Jubilarse Conjugation: Free Spanish Lesson, Quiz, and PDF
Are you relaxed and ready for a lesson on jubilarse conjugation? This verb translates to “to retire” in English.
Jubilarse is a regular verb that follows the standard conjugation rules for -ar verbs. The root (jubil-) stays the same, and only the suffix changes.
Today, we’ll learn jubilarse conjugation in multiple forms, encompassing three moods:
- Indicative (present, past, conditional, and future)
- Subjunctive (present and past)
- Imperative
The Ultimate Guide to Jubilarse Conjugation
Please don’t worry if you are not familiar with some of the tenses shown here. Since jubilarse conjugation is a great example of a regular verb, these forms will be easy to remember with practice.
I included some exercises at the end of this complete guide to jubilarse conjugation, so you can practice your new skills!
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Jubilarse Conjugation: Verbals
For these jubilarse conjugations, there are two forms of jubilar that you need to learn.
- Conjugation of haber + past participle of jubilar
- Conjugation of estar + gerund form of jubilar
The infinitive form of the verb is jubilar.
The past participle of jubilar is jubilado.
The gerund form of jubilar is jubilando.
These compound tenses involve using the helping verbs haber and estar. The jubilarse conjugation changes in these tenses happen within the helping verbs, while the form of jubilarse stays the same.
Let’s see them in action:
En octubre me voy a jubilar.
I will retire this October.
Él no se ha jubilado.
He has not retired.
Rosa se está jubilando.
Rose is retiring.
Jubilarse Conjugation: Indicative Mood
Yo | jubilo |
Tú | jubilas |
Él, ella, usted | jubila |
Nosotros | jubilamos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | jubilan |
Keep in mind that the formal construction of tú (you) is usted and its tenses are the exact same as él, and ella.
Jubilarse is a regular verb but also a pronominal verb. This means that since jubilarse conjugation refers to an act you do on yourself and others, it needs the reflexive pronouns me, te, se, or nos. By adding these reflexive pronouns, you clarify who is retiring.
Ellos se jubilan hoy.
They’re retiring today.
Tu te jubilas después de tantos años de trabajar.
You retire after many years of working.
Yo me jubilo porque quiero tener tiempo libre.
I’m retiring because I want to have free time.
Nosotros nos jubilamos de esta empresa.
We’re retiring from this company.
Check out The Key to Reflexive Pronouns in Spanish!

Yo | jubilé |
Tú | jubilaste |
Él, ella, usted | jubiló |
Nosotros | jubilamos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | jubilaron |
Here are some tips to use the jubilarse conjugation in past simple:
- Be sure to place the accents correctly to avoid confusion with other tenses and moods
- Jubilamos is the same in both present simple and past simple, so it’s essential to get or give enough context to figure out the verb tense
Nosotros nos jubilamos ayer.
We retired yesterday.
Yo me jubilé el año pasado.
I retired last year.
¿Te jubilaste este mes?
Did you retire this month?
Yo | jubilaba |
Tú | jubilabas |
Él, ella, usted | jubilaba |
Nosotros | jubilábamos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | jubilaban |
Nosotros así nos jubilábamos en los 70s.
This is how we used to retire in the 70s.
La gente se jubilaba porque tenían que hacerlo.
People used to retire because they had to.
Antes te jubilabas a los 60 años.
You used to retire at age 60.
Yo | jubilaría |
Tú | jubilarías |
Él, ella, usted | jubilaría |
Nosotros | jubilaríamos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | jubilarían |
Me jubilaría si pudiera.
I would retire if I could.
Si Rebeca tuviera sus documentos en orden, se jubilaría este año.
If Rebeca had her documents in order, she would retire this year.
Nosotros nos jubilaríamos en noviembre si no hubiéramos tenido tantas vacaciones.
We would retire this November if we had not taken so many vacations.
Yo | jubilaré |
Tú | jubilarás |
Él, ella, usted | jubilará |
Nosotros | jubilaremos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | jubilarán |
Me jubilaré el viernes, antes de mi cumpleaños.
I will retire on Friday, before my birthday.
Ellos se jubilarán después de este año laboral.
They will retire after this working year.
Te jubilarás antes de cumplir 63 años.
You will retire before turning 63.
Jubilarse Conjugation: Subjunctive Mood
We use the subjunctive mood to talk about hypotheses, hopes, wishes, or uncertainty. The word que (that) normally is located a couple of words before the verb, if not immediately before the reflexive pronoun.
Yo | jubile |
Tú | jubiles |
Él, ella, usted | jubile |
Nosotros | jubilemos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | jubilen |
Quiero que mi hijo se jubile pronto.
I want my son to retire soon.
Hasta que te jubiles, nos iremos a la playa.
Once you retire, we’ll go to the beach.
Yo | jubilara / jubilase |
Tú | jubilaras / jubilases |
Él, ella, usted | jubilara /jubilase |
Nosotros | jubiláramos /jubilásemos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | jubilaran / jubilasen |
Si yo me jubilara saldría a caminar todos los días.
If I retired, I would take a walk every day.
Yo quería que nos jubiláramos antes de Año Nuevo.
I wanted us to retire before the New Year.
Si ellos se jubilasen, tendrían más tiempo para viajar.
If they retired, they would have more time to travel.
The jubilarse conjugation in past subjunctive tense can either end in -ara or –ase. Both ways are accepted although -ara is more common and informal. When writing a formal letter, I suggest you use the verb ending -ase. This also applies in the next tense with -era and -ese.
Past Perfect Subjunctive
Yo | hubiera / hubiese + jubilado |
Tú | hubieras / hubieses + jubilado |
Él, ella, usted | hubiera / hubiese + jubilado |
Nosotros | hubiéramos / hubiésemos + jubilado |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | hubieran / hubiesen + jubilado |
For the past perfect subjunctive tense, we use the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle of jubilar.
Si yo me hubiera jubilado hace un año, hoy no estaría tan cansado.
If I had retired a year ago,I wouldn’t be so tired today.
Si nosotros nos hubiésemos jubilado antes, no tendríamos que hacer el trámite este mes.
If we had retired earlier, we wouldn’t have to do the paperwork this month.
Present Perfect Subjunctive
Yo | haya + jubilado |
Tú | hayas + jubilado |
Él, ella, usted | haya + jubilado |
Nosotros | hayamos + jubilado |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | hayan + jubilado |
For the perfect subjunctive tense we use the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle of jubilar.
Da igual que ellos se hayan jubilado.
It doesn’t matter if they retired.
Another subjunctive tense exists: future. Since it is rarely used, I am not including it in this lesson.
Jubilarse Conjugation: Imperative Mood
The imperative mood is used to give commands. These tenses don’t include most of the subject pronouns since you can’t give commands in the first person singular (yo) or plural (nosotros) or the third person (él, ella, ellos, ellas).
Affirmative | Negative |
Jubílate / ¡Te jubilas! | No te jubiles |
Jubílese / ¡Se jubila! | No se junilen |
Jubilémonos / ¡Nos jubilamos! | No nos jubilemos |
Jubílense / ¡Se jubilan! | No se jubilen |
No te jubiles este año.
Don’t retire this year.
Jubilémonos ahora mismo.
Let’s retire right now.
Jubílate en otro momento
Retire at another time!
Let’s practice what we have covered so far!
Jubilarse Conjugation Exercises
Check your understanding of jubilarse conjugation with the following exercises! Be sure to check each answer with the answer key below. ¡Buena suerte!
Exercise 1
Identify the tense and pronoun of each jubilarse conjugation.
1. Me jubilé
2. Se jubilaban
3. ¡Te jubilas!
4. Nos jubilásemos
5. Se jubilarían
Exercise 2
Conjugate jubilar in the tense given.
1. Yo – Present Simple
2. Tú – Imperative, Negative
3. Tú – Future Simple
4. Nosotros – Present Subjunctive
5. Ellos, ellas, Ustedes – Past Perfect Subjunctive
6. Él, ella, usted – Negative Imperative
Exercise 3
Fill in the blank with the correct form of jubilar. Please include the reflexive pronouns.
1. A mí no me importa que ellos _____________ (Present Perfect)
2. Yo _____________ este mismo año. (Future Simple)
3. Si usted _____________ sería más feliz. (Past Subjunctive)
4. Él quería que nosotros _____________ juntos. (past subjunctive)
5. ¡___________! shouted her daughter. (Negative Imperative)
Exercise 4
Translate the following sentences to English.
1. Si ellos se jubilasen, tendrían más tiempo para viajar.
2. Tú te jubilarás antes de cumplir 70 años.
3. Nosotros así nos jubilábamos en los 80 ‘s.
4. Se hubieran jubilado antes, ahorita ya es más difícil.
5. El que te hayas jubilado no significa nada.
Click here to see the answer key!
See Yourself Speaking Spanish!
Congratulations! You’ve learned about jubilarse conjugation in Spanish and uses of the verb jubilar. The only thing missing to solidify your new skills is practice. And what better way to do it than with one of our native Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala? They have all the tips you need to memorize each tense and use of jubilarse conjugation. Become part of the Homeschol Spanish Academy family and join over 24,000 monthly active students. Engage in real-life conversations today by signing up for a free class!

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Answer Key
Exercise 1
1: Yo- Past Simple
2: Ellos/ustedes – Past Imperfect
3: Tú – Imperative
4: Nosotros -Past Subjunctive
5: Ellos, ellas, ustedes – Conditional
Exercise 2
1: Me jubilo
2: No te jubiles
3: Te jubilarás
4: Nos jubilemos
5: Se hubieran / hubiesen jubilado
6: Jubílese/ ¡Se jubila!
Exercise 3
1: Se hayan jubilado.
2: Me jubilaré
3: Se jubilara
4: Nos jubiláramos
5: ¡No te jubiles!
Exercise 4
1. If they retire, they would have more time to travel.
2. You will retire before turning 63.
3. This is how we used to retire in the 70s.
4. You should have retired in 2019, it is harder now.
5. The fact that you retired doesn’t mean a thing.
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