Spanish Pick Up Lines for Intermediate Speakers
Last time we explored the Cheesiest Spanish Pick Up Lines, we learned some basic tips to get a person’s attention while making them laugh. Now, it’s time to go deeper into this topic and learn even more, like what you should and shouldn’t do, which Spanish pick up lines do and don’t work, and how you can use them to improve your Spanish fluency. If you’re trying hard to master the art of attracting someone, you came to the right place! Let’s get started.
Great Pick Up Lines in Spanish: Do’s and Don’ts
The most important thing about Spanish pick up lines is not the line itself, but how well you execute it in expressing yourself. No matter the actual quality of the pick up line, if you don’t use the rule of “the right time, right tone,” then you’re likely to creep someone out or worse, make them mad.
The tough reality is that knowing Spanish pick up lines isn’t the key to winning over hearts and minds—unfortunately, a specific formula for wooing a person doesn’t exist. The best advice I can give you is to be creative, natural, and think about how the person you’re trying to woo feels. Remember you don’t have to recite an elaborate poem or line. In most cases, the sweet, simple, and fairly subtle remarks make the greatest impact.
Sweet and Subtle Spanish Pick Up Lines
Subtle pick up lines aren’t cheesy; they’re more intriguing and flattering than anything else. Try your luck with some of these phrases to show your love interest that you’re paying special attention to them.
Me encanta lo inteligente que eres. – I love how smart you are.
¿Viste que salió esta nueva película? Me encantaría ir a verla. – Did you see that this new movie came out? I would love to go see it.
Tú sabes que siempre he pensado que eres alguien muy especial. – You know I’ve always thought that you’re very special (*insert cute smile*).
Es imposible que alguien piense mal de ti, solo mírate. – It’s impossible for someone to think badly of you, just look at you.
Hoy vi un anuncio en el que salía un perro y pensé en ti, me acordé que te encantan. – Today I saw an ad with a dog in it and I thought of you, I remembered that you love them.
Me encanta ver lo apasionada que eres por tu deporte. – I love to see how passionate you are about your sport.
En serio creo que tienes una de las sonrisas más lindas del mundo. – I seriously think that you have one of the cutest smiles in the world.
(Personally, this is one of my favorite pick up lines in Spanish. Even though it’s not a line you’d find on the internet, it’s absolutely incredible to know that someone likes your smile. Plus, it’s flirtatious, but not too forward.)
Acaban de abrir un restaurante delicioso de pizza, deberíamos ir alguna vez para que la pruebes, vale mucho la pena. – They just opened a delicious pizza restaurant, we should go sometime so you can try it, it’s totally worth it.
When Spanish Pick Up Lines Go Wrong
Remember when I mentioned the importance of the “right time, right tone”? If you fail to fit your line in at the right moment, using the right tone, the whole thing could blow up and you might just lose your chance. Most of these are hilarious to read, but they aren’t likely to get you a date. Here’s what not to say:
Me gustaría ser una almohada para que me abraces todas las mañanas. – I would like to be a pillow for you to hug me every morning.
Debes ser marciano porque personas como tú no hay en la tierra. – You must be a Martian because there are no people like you on Earth.
¿De qué dulcería te escapaste?, ¡bombón! – What candy store did you run from?, lollipop!
Si amarte fuera pecado, yo habría nacido en el infierno. – If loving you was a sin, I would’ve been born in hell.
¡Si la belleza fuera pecado, tú estarías en el infierno! – If beauty was a sin, you would be in hell!
¡Se te ha caído el papel que te envuelve bombón! – You’ve dropped the paper that wraps you, lollipop!
¿Eres Google? Porque tienes todo lo que busco. – Are you Google? Cause you have everything I’m looking for.
Eres tan dulce que podría enfermarme de diabetes. – You are so sweet that that I could get diabetes.
Cuando te multen por exceso de belleza, yo pagaré tu fianza. – When you are fined for excess of beauty, I will pay your deposit.
Eres tan dulce que solo con mirarte engordo. – You are so sweet that only by looking at you I get fatter.
The Right Time, Right Tone
While you’re exploring which Spanish pick up lines might work best for you and your love interest, keep in mind that if it sounds odd, forced, or too forward, it definitely won’t work. On the other hand, if you’re natural, flirtatious, casual, and most importantly—you’re yourself—chances of succeeding are greater.
More Tips for Executing Pick Up Lines
We know that wooing someone is not a talent you can really learn from a guideline, but here are some tips you can follow to get the most out of our list of Spanish pick up lines:
- Practice using them in a conversation with a friend
- Build the courage and self-confidence to express yourself.
- Study up on the past subjunctive to say things like si yo fuera tú, saldría conmigo (If I were you, I’d date me). (See below for a lesson!)
Standard Spanish Pick Up Lines
When you’ve run out of ideas, turning to the typical “standardized” Spanish pick up lines might be your best bet. Check these out:
Viví sin conocerte y cuando te conocí comprendí que no había vivido. – I lived without knowing you and when I met you I understood that I hadn’t lived at all.
¿Sabes algo? Veo en nosotros la felicidad. – You know something? I see happiness in us.
Cuando te abrazo es como tener el mundo entre mis brazos. – When I hug you it’s like having the world in my arms.
Déjame mirarte bien antes de que la luz de tus ojos me derrita. – Let me take a good look at you before he light in your eyes melts me.
Eres bonita, pero te falta la capa, ¡para ser súper bonita! – You’re pretty, but your cape is missing, to be super pretty! *insert wink*
Tus ojos son las luces que necesito en una noche oscura. – Your eyes are the lights I need on a dark night.
La vida me debía algo, y me pagó contigo. – Life owed me something, and paid me with you.
Creo que acabo de encontrar a la octava maravilla del mundo. – I think I just found the eighth wonder of the world.
Me gustas más que ayer pero menos que mañana. – I like you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow.
As you might have noticed, these Spanish pick up lines are very cheesy. However, they can also be romantic and funny at the same time. All of them could work if you use them properly and you’re not invasive or sarcastic; remember everything is in the tone you use.
Pick Up Lines Using the Past Subjunctive
The past perfect subjunctive is a mood used to talk about hypothetical situations that are related to the past. It’s a mood that describes an action that could have occurred in the past, but in reality, it never happened. So, you could use it to tell that special person that if something had happened, they’d be happier with you. Let’s see some examples.
Si me hubieras dicho que sí aquel día, hoy serías la mujer más feliz del planeta. – If you’d have said yes to me on that day, today you’d be the happiest woman on the planet.
Si hablaras conmigo, te aseguro que nunca dejarías de sonreír. – If you had talked to me, I assure you that you’d have never stopped smiling.
Si fuera posible, te regalaría la luna y las estrellas. – If it were possible, I’d give you the moon and the stars.
With the subjunctive, it’s like you’re introducing your special person to the world of possibilities and imagination. Check our Spanish subjunctive lessons for more details about this mood!
Practice Spanish Pick Up Lines
I hope this detailed guide helped you understand more about the art behind Spanish pick up lines and how to bring them to real life! Now, it’s time to practice with an actual Spanish speaker. Homeschool Spanish Academy offers Spanish classes for every level, and you could have conversations with our native Spanish-speaking teachers to practice what you’ve learned! Don’t have a friend to practice with? Sign up for a free class today to see how good you are at wooing someone. Our teachers eagerly await the chance to meet you and see how you’d impress them with your Spanish skills!
Want more Spanish resources for improving your fluency? Check these out!
- Doing Chores at Home (Free Spanish Lessons for Kids)
- 50 Useful Spanish Transition Words for Everyday Speech and Writing
- Master the 18 Spanish Tenses (and Take Our Cheat Sheet With You)
- 12 Contemporary Spanish Female Artists Who Will Empower You
- All About Adverbial Clauses in Spanish
- Top 20 Guatemalan Words and Slang Expressions You Should Know
- The Ultimate Guide to the Differences Between ‘Pero’ and ‘Sino’ in Spanish
- A Guide to Double Negatives in Spanish
- How to Talk About Learning a Language in Spanish - October 31, 2024
- Top 10 Places to Visit in Guatemala City, Guatemala - June 6, 2024
- ‘How Much Is It?’ in Spanish: A Guide to Travel and Shopping - May 9, 2024