Patinar Conjugation: Free Spanish Lesson and PDF
Are you ready for a fun lesson on patinar conjugation? This verb translates to “to skate” in English.
Patinar is a regular verb that follows the typical conjugation rules for -ar verbs. The root (patin-) stays the same, and only the suffix changes.
Patinar conjugation goes hand-in-hand with the verb amar or to love, as the two follow the same patterns.
Today, we’ll learn patinar conjugation in multiple forms, encompassing three moods:
- Indicative (present, past, conditional, and future)
- Subjunctive (present and past)
- Imperative
The Ultimate Guide to Patinar Conjugation
Since this is a complete guide to patinar conjugation, you may not be familiar with all the tenses and forms shown. Don’t worry! They will not be difficult to remember since this is an excellent example of regular verbs.
Try out your newfound patinar conjugation skills using some practice exercises later in this blog post!
Patinar Conjugation: Verbals
For these patinar conjugations, there are two forms of patinar that you need to learn.
- Conjugation of haber + past participle of patinar
- Conjugation of estar + gerund form of patinar
The infinitive form of the verb is patinar.
The past participle of patinar is patinado.
The gerund form of patinar is patinando.
These compound tenses involve using the helping verbs haber and estar. The conjugation changes in these tenses happen within the helping verbs, while the form of patinar stays the same.
Let’s see them in action:
Mis amigos quieren patinar.
My friends want to skate.
Ella no había patinado desde los 90s.
She had not been skating since the 90s.
Alex está patinando.
Alex is skating.
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Patinar Conjugation: Indicative Mood
Yo | patino |
Tú | patinas |
Él, ella, usted | patina |
Nosotros | patinamos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | patinan |
Ellos patinan por la calle.
They skate on the street.
Yo patino los martes.
I skate every Tuesday.
Nosotros patinamos todas las semanas.
We skate every week.
Yo | patiné |
Tú | patinaste |
Él, ella, usted | patinó |
Nosotros | patinamos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | patinaron |
Here are some tips to use the patinar conjugation in past simple:
- Be sure to place the accents correctly to avoid confusion with other tenses and moods.
- Patinamos is the same in both present simple and past simple, so be sure to get or give enough context to figure out the verb tense
Nosotros patinamos ayer.
We skated yesterday.
Yo patiné el lunes pasado.
I skated last Monday.
¿Tú patinaste por la mañana?
Did you skate in the morning?
Yo | patinaba |
Tú | patinabas |
Él, ella, usted | patinaba |
Nosotros | patinábamos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | patinaban |
Ella patinaba sola.
She used to skate by herself.
Yo patinaba como niña chiquita.
I used to skate like a little girl.
Tú patinabas de joven.
You used to skate when you were young.

Yo | patinaría |
Tú | patinarías |
Él, ella, usted | patinaría |
Nosotros | patinaríamos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | patinarían |
Patinaría si pudiera.
I would skate if I could.
Si Ana hubiera llegado a tiempo, patinaría con nosotros.
If Ana had arrived on time, she would skate with us.
No sabía que patinaríamos hoy.
I didn’t know we would skate today.
Yo | patinaré |
Tú | patinarás |
Él, ella, usted | patinará |
Nosotros | patinaremos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | patinarán |
Patinaré el martes, por si quieres venir.
I will skate on Tuesday, in case you want to come.
Ellos patinarán después de la escuela.
They will skate after school.
Tú patinarás en el torneo.
You will skate in the tournament.
Patinar Conjugation: Subjunctive Mood
We use the subjunctive mood to talk about hypotheses, hopes, wishes, or uncertainty.
Yo | patine |
Tú | patines |
Él, ella, usted | patine |
Nosotros | patinemos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | patinen |
Quiero que mi hijo patine desde pequeño.
I want my son to skate from a young age.
Hasta que patines, vamos a ver.
Until you skate, we’ll watch.
Nos iremos temprano para que patinemos.
We will leave early so we can skate.
Yo | patinara / patinase |
Tú | patinaras / patinases |
Él, ella, usted | patinara /patinase |
Nosotros | patináramos /patinásemos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | patinaran / patinasen |
Si yo patinara todos los días, sería feliz.
If I were to skate every day, I would be happy.
Yo quería que patináramos juntos.
I wanted us to skate together.
Si ellos patinasen, podrían competir.
If they skated, they could compete.
The patinar conjugation in past subjunctive tense can either end in -ara or –ase. Both ways are accepted although -ara is more common and informal. When writing a formal letter, I suggest you use the verb ending -ase. This also applies in the next tense with -era and -ese.
Past Perfect Subjunctive
Yo | hubiera / hubiese + patinado |
Tú | hubieras / hubieses + patinado |
Él, ella, usted | hubiera / hubiese + patinado |
Nosotros | hubiéramos / hubiésemos + patinado |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | hubieran / hubiesen + patinado |
For the past perfect subjunctive tense, we use the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle of patinar.
Si yo hubiera patinado ayer, hoy estaría cansada.
If I had skated yesterday, today I’d be tired.
Hubieran patinado por la mañana, ya no hay luz.
You should have skated in the morning, as there is no daylight anymore.
Si nosotros hubiésemos patinado en la tarde, ya no tendríamos energía.
If we had skated in the afternoon, we wouldn’t have any energy by now.
Present Perfect Subjunctive
Yo | haya + patinado |
Tú | hayas + patinado |
Él, ella, usted | haya + patinado |
Nosotros | hayamos + patinado |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | hayan + patinado |
For the perfect subjunctive tense we use the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle of patinar.
Da igual que ellos hayan patinado.
It doesn’t matter if they skated.
El que hayas patinado no significa nada.
The fact that you skated doesn’t mean a thing.
Es lo mismo que hayas patinado con él o sin él.
It is the same whether you have skated with or without him.
Another subjunctive tense exists: future. Since it is rarely used, I am not including it in this lesson.
Patinar Conjugation: Imperative Mood
The imperative mood is used to give commands. These tenses don’t include most of the subject pronouns since you can’t give commands in the first person singular (yo) or plural (nosotros) or the third person (él, ella, ellos, ellas).
Affirmative | Negative |
Patina | No patines |
Patine | No patine |
Patinemos | No patinemos |
Patinen | No patinen |
No patines dentro de la casa.
Don’t skate inside the house.
Patinemos en el parque.
Let’s skate at the park.
¡Patine en otro lado!
Skate somewhere else!
Let’s practice!
Patinar Conjugation Exercises
Check your understanding of patinar conjugation with the following exercises! Be sure to check each answer with the answer key below. ¡Buena suerte!
Exercise 1
Identify the tense and pronoun of each patinar conjugation.
1. Patinara
2. Patinen
3. Patinas
4. Patinábamos
5. Patinaría
Exercise 2
Conjugate patinar in the tense given.
1. Usted – Past Simple Indicative
2. Tú – Imperative, Negative
3. Tú – Present Simple Indicative
4. Nosotros – Conditional Indicative
5. Yo – Future Simple
Exercise 3
Fill in the blank with the correct form of patinar.
1. Yo _____________ todos los sábados. (present simple)
2. Antes, tú _____________ a la misma hora. (past imperfect)
3. Ud. _____________ el día de mañana. (future simple)
4. Él quería que nosotros _____________ de noche. (past subjunctive)
5. ___________! Shouted the mother trying to encourage her son. (imperative affirmative)
Exercise 4
Translate the following sentences to English.
1. ¿Tú patinaste por la mañana?
2. Si Ana hubiera llegado a tiempo, patinaría con nosotros.
3. Hasta que patines.
4. Si yo hubiera patinado ayer, hoy estaría cansada.
5. No patines dentro de la casa.
Click here to see the answer key.
See Yourself Speaking Spanish!
Congratulations! You’ve learned about patinar conjugation in Spanish and uses of the verb patinar. The next step is to get a speaking practice to solidify this new knowledge. The best way to make it happen is with one of our native Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala. Ask them for tips that help you memorize all of the uses and tenses of the patinar conjugation. Engage in real-life conversations today by signing up for a free class!

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Answer Key
Exercise 1
1: Yo/él, ella, usted – Past Subjunctive
2: Ellos/ustedes – Present Subjunctive
3: Tú – Present Simple Indicative
4: Nosotros -Past Imperfect Indicative
5: Yo/él, ella, usted – Conditional Indicative
Exercise 2
1: Patinó
2: No patines
3: Patinas
4: Patinaríamos
5: Patinaré
Exercise 3
2: Patinabas
3: Patinará
4: Patináramos/patinásemos
5: Patina
Exercise 4
1: Did you skate in the morning?
2: If Ana had arrived on time, she would skate with us.
3: Until you skate.
4: If I would have skated yesterday, today I’d be tired.
5: Don’t skate inside the house.
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