Top 10 Bilingual Interview Questions To Land Your Dream Job
Excelling at an interview in Spanish determines if you’ll get your dream job or not. Knowing in advance how an interview in Spanish flows, gives you confidence and empowers you to tackle any Spanish questions and answers intuitively.
If you’re set on acquiring professional experience abroad or simply want to spice up your resume with Spanish proficiency, preparing ahead of time is ideal for you to excel.
Keep reading for useful job interview vocabulary and a guide on how to succeed at the Top 10 Bilingual Interview Questions to Land Your Dream Job.
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Communication Skills Are Important
A job interview in Spanish opens up a whole new world of professional opportunities. It’s the perfect chance for you to show off your strengths, language skills, and personality.
La entrevista de trabajo (job interview) definitely takes you out of your comfort zone but preparing with confidence and taking the time to elevate your Spanish fluency takes you one step closer to success. Demonstrating that you have efficient and insightful communication skills in Spanish is proof that you handle well under pressure and shows your infinite potential.
Recruiters are on the lookout for excellent communication, knowledge of useful Spanish vocabulary, and specially for candidates that bring more value to the job position and company mission.
Get ready to tackle your nerves with this article on How To Overcome Feeling Shy When Speaking Spanish.
Interview in Spanish Vocabulary
It’s important for you to know frequently used words and expressions that make all types of Spanish questions and answers.
Get familiarized with Spanish terminology and interview in Spanish vocabulary using this practical list.
Interview in Spanish Vocabulary Part 1
English | Spanish |
boss | el jefe, la jefa |
candidate | el candidato, la candidata |
chief executive officer | el director ejecutivo, la directora ejecutiva |
colleagues | los colegas |
company | la compañía, la empresa |
degree | la licenciatura, el título |
employee | el empleado, la empleada |
employment contract | el contrato laboral, el contrato de empleo |
experience | la experiencia |
human resources | los recursos humanos |
interviewee | el entrevistado, la entrevistada |
interviewer | el entrevistador, la entrevistadora |
job | el trabajo, el empleo |
job benefits | los beneficios laborales, las prestaciones laborales |
job description | la descripción de puesto, la descripción de empleo |
job interview | la entrevista de trabajo, la entrevista laboral |
Example Sentences Part 1
Mi nuevo jefe es muy buen líder.
My new boss is a wonderful leader.
Soy un candidato ideal para este empleo.
I’m an ideal candidate for this job.
La compañía tiene buenos beneficios laborales.
The company has great job benefits.
Tengo una licenciatura en administración de empresas.
I have a degree in business management.
Tengo que revisar el contrato laboral.
I have to review the employment contract.
Creo que tengo suficiente experiencia para este trabajo.
I think I have enough experience for this job.
El departamento de recursos humanos se encarga de la entrevista laboral.
The department of human resources is in charge of the job interview.
Interview in Spanish Vocabulary Part 2
English | Spanish |
job offer | la oferta de trabajo, la oferta laboral |
labour market | el mercado laboral |
master’s degree | la maestría |
punctuality | la puntualidad |
personal references | las referencias personales |
qualifications | las aptitudes |
recruitment process | el proceso de reclutamiento |
recruiter | el reclutador, la reclutadora |
responsibilities | las responsabilidades |
resume | el curriculum |
role | el rol, la posición |
salary | el salario, el sueldo |
salary expectation | la expectación salarial, la pretensión salarial |
schedule | el horario |
strengths | las fortalezas |
Example Sentences Part 2
Esta oferta laboral es muy atractiva.
This job offer is highly appealing.
La puntualidad es esencial en un nuevo empleo.
Punctuality is essential in a new job.
Necesito tres referencias personales en mi currículum.
I need three personal references in my resume.
Mis aptitudes son las mejores para este rol.
My qualifications are the best for this role.
El salario es muy bajo para mi pretensión salarial.
The salary is too low for my expected salary.
El horario laboral es flexible.
The schedule is flexible.
Mis fortalezas son el trabajo en equipo, la eficiencia y el liderazgo.
My strengths are teamwork, efficiency, and leadership.
Interview in Spanish Vocabulary Part 3
English | Spanish |
to apply for a job | aplicar a un trabajo |
to hire | contratar |
to interview | entrevistar |
to sign a contract | firmar un contrato |
trial period | el periodo de prueba |
unemployed | desempleado, desempleada |
values | los valores |
weaknesses | las debilidades |
working hours | las horas de trabajo |
Example Sentences Part 3
Estoy desempleado y quiero aplicar a este trabajo.
I’m unemployed and want to apply for this job.
Espero que me contraten después de entrevistarme.
I hope I get hired after I’m interviewed.
Después de firmar el contrato empieza el periodo de prueba de tres meses.
After signing the contract the three month trial period starts.
Mis debilidades más grandes son la indecisión y la impaciencia.
My biggest weaknesses are hesitancy and impatience.
Read this insightful blog post packed with Workplace Spanish Vocabulary to prepare even further for your interview in Spanish.
Top 10 Bilingual Interview Questions
Being mindful and aware of the potential questions you’ll be asked in an interview in Spanish is an excellent strategy. Preparing for the unexpected enables you to tackle all sorts of Spanish questions and answers. Readiness takes you a long way and ensures you’ll give a good first impression.
Use this list of common Spanish questions and answers for your upcoming job interview in Spanish.
Job-related Spanish Questions and Answers
The interviewer is interested in learning how you heard about the job and why you’re interested in applying. This helps interviewers understand which recruiting channels are working for attracting the right candidates, and what the most appealing aspect of the job is.
1. How Did You Hear About the Position? (¿Cómo te enteraste de la plaza?)
Get ready to tell them what you know about the company. Elaborate on where you found the job ad and why it’s of interest for you.
Example Answers
Supe del trabajo por LinkedIn.
I heard about the job through LinkedIn.
Me lo recomendó un amigo que trabaja para ustedes.
A friend of mine who works for you recommended the job.
2. Why Are You Interested in This Position? (¿Por qué te interesa este trabajo?)
Be sure to highlight why this job is appealing. If you’re interested in the experience, the benefits, and the potential growth opportunities. Emphasize on how the job would contribute to your professional career and knowledge.
Example Answers
Este trabajo me va a dar más experiencia laboral y me permitirá mejorar mi español.
This job will increase my working experience and will allow me to improve my Spanish.
Me interesa este trabajo por los beneficios y las oportunidades de crecimiento.
I’m interested in this job because of the benefits and the growth opportunities.
3. What Position Did You Have In Your Previous Job? (¿Qué puesto ocupaste en tu último trabajo?)
Be honest and clear about your previous experience. If you’re changing jobs, clarify what motivated you to leave and change.
Example Answers
Trabajé en el área de gerencia pero no veía crecimiento.
I used to work in management but I didn’t see myself growing.
Estaba a cargo del equipo de marketing.
I was in charge of the marketing team.
Qualifications and Character: Spanish Questions and Answers
Use this part of the interview as a way of highlighting what makes you ideal for the job. Talk about yourself and what personal attributes and skills make you stand out from other candidates.
4. What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses? (¿Cuáles son tus fortalezas y debilidades?)
Be humble and honest. People who are able to recognize their weaknesses are also aware of the strengths to overcome them.
Example Answers
Puedo ser una persona impulsiva e impaciente en ocasiones; sin embargo, trabajo bien bajo presión y sé aprovechar mi tiempo.
I can be impulsive and impatient at times; nevertheless, I work well under pressure and know how to make efficient use of my time.
Trabajo bien en equipo y puedo tomar decisiones rápidamente si es necesario.
I’m a team player and can make decisions fast when necessary.
5. What Do You Like To Do in Your Free Time? (¿Qué haces en tu tiempo libre?)
Talk about your hobbies and what you like to do to stay busy. There’s no need to overshare but talk about wholesome and enriching activities you enjoy outside of work.
Example Answers
Me gusta leer en español y estar con mi familia.
I enjoy reading in Spanish and spending time with my family.
Hago ejercicio y practico mi español.
I exercise and practice on my Spanish.
Experience and Knowledge: Spanish Questions and Answers
6. How Long Have You Known Spanish and How Did You Learn It? (¿Hace cuánto hablas español y cómo lo aprendiste?)
This question is key to an interview in Spanish. It sets the tone on how difficult the questions are and how strong your communication skills are for getting the job done.
Example Answers
Aprendí español hace cuatro años mientras viajaba por México.
I learned Spanish four years ago while I was traveling through Mexico.
Recibo clases de español todas las semanas desde hace dos años.
I have taken Spanish lessons every week for the last two years.
7. Why Are You the Right Candidate for This Job? (¿Por qué eres el candidato ideal para este trabajo?)
Emphasize on why you are right for this job and what you can bring to the table that others can’t. Talk about your previous work experience and what you did to support achieving goals and objectives. These questions are key for succeeding in this interview in Spanish.
Example Answers
Soy una persona organizada y tengo amplio conocimiento en mercadeo.
I’m an organized person and have wide marketing knowledge.
Soy capaz de adaptarme a los cambios y tengo las ganas de seguir mejorando y aprendiendo.
I can adapt to changes and have the willingness to improve and keep learning.
Final Spanish Questions and Answers
8. Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years? (¿Dónde te ves en cinco años?)
Interviewers want to know what your future goals and aspirations are. It’s important for you to share where you picture yourself in the next few years and what you hope to accomplish if you get this position.
Example Answers
Me veo trabajando y siendo exitoso en esta empresa.
I see myself working and succeeding in this company.
Tengo planeado adquirir más experiencia laboral y espero poder viajar por trabajo y placer.
I plan on getting more work experience and I hope to travel for work and leisure.
9. What Is Your Salary Expectation? (¿Cuál es tu pretensión salarial?)
It’s important for you to be clear in this interview in Spanish about what you hope to get from this position. Talking about your salary expectation let’s employers know what you consider your experience is worth. It’s also a good opportunity to discuss other job benefits, schedule, responsibilities, and duties.
Example Answers
En base a las obligaciones y a mi experiencia, espero ganar alrededor de $800 al mes.
Based on my obligations and my experience, I hope to earn around $800 a month.
Tomando en cuenta las responsabilidades y tareas, espero que mi salario sea justo y acorde a mi experiencia.
Considering the responsibilities and job tasks, I hope that my salary is fair and according to my experience.
10. How Early Can You Start? (¿Cuándo podrías empezar?)
Recruitment procedures can’t be rushed. Even when you move forward after the first interview, there’s a chance you still have to do other tests and complete paperwork. If you’re moving between jobs, it’s important to let the recruiter know when you’ll be available to start for them to organize the recruitment process accordingly.
Example Answers
Estoy disponible para empezar lo más pronto posible.
I’m available to start as soon as possible.
Mi último día de trabajo es este viernes, así que estoy listo para empezar a partir de la otra semana.
My last day in my current job is Friday, so I’m ready to start next week.
A Few Final Tips for Your Interview in Spanish
- Don’t stress and overthink your answers.
- Remember this set of Spanish questions and answers serves as a guide. These questions may lead to others.
- Have confidence in your answers and believe in yourself.
- Talk about specific scenarios that required extraordinary skills for the job.
- Show ambition and willingness to work.
- Dress accordingly. First impressions matter, especially when your potential employer has a dress code and specific work attire.
- Don’t miss out on any opportunity to show you consistently work on your Spanish.
- Practice in front of the mirror or with others.
- Research the company and the position ahead of the interview.
- Display you’re a goal oriented person who is constantly seeking to get better.
Practice With a Mock Interview in Spanish
According to studies by The Economist, bilingual people have the potential of earning more competitive salaries and expanding their career opportunities around the world.
If you’re set on taking your Spanish and professional career to the next level, sign up for a free class with our certified Guatemalan teachers. Practicing Spanish questions and answers in a mock interview with a native speaker will boost your fluency and confidence.
Take advantage of your willingness to improve and become the ideal candidate for your dream job.
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