A Vocabulary Guide: Going Camping in Spanish
How would you answer if a friend asked you:
¿Quieres ir a acampar?
Do you want to go camping?
If you’re interested in learning Spanish vocabulary about camping, then you’d probably already have a go-bag and a camping tent ready and tell your friend ¡Sí, vamos! (yes, let’s go!).
Camping (or acampar in Spanish) is a super fun activity to do with friends, family or even on your own. Strolling through the forest, carrying a backpack, and relying on a compass while breathing fresh air is an invigorating activity for lovers of the outdoors.
In this post, you can combine your love of sleeping under the stars with your passion for strengthening your Spanish fluency.
Keep reading to learn essential vocabulary to plan your trip, find the perfect camping site in a Spanish-speaking country, and have the time of your life while camping and speaking Spanish!
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Essential Camping Supplies in Spanish
Equipment is essential for your camping experience (and camping vocabulary too). While finding a balance between what and what not to carry can be a challenge, I asked Yuli Pérez, a seasoned Guatemalan camper and volcano-climber, to share a tip on one essential camping supply: your beverage.
“Most of the people who camp with me carry 3 liters of water, whereas I try to carry 1.5 liters of water, two bottles of Gatorade, and some whey in order not to drink flavorless beverages all the time. Sometimes, because of the altitude, the sugar [present in these beverages] can be very helpful.” – Yuli Pérez
It’s important to keep in mind what Yuli says, because several places all over Latin America are high above sea level, and the sugar present in whey and sports beverages will spike the glucose in your blood and give you more energy to keep climbing, hiking, walking or simply camping. For camping, of course, you’ll need a lot of different kinds of supplies to carry.
Here are some useful items and their translations into Spanish to help you out with your camping experience:
English | Spanish |
supplies | los suministros |
compass | la brújula |
flashlight | la linterna |
map | el mapa |
matches | los fósforos |
lighter | el encendedor |
kerosene | el keroseno |
bottled water | el agua embotellada |
whey | el suero |
canteen | la cantimplora |
food | la comida |
toilet paper | el papel higiénico o papel de baño |
soap | el jabón |
wet wipes | las toallitas húmedas |
toothpaste | la pasta de dientes |
toothbrush | el cepillo de dientes |
deodorant | el desodorante |
pocket knife | la navaja |
first-aid kit | el botiquín de primeros auxilios |
medicine | la medicina |
medicine against allergies | la medicina contra alergias |
alcohol | el alcohol |
band-aids | las curitas |
painkillers | los analgésicos |
aspirines | las aspirinas |
cotton | el algodón |
sleeping bags | las bolsas de dormir |
camping mat | la colchoneta para acampar |
tent | la tienda de acampar |
backpack | la mochila |
hammer | el martillo |
stake | la estaca |
hammock | la hamaca |
the cot | el catre |
screwdriver | el destornillador o desarmador |
pliers | el alicate |
mosquito repellent | el repelente contra mosquitos |
sunblock | el bloqueador solar |
board games | los juegos de mesa |
pot | la olla |
pan | el sartén |
silverware | los cubiertos |
plastic cups | los vasos plásticos |
portable stove | la estufa portátil |
rope | la soga, la pita o la cuerda |
toys | los juguetes |
binoculars | los binoculares o prismáticos |
photo/video camera | la cámara de fotos/video |
reusable bags | las bolsas reutilizables |
lunchbox | la lonchera |
icebox | la hielera |
Example Sentences in Spanish
Here are 5 useful sentences about camping in Spanish using the nouns above.
¿Qué tipo de suministros traes en la mochila?
What kind of supplies are you carrying in your backpack?
¿Sabes hacer (o encender) una fogata?
Do you know how to make (or light up) a campfire?
¿Me puedes prestar tu navaja?
Can you lend me your pocket knife?
No es buena idea ir a nadar justo después de comer.
It’s not a good idea to go swimming right after eating.
Coloquemos la hamaca entre esos dos árboles.
Let’s set up the hammock between those two trees.
Best Food for Camping in Spanish
¿Qué comida llevamos?
What food do we bring?
Eating in a forest or other natural environment is exciting and fun. What do you like to eat when you go camping?
Here are some common options in Spanish while you’re packing your food bag for your camping trip:
English | Spanish |
canned food | la comida enlatada |
snacks | los bocadillos |
marshmallows | los angelitos o marshmallows |
crackers | las galletas saladas |
sandwiches | los emparedados o sándwiches |
burritos | los burritos |
cookies | las galletas dulces |
granola bars | las barras de granola |
dehydrated foods | la comida deshidratada |
nuts | las nueces |
peanuts | las manías o el maní |
pretzels | los pretzels |
chips (U.S.) | las frituras |
hazelnuts | las avellanas |
instant mac and cheese | los macarrones con queso instantáneos |
cup noodles | la sopa de fideos instantánea |
chilli | el chilli o los frijoles con carne |
beef jerky | la carne seca |
dried fruits | las frutas secas |
instant coffee packets | los sobres de café instantáneo |
tea bags | las bolsas de té |
peanut butter | la mantequilla de maní |
jelly | la jalea |
chocolate bar | la barra de chocolate |
s’mores | los s’mores |
frozen fruit | fruta congelada |
bagels | los bagels |
cream cheese | el queso crema |
grapes | las uvas |
orange (fruit) | la naranja |
apple | la manzana |
pear | la pera |
berries | las bayas |
strawberries | las fresas |
blackberries | las moras |
blueberries | las moras azules |
cranberries | los arándanos |
cheese | el queso |
ham | el jamón |
boiled eggs | los huevos duros |
tuna | el atún |
salmon | el salmón |
If you’re looking for more Spanish food vocabulary to fill your sandwiches or burritos, check out:
- The Ridiculously Long List of Vegetables and Fruit in Spanish
- Talk About Bacon in Spanish (And Other Meaty Favorites)
Example Sentences in Spanish
Tengo hambre, quisiera otro emparedado de atún, por favor.
I am hungry, I would like another tuna sandwich, please.
¿Me puedes dar unos bocadillos, por favor?
Can you give me some snacks, please?
Soy alérgico(a) a todo tipo de bayas, no las puedo comer.
I’m allergic to all kinds of berries; I can’t eat them.
¡Vamos a preparar s’mores esta noche frente a la fogata!
We are going to make some s’mores tonight in front of the campfire!
¿Cuántas barras de granola nos quedan?
How many granola bars do we have left?
Camping Clothes in Spanish
¿Qué ropa llevas?
What clothes are you bringing?
An experienced camper has to know what kind of weather to expect, and what kind of clothes to take along for the camping trip. Some places, like deserts, are hot during the day and may reach freezing temperatures at night. If you plan to camp in a forest, it may be temperate during the day and cold at night, whereas a place like a tropical beach is warm and humid during the day and night.
Just as the temperatures vary, so do the types of clothes you may use while camping. Expand your camping vocabulary in Spanish with these options!
Cold Weather Camping Clothes in Spanish
English | Spanish |
beanie | el gorro |
earmuffs | las orejeras |
ski-mask | el pasamontañas |
scarf | la bufanda |
neckerchief | el pañuelo |
turtleneck sweater | el suéter de cuello tortuga |
hoodie | el sudadero |
hood | la capucha o el capuchón |
long sleeved t-shirt | la playera de manga larga |
jacket | la chaqueta |
windbreaker | el (abrigo) rompevientos |
waterproof coat | el (abrigo) impermeable |
trench-coat | la gabardina |
coat | el abrigo |
overall | el overol |
gloves | los guantes |
flannel shirt | la camisa de franela |
fanny pack | la cangurera o riñonera |
thermal underwear | la ropa interior térmica |
jeans | los jeans o vaqueros |
cargo pants | los pantalones cargo |
wool socks | calcetines o medias de lana |
boots | las botas |
pajamas | la o el pijama |
Hot Weather Camping Clothes in Spanish
English | Spanish |
hat | el sombrero |
cap | la gorra |
sunglasses | los lentes de sol |
tank top | la camiseta (sin mangas) |
sleeveless shirt | la camiseta (sin mangas) |
t-shirt | la playera* |
convertible pants | los pantalones convertibles |
cargo shorts | la pantaloneta o pantaloncillos cargo |
skirt | la falda |
dress | el vestido |
swimsuit | el traje de baño o la calzoneta |
bikini | el bikini |
flip-flops | las sandalias |
sandals | las sandalias |
sneakers | los zapatos deportivos o tenis |
hiking boots | las botas para senderismo |
PRO TIP! The word for “t-shirt” in Spanish varies throughout all the Spanish-speaking countries. The most neutral way of calling it is la camiseta, but la playera is more common in Mexico and some countries in Central America. You’ll hear la remera in Argentina, la polera in Chile, la chema in Costa Rica, and la polo in Peru.
Rent a Camping Site in Spanish
If you decide to go camping in a reserved area or national park in a Spanish-speaking country, these questions and sentences could come in handy:
¿Cuánto cuesta la noche en el parque?
How much does spending a night at the park cost?
¿Puedo traer a mi mascota?
Can I bring my pet along?
¿Hay una enfermería?
Is there an infirmary?
¿En dónde está?
Where is it?
¿Hay animales salvajes en el área para acampar?
Are there wild animals near the camping area?
¿Se permite hacer una fogata?
Is it permitted to build a campfire?
¿Me puedes ayudar a armar mi tienda de campaña?
Can you help me set up my tent?
¿En dónde hay un teléfono?
Where can I find a phone?
¿En dónde puedo comprar repelente contra mosquitos?
Where can I buy mosquito repellent?
Necesito ayuda con…
I need help with…
Here are some other Spanish camping words you may need:
English | Spanish |
camping site | el sitio para acampar |
campers (people) | los campistas |
camping trailer | el tráiler para acampar o el camper |
power outlet | el tomacorriente |
grill | la parrilla |
fishing rod | la caña de pescar |
Camping-related Verbs for Spanish Conversation
- to camp – acampar
- to walk/hike – caminar
- to swim – nadar
- to cut – cortar
- to breathe – respirar
- to eat – comer
- to drink – beber/tomar
- to grab – tomar/agarrar
- to cover – cubrir
- to clean (up) – limpiar
- to pick up – recoger
- to carry – cargar
- to set (up) – armar
- to pack – empacar
- to unpack – desempacar
- to wrap – envolver
- to put – poner
- to take (off/away) – quitar
- to recycle – reciclar
- to reuse – reusar
- to reduce – reducir
Where to Go Camping in Spanish-Speaking Countries
Now you’re all packed and ready to go camping in a Spanish-Speaking country. If you’re still unsure of which place to visit for your next adventure, check out the next section where I provide a list with five places in Spanish-speaking countries that you don’t want to miss! Hopefully these options inspire you to find your perfect camping site in a Spanish-speaking country.
1. El Volcán de Acatenango, Guatemala
If you love camping, but also hiking and climbing, this is the perfect experience for you. The Acatenango Volcano is near Antigua Guatemala, a colonial city located 20 miles (35 km) away from the country’s capital, Guatemala City. Acatenango is the third tallest volcano in Guatemala at 13,045 feet above sea level (3,976 meters). It takes almost a full day to climb to the top, and you’ll start your camping adventure with the sunset at around 5 pm, leaving some free time to relax with some other camping activities. This is a true adventure for camping under the stars atop a volcano!
Learn more: 5 Beautiful Places to Visit in Antigua Guatemala
2. Bariloche, Argentina
Bariloche is located in Argentina on the south-western border with Chile. At the foothills of the Andes, this touristic city offers a wide range of lakes, streams, trees, and mountains to explore. The best time to go camping here is during spring or summer (which is September to February in the southern hemisphere), since the winter is often too harsh for campers to enjoy.
Learn more: 7 Most Remarkable Natural Wonders of Argentina
3. Tota Lake, Colombia
If a body of water is a must in your camping trip, then Tota Lake (La laguna Tota) is the right place for you. The third biggest lake in Latin America occupies 21.3 square miles (55 square km) and also hosts some towns around it.
4. Tunari National Park, Bolivia
Bolivia is usually an overlooked destiny in Latin America, but you can find beauty all throughout this amazing country. Tunari is 2.5 miles (4km) west of Cochabamba, Bolivia’s fourth biggest city, and it promises plenty of adventurous options in hiking and ecotourism.
5. The Pyrenees, Spain
If you’re looking for a great camping experience in a Spanish-speaking country, then visit the Pyrenees in Spain (Los montes pirineos). The Spanish pyrenees provide 248 miles (400 km) of mountains for hiking, camping, climbing—or even skiing if you decide to go during the winter.
Let’s go camping!
Green Camping in Spanish: Camping Ecológico
A nature-loving camper is bound to respect it. After all, the Earth is the only planet we’ve got, and we need to take care of it. Here are three simple ideas to do it translated from English to Spanish:
Reduce, reusa y recicla.
Reduce, reuse and recycle.
Envuelve tus emparedados en papel encerado, no plástico.
Wrap your sandwiches in wax wraps, not plastic.
Regresa contigo la basura de la que no puedas deshacerte.
Take back with you the trash that you’re not able to get rid of.
Waste Vocabulary in Spanish
Here are a few words to know for labeling the waste items you may have with you on your camping trip in Spanish.
English | Spanish |
napkin | la servilleta |
cans | las latas |
plastic containers | los contenedores plásticos |
plastic bags | las bolsas plásticas |
waste | el desecho |
trash can | el bote de la basura |
jar | el frasco |
wrappers | los envoltorios |
trash | la basura |
Talk to a Native Spanish Speaker
Thank you for reading this super useful Spanish vocabulary guide to camping! I’m certain this blog post can equip you with the specific terms and phrases you need to make your Spanish-speaking camping trip a success. If you’re ready to practice your knowledge for free with a native speaker, sign up for a free Spanish class with a certified teacher from Guatemala at Homeschool Spanish Academy! Join more than 24,000 active monthly students who are prioritizing their language learning goals and gaining Spanish fluency in 1-on-1, student-tailored classes.
Ready to learn more Spanish vocabulary? Check these out!
- Top 20 Guatemalan Words and Slang Expressions You Should Know
- Bien vs Bueno: How Good is Your Spanish?
- How to Talk About Learning a Language in Spanish
- Señora vs Señorita: Who Is She?
- Learn These 20 Types of Fish in Spanish [+ More Vocab]
- 200+ Beginner Spanish Vocabulary Words PDF: Learn Spanish Fast!
- The Most Extensive Guide Ever to House Vocabulary in Spanish
- ‘How Much Is It?’ in Spanish: A Guide to Travel and Shopping
- 9 Tips for Learning How to Learn Two or More Languages at Once - January 20, 2023
- The History and Tradition of Las Cabañuelas - December 26, 2022
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