A Woodworker’s Guide to Carpentry Vocabulary in Spanish
La carpintería, or carpentry, is a form of art, craft, and skill trade where you shape wood through cutting and sanding before installing it in different constructions and buildings.
Carpentry is a trade that has been around for thousands of years. This activity helped build civilizations, make thousands of pieces of art, and work with one of the sturdiest materials out there.
You can do it in your own home or community, with specialized or normal tools, and there is a huge community of carpentry enthusiasts that like to share their projects so others can do them too!
So, if you are a DIY enthusiast, a carpentry beginner, want to expand your interests, or just want to learn new vocabulary in Spanish, this blog post is for you!
Vocabulary and Terms for Carpentry in Spanish
This is a comprehensive list of the most common carpentry terms in Spanish used in this trade.
While there are more specialized carpentry terms for farming, construction, architecture, art, and so many more activities, this vocabulary list will focus on basic carpentry terms, like equipment, type of tools, different materials, and types of wood!
So, let’s begin!
Safety Equipment (El equipo de seguridad)
Safety first!
The first thing you have to think about when learning carpentry is what are those elements that will keep you safe and sound in your taller (workshop).
To properly and safely practice this craft, you need some equipment. Some you can even find in your own home.
Safety Equipment in Spanish
English | Spanish |
apron | el delantal |
boots | las botas |
gloves | los guantes |
hair ties | las cintas para el cabello |
hearing protectors | los protectores auditivos |
push stick | el palo de empuje |
respirator mask | la mascarilla respiradora |
safety goggles | las gafas protectoras |
Tool Storage and Organization (Almacenamiento y organización de herramientas)
There are several different ways to store and organize your tools and equipment, from a little tool box to a large workbench, there is something for everyone.
Tool Storage and Organization in Spanish
English | Spanish |
bench | el banco |
pegboard | el tablero |
scrap bin | la papelera |
table | la mesa |
toolbelt | el cinturón para herramientas |
toolbox | la caja de herramientas |
workbench | el banco de trabajo |
Fasteners (Los sujetadores)
Now that you have all your safety equipment and a place to store and organize your tools, it is time to fill your toolbox with all those elements you need to be able to work on projects and build stuff!
Fasteners, or sujetadores in Spanish, are objects used to mechanically join and keep objects together. They are usually small, but can range in all sizes and materials. To use them, you usually need some basic tools like a hammer or a screwdriver.
Here is the list of fasteners and how to ask for them when talking about carpentry in Spanish.
Fasteners in Spanish
English | Spanish |
bolts | los pernos |
drill bits | las brocas |
exterior screws | los tornillos para exterior |
galvanized nails | los clavos galvanizados |
galvanized screws | los tornillos galvanizados |
hooks | los ganchos |
nails | los clavos |
nuts | las tuercas |
retaining rings | los anillos de retención |
rivets | los remaches |
rod fasteners | los sujetadores de varilla |
screws | los tornillos |
staples | las grapas |
washers | las arandelas |
Hand Tools (Herramientas de mano)
In Spanish a hand tool is called una herramienta manual or herramienta de mano and are all those tools that you can use powered by your own hands and muscles rather than a motor, batteries or electricity.
There is a huge range of hand tools you can use in carpentry, but today we are going to learn about the most common ones and their names are in Spanish.
Hand tools in Spanish
English | Spanish |
Back saw | el serrucho |
chisels | los cinceles |
claw hammer | el martillo de orejas |
clamps | las abrazaderas |
curve cutting saw | la sierra de corte curva |
files | las lijas |
hammer | el martillo |
hand drill | el taladro de mano |
hand saw | la sierra de mano |
mallet | el mazo |
measuring compass | el compás |
measuring squares | las escuadras |
measuring tape | la cinta métrica |
rules | las reglas |
screwdrivers | los destornilladores |
Power Tools (Las herramientas eléctricas)
Contrary to hand tools, power tools, or las herramientas eléctricas, need a power source to work. Some of these sources can be batteries, solar energy, electricity and even gasoline or diesel.
They are perfect for heavy duty work and professional touches.
Here are the power tools and their translations so you know about them when talking about carpentry in Spanish.
Power Tools in Spanish
English | Spanish |
band saw | la sierra de banda |
biscuit joiner | la ranuradora |
circular saw | la cierra circular |
drill | el taladro |
jigsaw | la sierra de vaivén/ la caladora |
lathe | el torno |
planer | la cepilladora |
power drill | el taladro electrónico |
radial arm saw | la sierra de brazo radial |
router | la fresadora |
sander | la lijadora eléctrica |
table saw | la sierra de mesa |
Types of Wood (Tipos de madera)
There are several types of madera (wood) to do your carpentry projects, and while any kind of wood can be used for your projects, there are some kinds that are better, because they are more sturdy, you can curate them easily and they are durable.
Here are the names of these types of wood in Spanish.
Types of Wood in Spanish
English | Spanish |
ash wood | la madera de fresno |
beech wood | la madera de haya |
cedar wood | la madera de cedro |
cherry tree wood | la madera de cerezo |
fir wood | la madera de abeto |
maple wood | la madera de arce |
mahogany wood | la madera de caoba |
oak wood | la madera de roble |
pine wood | la madera de pino |
teak wood | la madera de teca |
walnut wood | la madera de nogal |
Materials Used in Carpentry (Materiales para carpintería)
Beside wood, there are other materials you can use in your projects, to cure the wood, paint it, add other elements or just to give it the finishing touches!
There is a lot of stuff you can use for this, but these are the most basic ones and you must know them to talk about carpentry in Spanish.
Materials in Spanish
English | Spanish |
glue | el pegamento/ la cola |
lacquer | la laca |
paint | la pintura |
polisher | el lustrador |
resin | la resina |
surface finish | el acabado superficial |
varnish | el barniz |
waterproofing | el impermeabilizador |
You can check our blog post about colors so you can give the best finishing touches to your carpentry projects!
Verbs and Phrases Used in Carpentry in Spanish
Because carpentry is an activity, you need to know some verbs to use at the moment of talking about carpentry terms in Spanish, and that is exactly what we are going to learn now!
Verbs in Spanish
English | Spanish |
to assemble | ensamblar |
to cut | cortar |
to design | diseñar |
to edge | cantear |
to finish | acabar |
to manufacture | fabricar |
to paste | pegar |
to polish | pulir |
to saw | serruchar |
to sand | lijar |
to seal | sellar |
to sketch | bocetar |
to varnish | barnizar |
to waterproof | impermeabilizar |
Check out our blog post on How to Translate Measurements in Spanish. It can be useful for carpentry projects!
Phrases About Carpentry in Spanish
But how can you use all these new words and carpentry terms now?
Here are some examples for you!
Compré una mesa de trabajo para aprender carpintería.
I bought a workbench to learn carpentry.
Me gusta mucho tomar medidas y diseñar proyectos en mi taller.
I really like to take measures and design projects in my workshop.
Luego de ensamblar la pieza, la pulimos y le aplicamos barniz para los toques finales.
After assembling the pieces, we polish it and apply varnish for the final touches.
Me gustan los proyectos de bricolaje, especialmente esos para hacer con mis hijos.
I like DIY projects, especially those to do with my kids.
Mi papá es un buen carpintero.
My dad is a great carpenter.
¿Dónde hay un aserradero para comprar madera de cedro?
Where is a sawmill to buy some cedar wood?
¿Cuál es la mejor madera para construir un armario?
What is the best wood to build a closet?
Mi mamá usa guantes y botas al trabajar la madera.
My mom uses gloves and boots to work with wood.
Mi hermano es un aprendiz de carpintero.
My brother is an apprentice carpenter.
Yo hice la decoración de mi casa con restos de madera y herramientas manuales.
I did my house decoration with scraps of wood and hand tools.
Build Your Knowledge
There are many great DIY carpentry projects, not only in English but also in Spanish!
And it makes complete sense, with Spanish being the second most spoken language in the world, and in the US being the second-largest Spanish-speaking country in the world. According to CNN, there are 41 million native Spanish speakers in the US who speak Spanish in their homes.
This means, according to The Economist, that you can earn anywhere from $50,000 to $125,000 extra just by knowing a foreign language alone. And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, interpreters and translators are among the top five fastest-growing occupations inside and outside the United States.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up today for a free 1-to-1 class with a certified native Spanish-speaking teacher at Homeschool Spanish Academy and begin to build your knowledge! Check out our programs and take a peek at our affordable prices and begin this new adventure with us!
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