Your Go-to Vocab List for School Supplies in Spanish
When you think of school supplies in Spanish, which ones come to mind first? I remember always loving to buy many different colors of pens and different sizes of notebooks. I loved stickers and personalizing all my things! Going back to school meant getting cool new tools to use in the learning process.
School supplies are essential for kids, as well as adults, because it’s important to feel prepared and ready. Having the best tools makes kids feel excited and motivated to learn something new. Studies show that there is a school supply gap that should be filled. All students should have access to what they need to learn. Now let’s learn how to say all these fun school supplies in Spanish.
List of School Supplies in Spanish
Now, let’s get into the go-to vocabulary list for school supplies in Spanish that will not only help you broaden your Spanish vocabulary but also make sure you have everything you need to go back to school!
Utiles escolares – School supplies
Los cuadernos, los libretas – notebooks
La carpeta – binder
La cartulina, el papel de construcción – construction paper
Libreta de dibujos – drawing book
Las hojas sueltas – filler paper
El cartapacio – folder
Las fichas – index cards
El corrector – liquid paper
Writing Utensils
Los crayones – crayons
El borrador – eraser
El marcador – marker
La pluma, el bolígrafo – pen
El lapiz – pencil
La portaminas – mechanical pencil
La sacapuntas – pencil sharpener
El estuche, la cartuchera – pencil box
El resaltador – highlighter
Art Supplies
Las tijeras – scissors
La cinta adhesiva – tape
Las acuarelas – watercolors
La plastilina/plasticina – modeling clay
El pincel – paint brushes
El papel – paper
La goma, el pegamento – glue
La mochila – backpack
El libro – book
La calculadora – calculator
El diccionario – dictionary
La lonchera – lunch box
La regla – ruler
How Spanish Supplies Can Help the Learning Process
Whether you’re a student, a teacher or a parent, having good Spanish materials for language learning is key. It’s essential to get students thinking in the language that you’re learning.
According to Bloom’s Taxonomy, there are six levels of learning:
- Remembering
- Understanding
- Applying
- Analyzing
- Evaluating
- Creating
Here’s more on how each level can enhance the Spanish classroom.
1. Remember
This is a basic level where students must define words and memorize information.
Example: Use school supplies in Spanish to help students memorize new words in the classroom.
2. Understand
Once you’ve made it through the basics, try to describe information to elicit deeper understanding.
Example: Describe what school supplies in Spanish can do. Discuss the different tools that help in the learning process. You can also watch a video in Spanish and then explain what happened.
3. Apply
This is when the knowledge learned is applied.
Example: You can use a board game and challenge yourself to say all new words in Spanish. You can also play a game to encourage and support new vocabulary learned.
4. Analyze
This is all about connecting ideas. Students should compare, contrast, and organize new information. Finding different patterns in language learning is a great way for new learners to get a glimpse into what another culture is like. Consider watching videos of places in Latin America that you’d like to visit.
Example: Take two books or stories in Spanish and compare them. Don’t forget to review all the new school supplies in Spanish that you’ve learned and see if you can remember them all.
5. Evaluate
This is a great opportunity for students to evaluate themselves. Once they feel confident in what they’ve learned, they can create a test to evaluate themselves and their classmates.
Example: Choose an article about anything that interests you and appraise the views mentioned in the article.
6. Create
Creating is an excellent way to learn.
Example: Depending on the level, you can create a crossword puzzle using school supplies in Spanish or fill-in-the-blank exercises. A more advanced student could write a short story using new vocabulary words.
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Additional Activities
Try out these fun additional activities that can help kids and adults alike learn the vocabulary.
Identify Items
With young Spanish learners, look for the items around the house or classroom and count as many as you can find. You can also say what the item is in Spanish.
Try to use school supplies in Spanish and practice counting them. This is also a great opportunity to practice the verbs ver and encontrar.
¿Cuántos puedes ver / encontrar?
How many can you see / find?
Veo, veo
In pairs, also try the I spy with my little eye….but in Spanish. Veo un lápiz, veo dos libros, veo un cuaderno sobre el escritorio, etc. Not only do they get to remember new vocabulary but also build sentences and reinforce structure.
Listening Activities
You can also do a listening activity where you can have kids draw the different school supplies in Spanish that they just learned! Have them color them in different colors and practice your colors Spanish vocab.
For more advanced students, describe different school supplies in Spanish and where they’ve been hidden. You can have younger kids play hide and seek with the same items and make it a fun game for the whole family!
What School Supplies in Spanish Do You Use?
Now that you’ve learned the words for many different school supplies in Spanish, how can you add them to your day ? As a language teacher, I’ve found that the more prepared you feel to start your Spanish learning journey, the better.
Once you’re set with all your school supplies in Spanish, try to recite out loud as many as you can remember! It’s a fun way to broaden your vocabulary!
Did this school supplies in Spanish list help you get organized? Let me know in a comment. Remember to sign up for a free class and practice these new words with a native Spanish speaker from Guatemala today!
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