Test Your Spanish With this Parts of Speech Quiz
Challenge yourself with a quick review of the main parts of speech in Spanish, and then take the parts of speech quiz!
This is the place to be if you feel your skills need some flexing.
Under each section below, you’ll find links to supporting articles that you can study before or after you take the quiz to improve your score.
For review and study, view these sections:
- All parts of speech in Spanish
- Spanish nouns
- Spanish articles
- Spanish adjectives
- Spanish pronouns
- Spanish verbs
- Spanish adverbs
- Spanish prepositions
- Spanish conjunctions
To jump into a quiz, view these options:
- Noun quiz
- Articles quiz
- Adjectives quiz
- Pronouns quiz
- Verbs quiz
- Adverbs quiz
- Prepositions quiz
- Conjunctions quiz
Quick Review: What Are Parts of Speech?
The truth is, as an adult, you can’t learn a foreign language without knowing the parts of speech. In fact, it’s your scaffolding for everything else—and proper grammar is based on them.
There are eight main parts of speech that you’ll need to master while learning Spanish. The good news is, they all exist in English:
- nouns – sustantivos
- articles – artículos
- adjectives – adjetivos
- pronouns – pronombres
- verbs – verbos
- adverbs – adverbios
- prepositions – preposiciones
- conjunctions – conjunciones
Pop quiz! Can you find all of these parts of speech in this sentence?
Los perros grandes y feos pelean con ellos ferozmente.
Big and ugly dogs fight fiercely with them.
- los – article
- perros – noun
- grandes, feos – adjectives
- pelean – verb
- y – conjunction
- con – preposition
- ellos – pronoun
- ferozmente – adverb
Did you make any mistakes? Keep reading to know why and learn how to improve.
If you labeled all the parts of speech correctly in the sentence above, then you’re ready to take the parts of speech quizzes to challenge your knowledge!
Master Each Parts of Speech Quiz
Let’s have a look at each one of the eight parts of speech which offers a parts of speech quiz at the end of each section.
If you make any mistakes during your first round, study up a bit with the resources we share at the end of each section, then come back to see your improvement.
Spanish Nouns – Sustantivos
Nouns name a person, place, objects, or ideas.
- la mujer – woman
- la escuela – school
- el celular – cellphone
- el amor – love
Feminine nouns in Spanish often end in:
- -a, as in la chica (girl)
- -ción,-sión, as in la información (information), la pasión (passion)
- -dad, as in la libertad (freedom)
Masculine nouns in Spanish end in:
- -o, as in el chico (boy)
- -or, as in el motor (engine)
They also name rivers, lakes, and oceans: el Pacífico (the Pacific)
Exceptions exist to the above rules such as:
- el clima (weather)
- la mano (hand)
- el mapa (map)
- el agua (water)
- el sofá (sofa)
- la radio (radio)
- and more!
To make plural nouns, simply add -s, or – es:
- las chicas
- los motores
Ready to pass this parts of speech quiz on Spanish nouns?
Spanish Nouns: Parts of Speech Quiz
1. What’s the plural form of the noun "el motor"?
2. What’s different about nouns in Spanish?
3. Choose the correct noun to fit the sentence: La __________ trabaja mucho.
4. What’s the plural form of the noun "el lápiz"?
4. What’s the plural form of the noun "el lápiz"?
5. Which sentence is true?
6. To make the plural form of a noun that ends in a vowel, you must add:
7. Spanish nouns ending in -dad are usually:
9. This word is an exception to the ending-gender relation:
9. Which of these words is correct and means “guidebook”?
10. Spanish nouns ending in -aje are usually:
Resources to improve your score on this section of the Parts of Speech Quiz:
- Spanish Examples of Nouns: Learn These 12 Types
- Nouns in Spanish: Everything a Beginner Wants to know
Spanish Articles – Artículos
The tiny words that appear in front of nouns are articles. While articles exist in English as well, you have more options to choose from in Spanish.
Two types of articles exist: definite and indefinite, and they change to agree in gender and number with the noun.
Articles in Spanish
Indefinite Article / Singular | un, una |
Indefinite Article / Plural* | unos, unas |
Definite Article / Singular | el, la |
Definite Article / Plural | los, las |
*Take note that in English there is no indefinite plural article form. Instead, we say “some.”
Spanish articles also contract with prepositions a and de, forming respectively al and del.
Are you ready for a Spanish articles challenge in the following quiz?
Spanish Articles: Parts of Speech Quiz
1. What’s the plural form of the article "el"?
2. Which sentence is correct to say “I’m a teacher”?
How many indefinite articles are there in Spanish?
4. How many definite articles are there in Spanish?
5. Choose the correct translation for: the map
6. Choose the correct translation for: a plane
7. Translate the word “some” in “He has some stones in his pocket”.
8.Which sentence is correct?
9.Which sentence is correct?
10.Which sentence is correct?
Resources to improve your score on the quiz:
- A Simple Guide to Mastering Definite and Indefinite Articles in Spanish
- 10 Spanish Articles for Beginners: Learn to Read the News
Spanish Adjectives – Adjetivos
Adjectives describe nouns, both in English and in Spanish. You can use them to talk about somebody’s personality but also to describe their look:
Es un hombre guapo e interesante.
He is a handsome and interesting man.
Adjectives in Spanish need to agree in gender and number with the noun they describe. They usually come after the noun but you may have some exceptions to this rule.
Some adjectives have apocope (or shortened) forms if they appear before singular, masculine nouns. For example, tercero becomes tercer:
Y ahora está en la lista para un tercero.
And now she’s on the list for a third.
Es el tercer libro que he escrito.
It’s the third book I’ve written.
Ready to test your parts of speech knowledge with the adjectives quiz?
Spanish Adjectives: Parts of Speech Quiz
1. Choose the correct form of the adjective: Hay un libro _________ en la estantería.
2. Choose the correct form of the adjective: Él es un __________ maestro.
3. Which sentence is correct?
4. Which adjectives are positive?
5. Choose the correct option:
6. Which sentence is true?
7. How do you say “stubborn” in Spanish?
8. Which sentence is true?
9. Which sentence is correct?
10. Which sentence is correct?
Resources to improve your score on the quiz:
- A Massive List of Adjectives in Spanish for Beginners
- 100+ Sophisticated Adjectives in Spanish for Intermediate Speakers
- 100 Spanish Describing Words: Adjectives for People, Places, and Things
- 75+ Physical Adjectives in Spanish for Describing People
Spanish Pronouns – Pronombres
Spanish pronouns are a huge topic to cover. Pronouns substitute a noun in a sentence and change to agree in gender and number with the noun they substitute.
The first pronouns you’ll learn are subject pronouns that replace the subject of a sentence:
Spanish Subject Pronouns
English | Spanish |
I | yo |
You | tú, usted |
He | él |
She | ella |
We | nosotros, nosotras |
You | ustedes, vosotros |
They | ellos, ellas |
Two important facts to note:
- The English pronoun “it” doesn’t exist in Spanish
- Spanish has informal (tú), formal (usted), and plural (vosotros, ustedes) ways to say “you.”
Other Spanish pronouns include:
- object pronouns (direct and indirect)
- reflexive pronouns
- relative pronouns
- possessive pronouns
- indefinite pronouns
- demonstrative pronouns
Pop quiz! What happens when direct and indirect object pronouns combine in the same sentence?
Test your knowledge on Spanish pronouns with this parts of speech quiz (or scroll down to read free lessons on Spanish pronouns to strengthen your knowledge).
Spanish Pronouns: Parts of Speech Quiz
1. Which subject pronoun would you use to substitute the word “niña”?
2. Which subject pronoun would you use to substitute the word “Mr. Smith”?
3. How would you say this sentence in Spain “You girls are very intelligent”?
4. How would you say this sentence in Mexico “You girls are very intelligent”?
5. How would you substitute the words “la pelota” in this sentence: Pásame la pelota, por favor?
6. Which sentence is correct?
7. Which questions does an indirect pronoun answer?
8. Which questions does a direct pronoun answer?
9. Which of these sentences is correct?
10. How many reflexive pronouns are there?
Improve your score on the quiz! Check out these resources:
- Spanish Pronouns
- The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Spanish Subject Pronouns
- A Simple Guide to Demonstrative Pronouns in Spanish
- A Simple Guide to the 5 Spanish Reflexive Pronouns
- How to use Relative Pronouns in Spanish
- Practice Direct Object Pronouns in Spanish: 10 Brainy Exercises
- Aquellos vs. Esos: Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns in Spanish
- How to Use Possessive Pronouns in Spanish to Express Ownership
- The Ultimate Guide to Using Double Object Pronouns in Spanish
Spanish Verbs – Verbos
Verbs describe an action—like bailar (to dance)—or a state of being, like ser (to be).
Three types of regular conjugations exist in Spanish with verb endings:
- -ar
- -er
- -ir
There are a number of irregular verbs to explore as well; two of the most important for beginners being ser and tener.
18 Spanish tenses exist—and while this may seem overwhelming at first, the more you study and practice, the easier they become. I promise!
Are you ready to take the next parts of speech quiz on Spanish verbs?
Spanish Verbs: Parts of Speech Quiz
1. How many types of conjugations exist in Spanish?
2. How many verb tenses are there in Spanish?
3. True or False: Spanish does not have irregular verbs.
4. Pedro _______ rápido.
5. Mi mamá _______ una deliciosa sopa la semana pasada.
6. No quiero que _______.
7. Hablar is:
8. Verbs in Spanish:
9. Conditional, 1st person singular form of the verb dar is:
10. The imperative form of the verb tener is:
Resources to improve your score on the quiz:
- A Semi-Comprehensive List of -AR Verbs in Spanish
- A Semi-Comprehensive List of -ER Verbs in Spanish
- 38 Regular IR and ER Verbs in Spanish You Can Master Today
- Stem Changing Verbs in Spanish for Beginners
- A Complete List of Action Verbs in Spanish
Spanish Adverbs – Adverbios
While adjectives describe nouns, adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. They are everywhere and essential to master for Spanish fluency.
Most adverbs end in -mente in Spanish:
- felizmente (happily)
- afortunadamente (fortunately)
- rápidamente (quickly)
Different types of adverbs in Spanish include:
- Adverbs of place (lejos – far)
- Adverbs of time (nunca – never)
- Adverbs of amount / degree (extremadamente – extremely)
- Adverbs of manner (despacio – slowly)
- Interrogative adverbs (dónde – where)
- Adverbs of affirmation (seguramente – certainly)
- Adverbs of negation (tampoco – neither)
- Adverbs of doubt (tal vez – maybe)
- Relative adverbs (como – as)
Adverbs appear in various positions within a sentence, such as:
- After the verb it modifies:
Corres rápido.
You run quickly.
- Before the adjective it modifies:
Es una ciudad muy bonita.
It is a very beautiful city.
- Before another adverb it modifies:
Caminas bien lento.
You walk really slowly.
Take the Spanish adverbs quiz to see how much you’ve mastered!
Spanish Adverbs: Parts of Speech Quiz
1. Adverbs describe:
2. Most adverbs end in:
3. "Tampoco" is an adverb of:
4. "Nunca" is an adverb of:
5. "Bien" is an adverb of:
6. Which sentence is correct?
7. Which sentence is correct?
8. Which sentence is correct?
9. What does "todavía" mean?
10. How do you change an adjective into an adverb?
Improve your quiz score! Check out these resources:
- 50 Common Spanish Adverbs to Start Using Today
- How to say ‘Sometimes’ in Spanish and Use Adverbs of Frequency
Spanish Prepositions – Preposiciones
Repositions hold the words together and establish a connection between them. They unite two elements of a sentence—usually nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and verbs.
There are 23 prepositions in Spanish and prepositional phrases:
- a (to, at)
- ante (before, in front of)
- bajo (under)
- cabe (beside)
- con (with)
- contra (against)
- de (from, of)
- desde (from, since)
- durante (during)
- en (on, on, at)
- entre (between, among)
- hacia (toward, to)
- hasta (up yo, until)
- mediante (through)
- para (for, to)
- por (for, because of)
- según (according to)
- sin (without)
- sobre (on, over, about)
- tras (after, behind)
- versus (versus)
- vía (through, by)
What’s more, prepositional phrases exist that are composed of more than one word, such as:
- alrededor de (around)
- encima de (on, above)
- debajo de (under)
Ready to test your Spanish prepositions knowledge? Take this parts of speech quiz!
Spanish Prepositions: Parts of Speech Quiz
1. Fui a la escuela ____ mi amigo.
2. Fui ____ pie al supermercado.
3. Hice toda la hoja ____ mano.
4. Pon las botellas ____ la cocina.
5. Voy ____ hacer lo que puedo.
6. Mis zapatos están ____ la cama.
7. Mi coche está ____ el verde y el rojo.
8. Siempre coloreo ____ crayones.
9. Empecé ____ estudiar Español en Junio.
10. El sobre está ____ mi mochila.
Resources to improve your quiz score:
- The Ultimate Guide to Spanish Prepositions
- In, On and B: A Beginner’s Guide to Spanish Prepositions
- Prepositions in Spanish: Por Versus Para. Which One Do I Use?
Spanish Conjunctions – Conjunciones
Two main types of Spanish conjunctions exist:
- Coordinating
- Subordinating
To sound more proficient in Spanish, empower yourself to use both types to link words, phrases, and sentences.
Coordinating conjunctions:
- y (and)
- e (and)
- ni (nor)
- o (or)
- u (or)
- pero (but)
- mas (but)
- sino (but)
Subordinating conjunctions:
- como (since, as)
- dado que (since, as)
- porque (because, since, as)
- Pues (because, since, as)
- puesto que (because, since, as)
- visto que (since, as)
- ya que (since, as)
- que (than)
- como si (as if)
- sin que (without)
- si (if, whether)
- aunque (although)
- aun cuando (although, even though)
- si bien (while)
- aunque (though, although)
- así (even if)
- por más que (no matter how (much))
- por mucho que (as much as)
- así (es) que (so)
- de modo / manera / forma que (that)
- al menos que (unless, at least)
- con tal de que (as long as)
- siempre que (as long as)
- siempre y cuando (as long as)
- salvo que (unless)
- cada vez que (whenever)
- mientras (while)
- para que (so that)
- a fin de que (so that)
- luego (therefore)
- conque (so)
Subordinating conjunctions are more complex, requiring knowledge of whether to use indicative or subjunctive moods with each one.
Test your knowledge on this Spanish conjunctions section! Take this parts of speech quiz!
Spanish Conjunctions: Parts of Speech Quiz
1. No sé si pedir sopa ____ ensalada
2. Mi mamá compró leche ____ chocolate.
3. No hay suficiente espacio ____ tiempo para terminar el trabajo.
4. Dibuja unos unicornios ____ otra cosa. (Or)
5. Hice todo ____ imité el proceso.
6. Pienso, ____ existo.
7. ____ cocinas, yo haré mi tarea.
8. ____ llores, no vas a cambiar su decisión.
9. Me pregunto ____ quiero salir hoy.
10. Plancho mejor ____ cocino.
Resources to improve your score on the quiz:
- 9 Coordinating Conjunctions in Spanish Essential to Know
- 9 Types of Subordinating Conjunctions in Spanish That Will Supercharge Your Fluency
Talk to a Native Spanish Speaker Today
Wow! If you have finished all the quizzes, you’re on a roll! The best way to enforce what you’ve practiced here is to have a 1-on-1 Spanish conversation with one of our native, Spanish-speaking teachers. Our certified professionals provide fun, engaging classes that give you an opportunity to correct your mistakes in real time and profoundly enhance your Spanish fluency.
Sign up for a free class today and challenge yourself to have full-on Spanish conversations with a native Spanish speaker!
Want more free Spanish lessons and grammar practice? Check these out!
- 50 Useful Spanish Transition Words for Everyday Speech and Writing
- Master the 18 Spanish Tenses (and Take Our Cheat Sheet With You)
- All About Adverbial Clauses in Spanish
- The Ultimate Guide to the Differences Between ‘Pero’ and ‘Sino’ in Spanish
- A Guide to Double Negatives in Spanish
- Ver Conjugation: Free Spanish Lesson, Exercises, and PDF
- Common Irregular Informal Commands in Spanish
- Dialect vs Accent: Is It a Language, Dialect, or Accent?
- All About Adverbial Clauses in Spanish - January 8, 2025
- The Ultimate Guide to the Differences Between ‘Pero’ and ‘Sino’ in Spanish - December 26, 2024
- Common Irregular Informal Commands in Spanish - November 29, 2024
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