |
thyme | el tomillo |
garlic | el ajo |
mustard seeds | las semillas de mostaza |
bay leaf | la hoja de laurel |
ginger | el jengibre |
cumin | el comino |
cinnamon | la canela |
clove | el clavo de olor |
nutmeg | la nuez moscada |
anise | el anís |
cardamom | el cardamomo |
saffron | el azafrán |
fennel | el hinojo |
vanilla | la vainilla |
cilantro | el cilantro / el culantro |
parsley | el perejil |
maple syrup | la miel de maple |
honey | la miel de abeja |
corn syrup | el jarabe de maíz |
La salsa se prepara con orégano, albahaca, ajo y aceite de oliva.
The sauce is made with oregano, basil, garlic, and olive oil.
Los panqueques se comen con miel de abeja.
Pancakes are eaten with honey.
La receta de las galletas lleva vainilla, azúcar y canela.
The cookie recipe has vanilla, sugar, and cinnamon.
Sauces and Oils / Salsas y Aceite
English | Spanish |
canola oil | el aceite de canola |
sesame oil | el aceite de ajonjolí |
vegetable oil | el aceite vegetal |
avocado oil | el aceite de aguacate |
butter | la mantequilla |
margarine | la margarina |
lard | la manteca de cerdo |
olive oil | el aceite de oliva |
vinegar | el vinagre |
balsamic vinegar | el vinagre balsámico |
apple cider vinegar | el vinagre de sidra de manzana |
rice vinegar | el vinagre de arroz |
soy sauce | la salsa soya |
fish sauce | la salsa de pescado |
worcestershire sauce | la salsa inglesa |
tartar sauce | la salsa tártara |
dijon mustard | la mostaza dijon |
tomato sauce | la salsa de tomate |
ketchup | la ketchup / la catsup |
mayonaise | la mayonesa |
hot sauce | la salsa picante |
dressing | el aderezo |
vinaigrette | la vinagreta |
pesto sauce | la salsa pesto |
barbecue sauce | la salsa barbacoa |
¿Le puedes poner salsa barbacoa al pollo?
Can you put barbecue on the chicken?
Necesito vinagre balsámico para la ensalada.
I need balsamic vinegar for the salad.
Prefiero cocinar con aceite de canola.
I prefer to cook with canola oil.
Carbs, grains and seeds / Carbohidratos, granos y semillas
English | Spanish |
wheat | el trigo |
rice | el arroz |
corn / maize | el maíz |
flour | la harina |
chickpeas | los garbanzos |
lentils | las lentejas |
beans | los frijoles / las alubias |
quinoa | la quinua |
pasta / spaghetti | la pasta / el espagueti |
potato | la papa / la patata |
cassava | la yuca / la mandioca |
couscous | el cuscús |
bread | el pan |
tortillas | las tortillas |
oats / oatmeal | la avena |
sweet potatoes | las patatas dulces / el camote |
peanuts | las manías / el maní |
almonds | las almendras |
cashew seeds | las semillas de marañón |
sesame seeds | las semillas de ajonjolí / el ajonjolí |
flaxseeds | la linaza |
chia seeds | la chía / el chan |
sunflower seeds | las semillas de girasol |
La receta dice dos tazas de harina.
The recipe says two cups of flour.
Después de que hierva, la pasta se debe colar.
After it boils, the pasta should be strained.
Voy a hornear pan con linaza, chía y ajonjolí.
I’m baking bread with flaxseeds, chía, and sesame seeds.
Animal products / Productos de origen animal
English | Spanish |
eggs | los huevos |
red meat | la carne roja |
cheese | el queso |
milk | la leche |
ham | el jamón |
cold cuts | los fiambres / los embutidos |
sausage | la salchicha |
beef | la carne de res |
pork | la carne de cerdo |
chicken | el pollo |
turkey | el pavo |
fish | el pescado |
tuna | el atún |
salmon | el salmón |
shrimp | el camarón |
bacon | el tocino |
pork chop / lamb chop | la chuleta de cerdo / la chuleta de cordero |
veal | la ternera |
seafood | los mariscos |
heavy cream | la crema |
Estoy batiendo los huevos para el desayuno.
I’m whisking the eggs for breakfast.
La carne de res se asa en el sartén.
The beef is grilled in the pan.
La receta lleva tres tazas de leche.
The recipe uses three cups of milk.
Fruits and vegetables / Frutas y vegetales
English | Spanish |
apple | la manzana |
orange | la naranja |
lemon | el limón |
passionfruit | el maracuyá / la granadilla |
grapes | las uvas |
watermelon | la sandía |
pineapple | la piña |
guava | la guayaba |
grapefruit | la toronja |
carrot | la zanahoria |
lettuce | la lechuga |
onion | la cebolla |
pepperbell | el chile pimiento / el pimiento morrón |
tomato | el tomate |
squash | la calabaza / el chayote |
cucumber | el pepino |
leek | el puerro |
spinach | la espinaca |
El pepino de la ensalada se corta en rodajas.
The salad cucumber is cut in slices.
La sopa de vegetales lleva puerro, cebolla, zanahoria y chayote.
The vegetable soup has leek, onion, carrot, and squash.
Voy a licuar naranja, sandía y piña.
I’m blending orange, watermelon, and pineapple.
Kitchen Cleaning Supplies
It’s essential to keep your kitchen spick and span. Let’s take a look at the multiple cleaning supplies for the kitchen in Spanish.
English | Spanish |
broom | la escoba |
mop | el trapeador / la fregona |
rag | el trapo |
trashcan / bin | el basurero / el contenedor de basura |
bucket | la cubeta |
dish rack | el escurridor de platos |
dustpan | el recogedor / la pala |
brush | el cepillo |
scouring pad | el estropajo |
kitchen gloves | los guantes de cocina |
dish soap | el jabón de platos |
sponge | la esponja |
apron | la gabacha / el delantal |
Necesito limpiar la cocina.
I need to clean the kitchen.
Gracias por lavar los platos.
Thanks for doing the dishes.
Tenemos que comprar jabón de platos y una esponja.
We need to buy dish soap and a sponge.
Prepare Recipes in Your Kitchen in Spanish!
Now that we’ve covered nouns and verbs for talking about your kitchen in Spanish, it’s time to take our new vocabulary for a spin! You can practice by preparing a meal for your family, following a recipe, or simply talking about all the things in your kitchen in Spanish.
If you want to learn more phrases and words you can use to talk about your kitchen in Spanish, you can always sign up for a free trial class with a certified, native teacher from Guatemala. We teach over 24,000 students a month and have 10 years of experience. Trust me, it’ll be worth your while.
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