How to Go to The Veterinarian in Spanish
Did you know that 54% of Americans have at least one pet? According to a 2020 study, our animal friends need a lot of care.
If you have an emergency and need to get help as soon as possible, simply say:
¡Necesito ayuda con mi mascota!
I need help with my pet!
Because dogs and cats are the most popular pets, this vocabulary guide mainly focuses on them (with some exceptions). If you’re a pet owner who needs some Spanish vocabulary to communicate with the animal doctor, this article is ideal for you!
How to Make an Vet Appointment in Spanish
Veterinarians are noble human beings who dedicate their lives to taking care of animals.
First things first. How do you say veterinary in Spanish? What do you call a veterinarian clinic? What do you call the receptionist? How do you ask for veterinary information? All of these questions (and more!) are answered in the following chart!
English | Spanish |
appointment | la cita |
veterinarian (person) | el veterinario, la veterinaria |
veterinary (science) | la veterinaria |
vet clinic | la clínica del veterinario |
receptionist | el / la recepcionista |
reception area | la recepción |
consult | la consulta |
prescription | la receta |
home visit | la visita a domicilio |
patient | el / la paciente |
owner | el dueño o la dueña |
pet | la mascota |
disease, sickness, illness | la enfermedad |
pathology | la patología |
symptoms | los síntomas |
the animal’s behavior | el comportamiento del animal |
parasite | el parásito |
vaccine | la vacuna |
PRO TIP: In Spanish, we translate the word “vet” as veterinario o veterinaria as well, since there is no way of making this word shorter in Spanish.
Example Sentences in Spanish
Quisiera hacer una cita con el veterinario, por favor.
I would like to make an appointment with the vet, please.
Mi mascota está enferma.
My pet is sick.
Necesito que desparasite a mi gato.
I need you to deworm my cat.
¿Cuánto cuesta la vacuna para mi perro?
How much does the vaccine for my dog cost?
Yo soy el dueño de ese pastor alemán.
I am the owner of that German shepherd.
Quiero ser veterinario(a).
I want to be a veterinarian.
Talking to the Veterinarian in Spanish
Getting an appointment is just the first part. But what do you call your pet in Spanish? Which animal is it? Here are the names of some common (and rare) domestic and farm animals to talk about them to the veterinarian in Spanish.
English | Spanish |
dog | el perro, la perra |
puppy | el cachorro |
cat | el gato, la gata |
kitten | el gatito |
fish | el pez |
rabbit | el conejo |
turtle | la tortuga |
duck | el pato |
hamster | el hámster* |
snake | la serpiente |
guinea pig | el conejillo de indias |
canary | el canario |
parrot | el loro |
weasel | la comadreja |
lizard | la lagartija |
iguana | la iguana |
tarantula | la tarántula |
PRO TIP: Because the word “hamster” comes from English, the sound in the “h” hasn’t been modified to fit in Spanish, so pronounce it like you do in English but write it with an “h”.
Vets also visit farms to treat horses, cows or other farm animals. Learn what to call them in Spanish!
English | Spanish |
horse | el caballo, la yegua |
pony | el poni |
cow | la vaca |
bull | el toro |
calf | el ternero |
rooster | el gallo |
hen | la gallina |
chicks | los pollitos |
pig | el cerdo |
goat | la cabra |
donkey | el burro |
sheep | la oveja |
If you’re still eager to learn about more animals in Spanish, check out 200+ Animals in Spanish: Vocabulary for Everyone
But how about their parts? If there’s a problem with any of them, you can describe them to the vet over the phone or at the clinic.
English | Spanish |
snout | el hocico |
trunk | la trompa |
beak | el pico |
eyes | los ojos |
ears | las orejas |
paws | las patas |
tail | la cola o el rabo |
wings | las alas |
fins | las aletas |
guts | las agallas |
lungs | los pulmones |
fur | el pelo |
skin | la piel |
claws | las garras |
nose | la nariz |
canine teeth | los colmillos |
tongue | la lengua |
loin | el lomo |
belly | la panza |
paw print | la huella |
Example Sentences
El canario tiene el pico y el ala izquierda rotos.
The canary has its beak and left wing broken.
Mi gato bota demasiado pelo, ya no es normal.
My cat loses (sheds) too much fur; it isn’t normal anymore.
No vamos a cortar la cola y las orejas a los cachorros.
We are not going to cut the puppies’ tails and ears.
Veterinarian in Spanish: Dog Breeds
Here are the names of popular dog breeds that change their name from Spanish to English. Keep in mind that some breeds like golden retriever, pug, and bulldog keep their name regardless of the language.
English | Spanish |
Dachshund* | perro salchicha |
German shepherd | pastor alemán |
Belgian shepherd | pastor belga |
Dutch shepherd | pastor holandés |
Siberian husky | husky siberiano |
Great Dane | gran danés |
Greyhound | galgo inglés |
Bernese mountain dog | boyero de Berna |
Saint Bernard | San Bernardo |
Afghan hound | sabueso afgano |
Dalmatian | dálmata |
Italian mastiff | mastín italiano |
Spanish mastiff | mastín español |
Persian shepherd | pastor persa |
Maltese | maltés |
Mutt | perro callejero, chucho |
Scottish deerhound | lebrel escocés |
Irish wolfhound | lobero irlandés |
PRO TIP: Although the name of the dachshund stays always in German, and it’s technically the same in Spanish, the colloquial term is el perro salchicha.
Veterinarian in Spanish: Common Diseases
The most important part of a vet’s job relates to curing animals’ diseases. Learn how to address this topic with el veterinario with the vocabulary below.
English | Spanish |
cancer | el cáncer |
obesity | la obesidad |
heartworms | la enfermedad del gusano del corazón |
fleas | las pulgas |
diarrhea | la diarrea |
kennel cough | la tos de las perreras |
ear infection | la infección de oído |
arthritis | la artritis |
cataracts | las cataratas |
vomiting | los vómitos |
tapeworms | las tenias o los gusanos |
rabies | la rabia |
sneezing | los estornudos |
fur loss | la pérdida de pelaje |
Example Sentences
Mi perro tiene pulgas, y no deja de rascarse.
My dog has fleas, and he cannot stop scratching.
Mi gata tiene una infección de oído.
My cat has an ear infection.
Mi gato no deja de estornudar.
My cat won’t stop sneezing.
Un mapache con rabia mordió a mi perro.
A racoon with rabies bit my dog.
Mi mascota dejó de respirar. Necesito que nos atienda inmediatamente.
My pet has stopped breathing. I need you to help us immediately!
How to Talk to Your Veterinarian in Spanish: Verbs
Discussing certain things with your veterinarian is important, especially when you’re taking your pet into a new clinic. In this section, you’ll learn useful verbs to describe your pet and their behavior.
- to look (like) – verse (como)
- to seem (like) – parecer (que o como)
- to feel – sentir o sentirse
- to smell (like) – oler a
- to behave – comportarse
- to hide – esconderse
- to get (aggressive) – ponerse (agresivo/a)
- to get scared – asustarse
- to eat – comer
- to drink – beber, tomar
- to have – tener
- to use – usar
Example Sentences
Mi gato ya tiene todas sus vacunas.
My cat already has all her shots (vaccines).
¿También (tiene) la vacuna antirrábica?
Has she also had a rabies shot?
Mi gato usa la caja de arena tres veces al día.
My cat uses its litter box three times a day.
Mi perro se pone un poco agresivo con los extraños, tenga cuidado.
My dog is a little bit aggressive with strangers, be careful.
Parece que, la gata no está aceptando el tratamiento que le dio el veterinario anterior.
It seems like the cat isn’t accepting the treatment that our last vet gave her.
Veterinarian in Spanish: More Phrases
Check out these sentences, which your vet might say in Spanish when checking your furry (feathered, amphibious, or aquatic) friend.
Deshaga la pastilla y colóquela en la comida del animal.
Crush the pill and put it in the animal’s food.
Su hámster tiene un parásito en el estómago, una operación simple lo va a arreglar.
Your hamster has got a parasite in its stomach; a simple procedure will fix it.
Su perro no dejará de morderse la herida. Vamos a ponerle un cono por tres semanas, y necesitaremos que le aplique la pomada en
el área afectada.
Your dog won’t stop biting its wound. We will put a cone over his head over the next three weeks, and we will need you to apply ointment to the affected area.
Desafortunadamente, su mascota está muy mal y está sufriendo.
Unfortunately, your pet is very sick, and he is suffering.
Recomiendo que pongamos a su mascota a dormir porque ya no se puede hacer nada por ella.
I recommend putting your pet down because there’s nothing else we can do for her.
Don’t Forget to Practice!
Talking to your veterinarian in Spanish is just one of the thousands of uses of the Spanish language. Believe me, it’ll be useful in lots of other situations, too. So why not learn more and practice the Spanish you already know? Sign up for a free trial class at Homeschool Spanish Academy to practice your conversational skills in Spanish! You could even learn some cool commands to teach your dog in Spanish.
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