Spotless Spanish Cleaning Vocabulary for Housekeeping
With this guide, it’s TOO easy to be clean in Spanish!.
Are you looking to learn Spanish for housekeepers? Or perhaps you’re simply looking for a list of chores in Spanish?
If you ever wanted to know how to say sweeping, mopping or cleaning the bathroom in Spanish, this is the post for you.
Keep reading to learn how to give cleaning instructions in Spanish, discover the main cleaning nouns, verbs, and adjectives in the language, and to find out useful Spanish sayings and phrases about cleaning.
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How to Give Imperative Cleaning Instructions in Spanish
Cleaning is an activity that many times requires you to give instructions to someone else. Just think about how you communicate with your cleaning lady or hotel housekeeping in a Spanish situation. Hey, even talking to your child about their chores requires this kind of instruction.
In order to give any type of instructions in Spanish you need to use the imperative mood. In a nutshell, the imperative mood can be formed in two different ways, the formal and informal constructions. Let’s learn about each one of them:
Formal Construction
Use this construction if you’re communicating with a Spanish housekeeper. It requires you to conjugate your cleaning verb in the usted or ustedes persons.
Let’s see a couple of examples with the verb limpiar or “to clean:”
Usted limpie la mesa.
Clean the table.
Ustedes limpien la cocina.
Clean the kitchen.
Informal Construction
Use this construction when you simply want to tell your children to do their chores and clean their room. It requires you to conjugate your cleaning verb in the tú and vosotros persons. This post highlights Ten Spanish Imperatives to Use with Kids that you may find useful.
Let’s see a couple of examples with the verb limpiar or “to clean:”
Miguelito, limpia tu cuarto.
Miguelito, clean your room.
Hijos, limpien sus escritorios.
Children, clean your desks.
As it happens in Spanish with any verb and conjugation, both of these imperatives constructions can get rid of the noun as it’s implied in the conjugation. For example, you could simply say:
- limpie la mesa, or
- limpia tu cuarto.
Essential Cleaning Verbs and Commands
Now that we’ve learned how to give cleaning instructions in Spanish let’s find out about the essential cleaning verbs and commands in this beautiful language.
Differences Between Limpiar and Lavar
When talking about cleaning in Spanish, you’ll find two verbs that keep appearing: limpiar and lavar. Although it may be tempting to simply translate limpiar as “to clean” and lavar as “to wash,” the reality isn’t as straightforward.
Lavar is used to talk about the body and its parts and clothes. Lavar usually requires water.
Me lavé el cabello.
I washed my hair.
¿Ya lavaste mi ropa?
Have you washed my clothes already?
Limpiar, on the other hand, can both mean “to clean” or “to clean up.”
¿Limpiaste toda la casa tu sola?
Did you clean the whole house by yourself?
Limpien su escritorio y prepárense para su siguiente clase.
Clean up your desk and get ready for your next class.
Learn more: 200+ Spanish Hair Salon Words and Phrases
Limpiar Conjugation Set
Let’s now take a look at the present and past tense of clean in Spanish.
Present Tense | |
yo | limpio |
tú | limpias |
él/ella | limpia |
nosotros | limpiamos |
ustedes | limpian |
ellos/ellas | limpian |
Past Tense | |
yo | limpié |
tú | limpiaste |
él/ella | limpió |
nosotros | limpiamos |
ustedes | limpiaron |
ellos/ellas | limpiaron |
Lavar Conjugation Set
It’s time for the present and past conjugation of the verb “to wash” in Spanish.
Present Tense | |
yo | lavo |
tú | lavas |
él/ella | lava |
nosotros | lavamos |
ustedes | lavan |
ellos/ellas | lavan |
Past Tense | |
yo | lavé |
tú | lavaste |
él/ella | lavó |
nosotros | lavamos |
ustedes | lavaron |
ellos/ellas | lavaron |
Other Cleaning Verbs and Commands
However, when it comes to cleaning you can’t do simply with limpiar and lavar. This rich and beautiful language has so many cleaning words that you need to learn some of the most common ones at least.
Without further ado, let’s learn how to say sweep and mop the floor in Spanish (among other things):
Other Cleaning Verbs | |
barrer | to sweep |
aspirar | to vacuum |
pulir | to polish (metal, floor) |
planchar | to iron |
fregar | to scrub |
lustrar | to polish (shoes, furniture) |
encerar | to wax |
trapear | to mop |
desempolvar, sacudir | to dust |
asear | to tidy up |
ordenar | to order |
Learn more: How to Use the Spanish Word ‘Fregar’ Without Being Vulgar
Informal Cleaning Commands | |
haz la cama | make the bed |
pon la mesa | lay the table |
saca la basura | take out the trash |
riega las plantas | water the plants |
cambia las sábanas | change the bedsheets |
lava los platos | wash the dishes |
corta el pasto | mow the lawn |
tiende la ropa | hang the clothes |
sacude los muebles | dust the furniture |
limpia las ventanas | clean the windows |
aspira el piso | vacuum the floor |
Stuff We Clean in Spanish: Nouns
Here’s the household chores list in Spanish you were waiting for! It’s time to learn some things that actually get cleaned. These are the most common nouns that get cleaned in Spanish.
Cleaning Nouns | |
la cama | bed |
la mesa | table |
la basura | trash |
la planta | plant |
la sábana | bedsheets |
los platos | dishes |
el pasto | lawn |
la ropa | clothes |
el mueble | furniture |
la ventana | windows |
el piso | floor |
la cocina | kitchen |
la olla | pot |
el horno | oven |
el refrigerador | fridge |
los vegetales | vegetables |
la casa | house |
los libros | books |
el baño | bathroom |
el cuarto | room |
la alfombra | carpet |
la oficina | office |
How to Describe Clean or Dirty Things in Spanish: Adjectives
In order to complete this list of cleaning words in Spanish, you need to get some useful Spanish adjectives for cleaning.
Cleaning Adjectives | |
limpio | clean |
sucio | dirty |
ordenado | tidy |
desordenado | untidy |
puro | pure |
aseado | tidy |
higiénico | hygienic |
lavado | washed |
fregado | scrubbed |
desinfectado | sanitized |
barrido | swept |
Lists of Spanish Cleaning Supplies and Equipment
Being clean in Spanish can be fun. If you’re in the middle of a cleaning spree at home, you’re going to need the help of these cleaning supplies and equipment:
Cleaning Supplies | |
el detergente | dish soap |
el jabón | soap |
el shampoo | shampoo |
la cera | wax |
la lejía | bleach |
el suavizante | softener |
la bolsa de basura | garbage bag |
los guantes de goma | rubber gloves |
el desinfectante | disinfectant |
el agua | water |
Cleaning Equipment | |
el cepillo | brush |
la escoba | broom |
el trapeador | mop |
la aspiradora | vacuum cleaner |
el trapo | cloth |
la cubeta | bucket |
el plumero | duster |
la enceradora | floor polisher |
el recogedor | dustpan |
la esponja | sponge |
Spanish Cleaning Sayings and Phrases
Last but not least, here you have some Spanish cleaning saying that may come handy the next time you have a cleaning conversation.
¡Quiero todo limpio!
I want everything clean and tidy!
¿Ya hiciste los quehaceres?
Have you done your chores?
Estamos limpiando la cocina.
We’re cleaning the kitchen.
Se acabó el detergente.
There’s no more dish soap.
Hay polvo en los muebles.
There’s dust on the furniture.
Cuidado, el piso está mojado.
Be careful, the floor is wet.
Use This Vocabulary and Start Cleaning in Spanish
There you have a thorough study of the world of cleaning in Spanish. From the main cleaning verbs to nouns that get cleaned and useful cleaning adjectives now you’ve got plenty of new cleaning vocabulary in Spanish.
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