40 Spanish Words of Greek Origin
We can find Greek-origin words in almost all of our daily conversations. Ancient Greece not only influenced the forms of government of our modern society but also the way we communicate in other languages, especially Spanish.
Let’s explore the presence of Greek in Spanish and why Greek is so strongly tied to the language you love learning!
Brief History of Spanish Language
Spanish is a Romance language derived from Latin that has had countless variants over time.
The Roman Empire adopted numerous patterns from the Greek—mainly in literature—and once they became a powerful civilization, they conquered territories in today’s European grounds.
Their diffusion of Latin was a statement of dominance.
The real evolution from Latin to Spanish began when the Roman Empire invaded Cartago and, later, Hispania, where the native languages fused with Latin.
After the Roman Empire fell, Latin slowly returned during the Middle Ages as an intellectual lingo. They considered Latin essential in Literature and Science during the Greco-Latin ages.
By the Middle Ages, texts in Latin were translated into Castellano, a popular dialect in Spain. This exercise spread this new language over the population as Castilla grew politically and geographically.
Learn more: Differences Between Latin American and Castillian Spanish
In reality, Spanish comes from “vulgar” (spoken) Latin, and most Romance languages come mainly from spoken rather than written Latin.
Greek Influence on Spanish
Greek was a prestigious language back when Greece was a powerful society. This is why the Romans took so much from this civilization—namely, their literature. Scientists and philosophers used the “more proper” version of Greek, resulting in the “regular” people seeing them as cult and educated.
As a result, Romans decided that Latin should take some aspects of Greek. As we saw above, Latin is the main language from which Spanish was born, which explains the inevitable hints of Greek in Spanish as we know it today.
Morphological Influence
We can find the Greek influence in Spanish mainly in Medicine and Science, the Greeks’ favorite subjects. As you explore the Greek origin words I’ve prepared for you, you will find that Spanish uses Greek words mostly as suffixes or prefixes and rarely as complete words.
Here are some examples:
- Bio-
- Hemo- or hemato-
- Neuro-
Numerical prefixes of Greek in Spanish include these:
- Mono- (Once)
- Di- (Twice)
- Tri- (Three times)
Symbols used in Mathematics or Arithmetic (⅀, 𝛑) are also evident influences of Greek in Spanish and our modern life.
40 Greek Origin Words in Spanish
With the following list, discover how Spanish words are tied to Greek words and how some of them are even similar to words in English!
Note! Before you check out the list, know that the term Hellenisms refers to Greek-origin words that have made their way into modern-day Spanish. The list below uses the term Hellenisms in reference to prefixes or suffixes of Greek origin that we use in everyday Spanish words.
1. Aire
Greek: ἀήρ – ἀερός , ἡ
Spanish Roots: aero-
Other Meanings: niebla, atmósfera
Hellenisms: aéreo, aerostático, aerodinámica
English Translation: air
2. Agudo
Greek: ἄκρος-α-ον
Spanish Roots: acro-
Other Meanings: elevado, alto
Hellenisms: acrofobia, acrópolis, acróbata
English Translation: acute, severe
3. Antiguo
Greek: ἀρχαίος-α-ον
Spanish Roots: arca-, arque-
Hellenisms: arcaico, arqueología, arquetipo
English Translation: antique
4. Cien
Greek: ἑκατόν
Spanish Roots: hecto-
Hellenisms: hectolitro, hectárea
English Translation: hundred
5. Conocer / Saber
Greek: γιγνώσκω
Spanish Roots: (g)no(s)
Hellenisms: gnosis, agnóstico, diagnóstico, pronóstico
English Translation: [to] know
6. Corazón
Greek: καρδία-ας, ἡ
Spanish Roots: cardi-, cardio-
Hellenisms: cardíaco, cardiopatía
English Translation: heart
7. Dedo
Greek: δάκτυλος-ου, ὁ
Spanish Roots: dactil(o)
Hellenisms: dactilar, pterodáctilo
English Translation: finger
8. Dentro
Greek: ἔνδον
Spanish Roots: endo-
Hellenisms: endógeno, endoscopio, endotérmico
English Translation: within, inside of
9. Diez
Greek: δέκα
Spanish Roots: deca-
Hellenisms: década, decámetro
English Translation: ten [times]
10. Dolor
Greek: ἄλγος-ους, τὸ
Spanish Roots: -algia
Hellenisms: neuralgia, artralgia, analgésico
English Translation: pain (algia)
11. Dos [veces]
Greek: δίς
Spanish Roots: dis-
Hellenisms: diedro, dilema
English Translation: twice
12. Doce [veces]
Greek: δώδεκα
Spanish Roots: dodeka
Hellenisms: dodecasílabo, dodecágono
English Translation: twelve [times]
13. Dulce
Greek: γλυκύς-εῖα-ύ
Spanish Roots: glic-, gluc-
Hellenisms: glucemia, glucosa, glúcidos
English Translation: sweet (especially referring to glucose and derived words)
14. [Uno] Mismo (a)
Greek: αὐτός-ή-όν
Spanish Roots: auto-
Other Meanings: Él / ella mismo(a)
Hellenisms: autodidacta, autobiografía
English Translation: self, auto-
15. Enfermedad
Greek: ἀσθενεία-ας, ἡ
Spanish Roots: astenia, asténico
Other Meanings: debilidad
Hellenisms: miastenia, neurastenia
English Translation: asthenia
16. Escribir
Greek: γράφω
Spanish Roots: grafo, grafía
Other Meanings: dibujar
Hellenisms: gráfico, ortografía, bibliografía
English Translation: [to] write
17. Flecha
Greek: βέλος-ους , τὸ
Spanish Roots: bal-, bol-
Other Meanings: dardo
Hellenisms: bola, bolos, ballesta
English Translation: arrow
18. Fuera [de]
Greek: ἔξω
Spanish Roots: exo-
Hellenisms: exógeno, exocrino, exoftálmico
English Translation: out of, exogenous.
19. Gobernar
Greek: ἄρχω
Spanish Roots: -arquía, -arca
Other Meanings: Ser el primero
Hellenisms: oligarquía, monarca
English Translation: [to] govern, form of government
20. Grave
Greek: βαρύς-εῖα-ύ
Spanish Roots: bari-, baro-
Other Meanings: pesado
Hellenisms: barítono, barómetro, barifonía
English Translation: deep, low
21. Intestino
Greek: ἔντερον-ου, τὸ
Spanish Roots: entero-
Hellenisms: gastroenteritis, entérico
English Translation: intestine
22. Lengua
Greek: γλῶσσα [γλῶττα]-ης,ἡ
Spanish Roots: glota, glosa
Hellenisms: políglota, glosa, glotis
English Translation: tongue
23. Letra
Greek: γράμμα-ατος, το
Spanish Roots: -grama
Other Meanings: inscripción, documento
Hellenisms: pentagrama, holograma, gramática
English Translation: letter
24. Linaje
Greek: γένος-ους , τὸ
Spanish Roots: gen-, geno-
Other Meanings: clase, género, especie
Hellenisms: génesis, género, genealogía
English Translation: lineage, descent
25. Matrimonio
Greek: γάμος-ου, ὁ
Spanish Roots: -gamo
Other Meanings: unión, casamiento
Hellenisms: polígamo, monógamo
English Translation: marriage
26. Malo
Greek: δύς
Spanish Roots: dis-
Hellenisms: disfunción, dislexia
English Translation: bad, not working, without [smt]
27. Médico
Greek: ἰατρός-ου, ὁ
Spanish Roots: -iatría, -iatra
Hellenisms: psiquiatría, pediatría
English Translation: doctor
28. Mujer
Greek: γυνή-γυναικός, ἡ
Spanish Roots: gin-, gineco-
Hellenisms: ginecólogo, misógino
English Translation: woman
29. Nueve
Greek: ἐννέα
Spanish Roots: enea-
Hellenisms: eneágono, eneaedro
English Translation: nine [times]
30. Once
Greek: ἕνδεκα
Spanish Roots: endeca-
Hellenisms: endecasílabo
English Translation: eleven [times]
31. Piel
Greek: δέρμα-ατος, τὸ
Spanish Roots: derm-, dermato-
Hellenisms: dermis, epidermis, dermatólogo
English Translation: skin, dermis
32. Población
Greek: δῆμος-ου, ὁ
Spanish Roots: demo-
Other Meanings: pueblo
Hellenisms: demografía, democracia
English Translation: population, people
33. Poder
Greek: δύναμις-εως, ἡ
Spanish Roots: dinam-, dinamo-
Other Meanings: fuerza
Hellenisms: dinámico, dinamizar
English Translation: power
34. Pueblo
Greek: ἔθνος-ους, τὸ
Spanish Roots: etno-
Other Meanings: raza, grupo
Hellenisms: etnia, entografía
English Translation: people, ethnicity
35. Sangre
Greek: αἷμα- ατος, τὸ
Spanish Roots: hemo-, hemato-
Hellenisms: hematoma, hemorragia, hematología
English Translation: blood
36. Ser humano
Greek: ἄνθρωπος-ου, ὁ
Spanish Roots: antropo-
Other Meanings: hombre
Hellenisms: antropología, misántropo, filántropo
English Translation: human being
37. Tierra
Greek: γή-γῆς, ἡ
Spanish Roots: ge-, geo-
Other Meanings: suelo
Hellenisms: geografía, geología, geocéntrico
English Translation: earth, soil
38. Varón
Greek: ἀνήρ-ἀνδρός, ὁ
Spanish Roots: andro-
Other Meanings: hombre, esposo
Hellenisms: androide, androfobia
English Translation: man
39. Vida
Greek: βίος-ου, ὁ
Spanish Roots: bio-
Hellenisms: biología, biografía, biopsia
English Translation: life
40. Vientre
Greek: γαστήρ-γαστρός, ἡ
Spanish Roots: gastr-, gastro-
Other Meanings: estómago
Hellenisms: gastritis, gastroenteritis
English Translation: stomach
Click here for an additional list of Greek-origin words in Spanish!
Greek Alphabet
Weren’t all those Greek-origin words interesting? I have something else for you! Check out the Greek alphabet in Spanish and find if some words and symbols are familiar to you!
Greco-Latin Literature
As we discovered the relevance Greek still holds in Spanish, we should be open to read more about this society and how it set the foundations for our modern world in Science, Literature, and Medicine.
Here are some awesome books of Greco-Latin literature that you don’t want to miss!
The Odyssey
The Iliad
Edipo Rey
- Kindle in Spanish
Enhance Your Spanish
The deeper we dive into any topic, the easier it is for us to learn it! Now that you are more familiar with these Spanish words and their origin, make sure to practice them to increase your fluency! By signing up for a free class, you will have a one-on-one session with a native Spanish speaker to polish your Spanish and make the best out of your language learning experience.
Did you know that knowing more languages means better job opportunities? Translators and interpreters are thriving these days! Their profession is paving its way to become a wide field with incredible opportunities to get your dream job!
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