Jewelry in Spanish: A Vocabulary Guide
Jewelry in Spanish is full of dazzling color, shine, and style.
If you want to learn about the value and symbolism of jewelry in Latin America and discover cool facts about the jewelry industry, you’ve come to the right place.
Keep reading for the ultimate vocabulary guide to jewelry in Spanish. I’ll introduce you to a veritable gold mine of jewelry-related nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
Why Learn About Jewelry in Spanish?
Learning a new language involves developing different skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing), while being introduced to a new grammar system and acquiring new vocabulary.
Growing your vocabulary in your target language is crucial to your language learning process. While vocabulary isn’t everything, if you don’t know the words, how are you going to speak the language?
For that reason, we’ve published a series of posts here at Homeschool Spanish Academy where you can learn Spanish vocabulary by area of knowledge—music, math, or accounting, for instance. Today, it’s time to dive into vocabulary related to jewelry in Spanish.
Value and Symbolism of Jewelry in Latin America
Originally, in the territory that is now Latin America, the value and meaning of jewelry was different from what it is today. Precious metals such as silver and gold weren’t as valuable as they are now.
The indigenous cultures that populated these lands before the arrival of Europeans valued other materials as much or more than gold. Artifacts made of jade or adorned with quetzal feathers, for example, had a strong symbolism and were valuable.
Cocoa beans, on the other hand, were held in high regard for their exchange value, as they were used as a form of currency.
Obviously, all that changed when the Spaniards colonized Latin America and imposed their beliefs and values system. Since then, artifacts made of silver, gold, and the gemstones valued in the West have become the most sought-after pieces of jewelry.
5 Cool Jewelry Facts
Before we get into full jewelry in Spanish mode, I thought you may find these facts interesting:
- The oldest jewelry artifacts are 90,000 years old.
- India and China are the two largest gold consumers in the world.
- South Africa is the largest gold producer in the world.
- Mexico is the largest silver producer in the world.
- Diamonds are more than a billion years old.
Jewelry in Spanish
Now, it’s time to talk about jewelry in Spanish and learn related vocabulary. I’ve classified it into nouns, verbs, and adjectives to help you navigate the terms.
Let’s start with the most common nouns about jewelry in Spanish.
First, let’s take a look at the names of some of the most popular pieces of jewelry in Spanish:
el collar | necklace |
el brazalete, la pulsera | bracelet |
el anillo | ring |
el anillo de compromiso | engagement ring |
el anillo de bodas | wedding ring |
los gemelos, las mancuernillas | cufflink |
los aretes | earrings |
el reloj | watch |
el colgante, el dije, el pendiente | pendant |
la tiara | tiara |
el medallón | medallion |
el pasador | barrette |
la horquilla | hairpin |
la hebilla del cinturón | belt buckle |
la cadena de corbata | tie chain |
el alfiler de solapa | lapel pin |
el broche | brooch |
el alfiler | pin |
el piercing | piercing |
la cadena | chain |
el clip de corbata | tie clip |
la corona | crown |
la diadema | diadem |
la tobillera | anklet |
el amuleto | amulet |
el guardapelo | locket |
Now, it’s time to learn the names of common metals used for jewelry in Spanish:
el oro | gold |
la plata | silver |
el platino | platinum |
el bronce | bronze |
el cobre | copper |
el níquel | nickel |
el peltre | pewter |
el tungsteno | tungsten |
el acero inoxidable | stainless steel |
el paladio | palladium |
el latón | brass |
el rodio | rhodium |
el titanio | titanium |
Precious and semi-precious gemstones are key in the world of jewelry in Spanish. Let’s learn some of the most popular ones:
el diamante | diamond |
la turquesa | turquoise |
el topacio | topaz |
la esmeralda | emerald |
el rubí | ruby |
el zafiro | sapphire |
la amatista | amethyst |
el jade | jade |
la obsidiana | obsidian |
el ónix | onyx |
la turmalina | tourmaline |
el lapislázuli | Lapis lazuli |
el circón | zircon |
el ópalo | opal |
el jaspe | jasper |
la ágata | agate |
el cuarzo | quartz |
el ojo de tigre | tiger’s eye |
la tanzanita | tanzanite |
el ámbar | amber |
el copal | copal |
el coral | coral |
el marfil | ivory |
la perla | pearl |
el nácar | nacre |
el azabache | jet |
el granate | garnet |
la amazonita | amazonite |
la aventurina | aventurine |
la azurita | azurite |
el cristal | crystal |
la fluorita | fluorite |
la malaquita | malachite |
la selenita | selenite |
la sodalita | sodalite |
Miscellaneous Jewelry in Spanish Nouns
Here are other nouns that don’t fit into the categories above.
las joyas, las alhajas | jewelry |
la joyería | jewelry store |
el joyero | jeweler, jewelry maker |
el orfebre | goldsmith |
el platero | silversmith |
el lapidario | lapidary |
la bisutería | imitation jewelry, craft jewelry |
el catálogo | catalog |
el peso | weight |
los gramos | grams |
las cuentas, los abalorios | beads |
el diámetro | diameter |
el diseño | design |
las gemas, las piedras preciosas | gemstones |
la piedra | stone |
los metales preciosos | precious metals |
el metal | metal |
The following list includes some of the most used verbs in the field of jewelry in Spanish:
tallar | to carve |
grabar | to engrave |
soldar | to solder |
pulir | to polish |
barnizar | to varnish |
extraer | to extract |
enchapar | to plate |
cortar | to cut |
diseñar | to design |
moldear | to mold |
comprar | to buy |
pagar | to pay |
vender | to sell |
importar | to import |
exportar | to export |
To conclude this ultimate guide about jewelry in Spanish, let me introduce you to some useful adjectives:
hermoso | beautiful |
elegante | elegant |
fino | fine |
hecho a mano | handmade |
grueso | thick |
pesado | heavy |
ligero | light |
largo | long |
corto | short |
brillante | shiny, bright |
importado | imported |
genuino | genuine |
original | original |
claro | clear |
oscuro | dark |
opaco | opaque |
barato | cheap |
caro | expensive |
pagado | paid |
vendido | sold |
comprado | bought |
entregado | delivered |
Para Cerrar con Broche de Oro
This is a classic Spanish expression similar to the English saying, “to end on a high note” or “to top it all off.” The Spanish version is particularly significant here. It actually means “to close with a golden brooch”!
Remember to practice your newly acquired vocabulary about jewelry in Spanish. It’s the only way to actually integrate these terms into your growing Spanish vocabulary. Sign up for a free class with one of our certified, native Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala, and start talking about jewelry in Spanish today!
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