Cosmetics in Spanish
Do you like learning about make-up or trying different types of nail polish? All the colorful and curious items that women use to enhance their appearance or fragrance is defined as cosméticos or cosmetics. This vibrant and varied world can be overwhelming to explore, even in your native language. With this introductory guide to cosmetics in Spanish, you will learn how to discuss your favorite types of make-up and cosmetic accessories in another language. ¡Hablemos de cosméticos!
Here is a list of some of the most popular types of cosmetics with a downloadable set of flashcards for practicing! While these words are understood in all Spanish-speaking countries, it’s important to note that the vocabulary varies by region. For example, in some countries, people say blush instead of colorete, or rímel instead of máscara de pestañas. Lastly, don’t forget to practice rolling your r’s for words like corrector and rizador (check out this video for a refresher).
Spanish | English |
El corrector | Concealer |
El maquillaje | Makeup |
La base | Foundation |
El colorete | Blush |
El bronceador / el polvo de sol | Bronzer |
La Sombra de ojos | Eyeshadow |
El Delineador de ojos | Liquid eyeliner |
El Lápiz de ojos | Pencil eyeliner |
La Máscara de pestañas | Mascara |
El Rizador de pestañas | Eyelash curler |
Las Pestañas postizas | Fake eyelashes |
El Pintalabios | Lipstick |
El brillo de labios | gloss |
El Perfilador de labios | Lipliner |
El Cepillo de cejas | Eyebrow brush |
El Lápiz de cejas | Eyebrow pencil |
La Brocha | Brush |
La Esponja | Sponge |
El Aplicador | Applicator |
El Desmaquillante | Makeup remover |
Los Cosmeticos | Cosmetics |
El Esmalte de uñas | Nail polish |
Maquillarse | To put on makeup |
Desmaquillarse | To take off makeup |
Aplicar | To apply, to put on |
El Perfume | perfume |
Download your flashcards here: Spanish Cosmetics
Body Parts in Spanish
Although cosmetics are used in different parts of the body, the grand majority of products are designed to improve the face’s appearance. Let’s take a look at some of these words so you can talk about makeup with your Spanish-speaking friends. You will also learn how to explain that you’re applying a product on a particular part of your face using maquillarse or aplicarse.
Which part of the face/body? | ¿Cuál parte de la cara/cuerpo? | ¿Qué hago? What do I do? |
Face | La cara / el rostro | Yo me maquillo la cara (I put makeup on my face) |
Eyebrows | Las cejas | Yo me maquillo las cejas con lápiz (I put makeup on my eyebrows with a pencil) |
Eyelid | El pàrpado | Yo me aplico la sombra de ojos (I put on eyeshadow) |
Eyelashes | Las pestañas | Yo me aplico la máscara de pestañas (I put on mascara) |
Cheek | La mejilla / el cachete | Yo me aplico el colorete en las mejillas (I put blush on my cheeks) |
Nose | La nariz | Yo me aplico el bronceador en la nariz (I put bronzer on my nose) |
Lips | Los labios | Yo me aplico el pintalabias (I put on lipstick) |
Nails | Las uñas | Yo me pinto las uñas con esmalte verde (I paint my nails with green nail polish) |
Verbs and Example Sentences
Here are some very useful verbs to use while discussing cosmetics or your makeup routine. Check out the following list with examples on how to use them in a sentence:
Maquillarse (to put on makeup) is a reflexive verb:
Yo me maquillo todos los días.
I put on makeup every day.
Me gusta maquillarme.
I like to put on makeup.
Desmaquillarse (to take off makeup) is a reflexive verb:
Ella se desmaquilla con agua y jabón.
She takes off makeup with water and soap.
Yo me desmaquillo antes de dormir.
I take off my makeup before going to sleep.
Aplicar (to apply, to put on):
¿Cómo te aplicas la sombra de ojos?
How do you apply eyeshadow?
Yo me aplico la máscara de pestañas después de usar un rizador de pestañas.
I put on mascara after using an eyelash curler.
Yo me aplico mucho perfume.
I put on a lot of perfume.
Curious About Cosmetics
Anyone can learn about cosmetics in Spanish! Being curious about both familiar and new things while learning a foreign language will always be beneficial. We hope you enjoyed this Spanish guide to cosmetics and how to use them. If you have any questions or would like to discuss what you’ve learned, sign up for a free online class with a native Spanish speaker. Here at Homeschool Spanish Academy, our teachers enjoy talking about all sorts of topics!
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