Your Vocabulary Guide to Talking About Fantasy and Magic in Spanish
Get ready to let your imagination run wild with fantasy and magic in Spanish!
The world of fantasy and magic provides a great escape from reality to a place where anything is possible. And fantastic creatures, powers, spells, and make-believe are also a big part of the Spanish-speaking world.
Learning vocabulary related to fantasy and magic in Spanish is a great tool for you to share and talk about books, movies, tv shows, video games, or other unique hobbies you may have.
Keep reading for a fantastic lesson on magic in Spanish vocabulary
¡Aprendamos de magia y fantasía!
The Endless Possibilities of Fantasy and Magic
Ever since we’re children, imagination and creativity are a large part of our development. Magic and fantasy are present in our life as soon as we start watching movies, listening to stories, or watching cartoons. Both genres have the capacity of surprising us and bringing us close to a world of endless possibilities.
La fantasía (fantasy) is the mental representation of events, stories, characters, or images that aren’t real. The fantasy world allows our imagination to come up with all sorts of supernatural events surrounded by magic.
La magia (magic) is a type of occult art that has the power to create illusions while integrating elements of surprise, mysticism, and make-believe. Magic blows our minds and provokes us to question the rationale.
By combining your fascination with fantasy and magic in a Spanish vocabulary lesson, you improve your ability to express your interests and to comprehend conversations surrounding these topics!
A Long List of Fantasy and Magic in Spanish Vocab
I’ve prepared a long list of words and phrases that will equip you to have long, deep, and meaningful conversations about fantasy and magic in Spanish.
Whether you’re reading a book about magic in Spanish, enjoying a fantasy movie with kids, or if you simply want to discuss your favorite sci-fi novel—this list is guaranteed to improve the fluency of your Spanish conversations.
Let ‘s take a look!
All About Magicians and Witches
Los magos y las brujas (magicians and witches) are the stars of the magical world. They are the ones who supply the magic through enchantments and artifacts that are part of their attire.
There are different types of magicians and witches, along with all types of objects they use. Let’s examine vocabulary words related to these important elements of magic in Spanish.
English | Spanish |
Magician | el mago |
Magic show | el show de magia / el espectáculo de magia |
Witchcraft | la brujería |
Witch | la bruja |
Warlock / wizard / sorcerer | el brujo / el hechicero |
Enchantress / sorceress | la hechicera |
Magician’s assistant | la asistente del mago |
Illusionist | el ilusionista |
Magic wand | la varita mágica |
Broom | la escoba |
Cauldron | el caldero |
Magic spell | el hechizo mágico |
Curse | la maldición |
Charm | el encanto |
Magic words | las palabras mágicas |
Magic trick | el truco de magia |
Potion | la poción |
Spell book | el libro de hechizos |
Top hat | el sombrero de copa |
Pointy Hat | el sombrero puntiagudo |
Crystal ball | la bola de cristal |
Cape | la capa |
Deck of cards | el mazo de cartas / las cartas |
Amulet | el amuleto |
Magic symbols | los símbolos mágicos |
Alchemy | la alquimia |
Example Sentences in Spanish
La bruja me lanzó un hechizo.
The witch cast a spell on me.
Ayer vi un espectáculo de magia de un ilusionista.
Yesterday I saw a magic show by an illusionist.
Las palabras mágicas son abracadabra.
The magic words are abracadabra.
El hechicero tenía un sombrero puntiagudo.
The wizard had a pointy hat.
Tengo un libro de hechizos muy interesante.
I have a very interesting spell book.
El mago me pidió que escoja una carta del mazo como parte del truco.
The magician asked me to pick a card from the deck as a part of the magic trick.
Mi libro favorito trata de un mago que usa una capa.
My favorite book is about a magician that uses a cape.
Me gusta preparar pociones de amor.
I like preparing love potions.
Harry Potter tiene una varita mágica.
Harry Potter has a magic wand.
Fantastic Characters and Creatures
The fantasy and magical world is full of different types of beings. There are criaturas (creatures), monstruos (monsters), and make-believe beings that surround the tales and stories of magic in Spanish.
Let’s examine a few words you can use to talk about these fantastic characters.
English | Spanish |
Mermaid / merman | la sirena / el tritón |
Cyclops | el cíclope |
Demon | el demonio |
Dragon | el dragón |
Ogre | el ogro |
Orc | el orco |
Goblin | el estrago |
Dwarf | el enano |
Elf | el elfo |
Unicorn | el unicornio |
Vampire | el vampiro / la vampireza |
Troll | el trol |
Leprechaun | el duende |
Werewolf | el hombre lobo |
Fairy | el hada |
Ghost | el fantasma / el espanto |
Genie | el genio |
Ghoul | el espíritu malo |
Beast | la bestia |
Spirits | los espíritus |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Las hadas y los unicornios son seres fantásticos.
Fairies and unicorns are fantastic beings.
Mi libro favorito se trata de un dragón.
My favorite book is about a dragon.
Las películas de vampiros son muy emocionantes.
Vampire movies are exciting.
Yo creo que las sirenas existen.
I believe mermaids exist.
Los orcos no existen.
Orcs don’t exist.
Mi hermano cuenta las mejores historias de fantasmas y espantos.
My brother tells the best ghost stories.
Fantastic and Magical Places
Our imagination has the possibility of creating and designing places where anything can happen. Many of these places are part of well-known fantasy stories, books, movies, and tales of magic in Spanish.
Let’s dive into the names of these magical places in Spanish.
English | Spanish |
Land of far, far away | una tierra muy, muy lejana |
Utopia | la utopía |
Dungeon | el calabozo |
Castle | el castillo |
Tower | la torre |
Enchanted forest | el bosque encantado |
Magic cave | la cueva mágica |
Underwater kingdom | el reino acuático |
Middle-earth | la tierra media |
Neverland | la tierra de nunca jamás |
Wonderland | el país de las maravillas |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Había una vez un bosque encantado en una tierra muy, muy lejana.
Once upon a time there was an enchanted forest in a land far, far away.
A Rapunzel la encerró una bruja en una torre.
Rapunzel was locked up in a tower by a witch.
El príncipe está atrapado en un calabozo.
The prince is trapped in a dungeon.
Las sirenas viven en un reino acuático.
Mermaids live in an underwater kingdom.
Los elfos son criaturas de la tierra media.
Elves are creatures of middle earth.
Peter Pan vive en la tierra de nunca jamás.
Peter Pan lives in neverland.
Magic in Spanish Verbs
Talking about extraordinary things requires using extraordinary words. Let’s examine the different verbs and adjectives you can include in your vocabulary for discussing magic in Spanish.
English | Spanish |
Fortune-telling | la adivinación |
Illusion | la ilusión |
Levitation | la levitación |
Teleportation | la teleportación |
To cast a spell | lanzar un hechizo |
To conjure | conjurar |
To enchant | encantar |
To invoke | invocar |
To bewitch | embrujar |
To pull a rabbit out of a hat | sacar un conejo de un sombrero |
To put a spell on | hechizar |
To wave a magic wand | agitar una varita mágica |
To disappear | desaparecer |
To horrify | horrorizar |
To poison | envenenar |
To hallucinate | alucinar |
To save | salvar |
To defend | defender |
To attack | atacar |
To protect | proteger |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Soñe que estaba levitando de la cama.
I dreamt I was levitating off the bed.
El unicornio me protege de la bruja malvada.
The unicorn protects me from the wicked witch.
El hechicero me embrujó y estoy alucinando.
The warlock bewitched me and I’m hallucinating.
El mago sacó un conejo de su sombrero.
The magician pulled a rabbit out of his hat.
Ayer vimos una película de monstruos y me horrorizó.
We saw a movie about monsters yesterday and it horrified me.
El mago desapareció al final del espectáculo.
The magician disappeared at the end of the show.
Magic in Spanish Adjectives
English | Spanish |
Magical | mágico |
Impressive | impresionante |
Mischievous | travieso |
Invisible | invisible |
Imaginary | imaginario |
Protective | protector |
Poisonous | venenoso |
Enchanting | encantador |
Captivating | cautivador |
Deceiving | engañoso |
Unique | único |
Powerful | poderoso |
Unusual | inusual |
Unexplained / inexplicable | inexplicable |
Whimsical | caprichoso |
Weird | raro / extraño |
Wicked / evil | malvado |
Fantastic | fantástico |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Los duendes son criaturas imaginarias.
Leprechauns are imaginary creatures.
El show de magia estuvo fantástico e impresionante.
The magic show was fantastic and impressive.
Lo que vi ayer en el bosque fue raro e inusual.
What I saw in the forest yesterday was weird and unusual.
Los fantasmas son invisibles.
Ghosts are invisible.
Las sirenas son encantadoras.
Mermaids are enchanting.
Los elfos son mágicos y poderosos.
Elves are magical and powerful.
Me encanta la magia porque me gusta lo extraño e inexplicable.
I love magic because I like the strange and inexplicable.
Talk About Magic in Spanish!
I hope this vocabulary guide preparese you to engage in fun conversations full of fantasy and magic in Spanish. Feel free to come back to this page whenever you need a refresher. You’ll notice magic is all around us, even if it’s in small quantities.
If you’re feeling extra magical and ready to take on another challenge, how about elevating your Spanish abilities? You can sign up for a free trial class with our certified, native, Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala. They can tailor the class to your needs and work their magic around your knowledge of Spanish. The class requires no payments and I can guarantee once you’re done, you’ll be more fluent, confident, and ready to talk about any topic in Spanish!
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