Stock Market, Trade, and Economics Vocabulary in Spanish
Are you into economics and want the Spanish vocabulary to back it up?
Here is a useful selection of Economics 101 terms—organized alphabetically, and put into word lists arranged by category!
The world of finance and the economy are the powerful strings that move the world forward.
If you’re ready to inject new life into your Spanish fluency, study (or print!) this guide full of economy terms, stock market vocabulary, and trade terms in Spanish.
Surprise everyone with your knowledge about economic vocabulary and start a conversation with a Spanish-speaker about the world’s economy and the impact of the latest trends on countries and regions.
¡Aprendamos el vocabulario económico!
Let’s learn about economic vocabulary!
Table of Contents:
- Business Spanish Vocabulary
- Economic Vocabulary Words
- Stock Market in Spanish
- Trade in Spanish
- Accounting Words
- Keep Learning Spanish While Protecting Your Finances!
Business Spanish Vocabulary
First, let’s get down to business with this list of economic vocabulary focused on administration.
You probably know these words in English and some of them are similar in both languages.
This section is perfect for you to start a lesson.
English | Spanish |
antitrust | el antimonopolio |
budget | el presupuesto |
commodities, goods | los bienes |
company | la compañía |
corporation | la empresa |
franchise | la franquicia |
for sale | en venta |
liquidity | la liquidez |
net price | el precio neto |
offering, offer | la oferta |
petit cash | la caja chica |
product | el producto |
properties | las propiedades |
retail business | el comercio minorista |
revenue | el ingreso |
safe box | la caja fuerte |
supplier, vendor | el proveedor |
to allocate resources | asignar los recursos |
to lease | arrendar |
trade mark | la marca registrada |
See also: A Vocabulary Guide to Money and Finance in Spanish
Economic Vocabulary Words
This economic vocabulary list contains words related to banks, economy, taxes, and interests.
English | Spanish |
automatic teller machine (ATM) | el cajero automático |
bank financing | la obtención de créditos bancarios |
banking industry | la banca |
chartered banks | los bancos autorizados |
credit rating | la clasificación crediticia |
currency exchange | la casa de cambio |
earnings, profits | las ganancias |
economy | la economía |
globalized economy | la economía globalizada |
home industry | la industria nacional |
inflation rate | la inflación |
interest rates | las tasas de interés |
issuing bank | el banco emisor |
principal | el capital |
public spending | el gasto público |
real estate | las bienes raíces |
speculators | los especuladores |
subsidy | el subsidio |
tax bracket | los tramos de impuestos |
taxpayer | el contribuyente |
Just for you: The Ultimate Vocabulary Guide: At the Bank in Spanish
Stock Market in Spanish
The next table includes more sophisticated vocabulary since it is related to the stock market.
English | Spanish |
arbitrage | el arbitraje |
bonds | los bonos |
broker | el corredor de bolsa, la corredora de bolsa |
ceiling price | el precio máximo |
corporate stock | el capital en acciones |
cut-price | a precio rebajado |
holding company | las compañías de acciones |
investment-grade | el grado de inversión |
stock value, paper value | el valor de las acciones |
share, stock | la acción |
spread | el spread |
stock market | la bolsa de valores, la bolsa de comercio, el mercado bursátil |
stockholder, shareholder | el accionista |
stocks, holdings | las acciones |
takeover | el acaparamiento |
transaction, deal | la transacción |
treasuries | los bonos del tesoro |
to auction-off | rematar |
world supply | la oferta mundial |
Check-out: The Most Amazing Ultimate Vocab Guide to Money in Spanish
Trade in Spanish
If you want to know basic economic vocabulary you cannot skip the trade subject. This is about the revenues, imports, exports, and debts of the countries.
English | Spanish |
average tariff rate | el arancel promedio |
customs broker | el corredor de aduana |
debt | la deuda |
domestic currency balances | los saldos de moneda nacional |
exchange rate | el tipo de cambio |
exports | las exportaciones |
foreign debt | la deuda externa |
foreign exchange | las divisas |
foreign exchange outflow | la salida de divisas |
free trade | el libre comercio |
tariff, import tariff | el arancel aduanero |
tariff act | la ley de aranceles |
to trade | comerciar, vender |
to export | exportar |
trade balance | la balanza comercial |
trade deficit | el saldo negativo o déficit |
trade surplus | el saldo positivo o superávit |
unfair competition | la competencia desleal |
Hand-picked for you:
- The Definitive Vocabulary Guide to Accounting in Spanish
- Vocabulary for Wealth and Poverty in Spanish
Accounting Words
The last section of economic vocabulary has to do with accounting and recording what a company has, owns, and owes.
English | Spanish |
accounts payable | las cuentas por pagar |
assets | los activos |
balance of payments | la balanza de pagos |
balance sheet | el balance |
capital flow | el flujo de capitales |
cash flow | el corriente de efectivo |
creditor | el acreedor |
current liabilities | el pasivo circulante |
Equity and liabilities | los pasivos |
fiscal interest | el interés fiscal |
income tax | el impuesto a la renta |
loan | el préstamo |
pension funds | los fondos de pensiones |
promissory note | el pagaré |
receivables | las cuentas por cobrar |
tax administration | la administración tributaria |
tax deductible | desgravable |
tax heaven | el paraíso tributario |
tax refund | la devolución de impuestos |
tax revenue | el ingreso tributario |
Keep Learning Spanish While Protecting Your Finances!
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