Traditional Ingredients in Spanish: Food Vocabulary for Everyone
Prepare to discover new ingredients in Spanish that are used for preparing delicious foods from Hispanic regions!
Learning about local food and culture is one of the perks of picking up a new language. Food from Hispanic countries is unique with a wide variety of flavors, smells, and ingredients to choose from.
Keep reading this blog post for a list of ingredients in Spanish that’ll expand your food vocabulary and conversational skills!
Download FREE Spanish Recipes: Torta Chilena and Flan
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Learn Unique Ingredients in Spanish
Food is a fun way to fully immerse yourself in a language. It’s ideal for experimenting and practicing new vocabulary in Spanish until you feel comfortable enough to use it naturally.
The culinary world of Spanish-speaking countries carries traditions, unconventional recipes, and instructions you won’t find anywhere else!
I’ve selected a list of different recipes from Hispanic cuisine that you’ll want to recreate and also use all sorts of surprising ingredients in Spanish.
Let’s begin!
13 Recipes with Traditional Ingredients in Spanish
1. Paella Valenciana (Valencian Paella)
This amazing dish from Spain is originally from the province of Valencia. Its preparation is complex but certainly worth your while.
- The ingredients in Spanish used in the Valencian paella are:
- El arroz (rice)
- El aceite de oliva (olive oil)
- El pollo (chicken)
- El conejo (rabbit)
- El garrofó (carob)
- Las judías verdes (green beans)
- El tomate (tomato)
- El hígado de pollo (chicken liver)
- El pimentón dulce (paprika)
- El azafrán (saffron)
- El romero (rosemary)
- El agua (water)
- El colorante (food dye)
- La sal (salt)
- El limón (Lime)
Follow the recipe in Spanish and read this fun blog post to learn about the history and origin of the Spanish paella.
2. Tortilla Española (Spanish Omelette)
Hands down Spanish omelettes are one my favorite dishes from Spain. It’s incredibly delicious and super easy to prepare at home.
Follow this easy recipe in Spanish and prepare yourself with the following ingredients:
- Las papas or las patatas (potatoes)
- El pimiento morrón (red bell pepper)
- Los huevos (eggs)
- El aceite de oliva (olive oil)
- La sal (salt)
- La pimienta (pepper)
3. Spanish Coffee
Un café español (a Spanish coffee) is a flaming drink designed for the brave. This exciting coffee cocktail is prepared in Spain and is topped off in extravagant ways. The ingredients in Spanish you need are:
- El café (coffee)
- El limón (lemon)
- La nuez moscada (nutmeg)
- La canela (cinnamon)
- El ron (rum)
- El azúcar (sugar)
- La crema batida (whipped cream)
- El licor de Café (coffee liqueur)
There’s different variations of this drink like the Mexican Carajillo. You can prepare this quirky beverage by following these instructions.
4. Gazpacho
Gazpacho is originally from Spain and is known to be a soup you drink cold. It’s from the province of Andalucía. This simple recipe uses easy-to-find traditional ingredients in Spanish, such as:
- Los tomates (tomatoes)
- El pimiento verde (green bell pepper)
- El pepino (cucumber)
- El ajo (garlic)
- El vnagre de vino blanco (white wine vinegar)
- La sal (salt)
- El aceite de oliva (olive oil)
5. Pan Español Filipino (Filipino Spanish Bread)
Filipino Spanish Bread is known worldwide for its yummy and soft texture.
Also known as pandesal, this Filipino roll is easy to make and the recipe requires bread making skills. It uses some of the easiest to find ingredients in Spanish for you to prepare at home:
- La harina (flour)
- El azúcar en polvo (powdered sugar)
- La mantequilla (butter)
- La levadura seca (dry yeast)
- El polvo de hornear (baking powder)
- La leche caliente (warm milk)
- La sal (salt)
- La miga de pan (bread crumbs)
- Los huevos (eggs)
- El aceite (oil)
6. Tamales Guatemaltecos (Guatemalan Tamales)
Also known as tamales colorados (red tamales), this traditional dish from Guatemala is a staple of the holiday season and special occasions.
The preparation of tamales is usually a family activity and takes plenty of work. The basic recipe you can follow uses the following ingredients in Spanish:
- Los tomates (tomatoes)
- El chile pimiento (bell pepper)
- El chile guaque (guaque chili)
- El ajonjolí (sesame seeds)
- La pepitoria (squash seeds)
- La canela (cinnamon)
- La manteca de cerdo (pork lard)
- El achiote (annatto)
7. Torta Chilena (Chilean Cake)
Torta Chilena is a flavorful sweet cake that has become highly popular in Latin American countries, especially Costa Rica.
The preparation has influences from Argentina and France. The recipe is complex but the majority of ingredients are easy to source. It uses:
- La harina (flour)
- La margarina (margarine)
- La fécula de maíz (corn flour)
- El azúcar en polvo (powdered sugar)
- El agua fría (cold water)
- La sal (salt)
- Las claras de huevo (egg whites)
- El azúcar (sugar)
- El cremor tártaro (cream of tartar)
- El ácido acético (acetic acid)
- El jugo de limón (lemon juice)
- La esencia de vainilla (vanilla essence)
8. Ceviche Peruano (Peruvian Ceviche)
Peruvian cuisine is known for having some of the highest rated restaurants around the world. The region has plenty of diversity when it comes to food and ceviche peruano isn’t the exception.
You can prepare ceviche peruano at home by following this simple recipe. The ingredients in Spanish you’ll need are:
- El filete de pescado (fish fillet)
- El hueso de pescado (fish bone)
- El apio (celery)
- La cebolla roja (red onion)
- El ajo (garlic)
- El chile manzano (apple chili)
- El jengibre (ginger)
- El jugo de limón (lemon juice)
- El fondo de pescado (fish broth)
- La sal (salt)
- El cilantro (coriander or cilantro)
- El chile habanero (habanero chili)
- El camote (sweet potato)
- El chile cuaresmeño (cuaresmeño chili)
- Los granos de choclo (corn grains)
9. Tacos Mexicanos (Mexican Tacos)
Nothing beats freshly made tacos Mexicanos when you’re starving. Tacos are the signature dish of Mexico that has managed to expand worldwide. You can find them in traditional styles and in vegetarian healthy presentations.
For me the key to a taco is a good tortilla and not overcomplicating the recipe. Let’s take a look at the Mexican Spanish ingredients for my all time favorite, tacos al pastor:
- El jugo de piña (pineapple juice)
- La pasta de achiote (annato paste)
- El chile guajillo (guajillo chili)
- El vinagre blanco (white vinegar)
- El ajo (garlic)
- El orégano (oregano)
- El comino (cumin)
- La pimienta negra (black pepper)
- El clavo de olor (clove)
- La sal (salt)
- El hombro de puerco (pork shoulder)
- La cebolla blanca (white onion)
- La piña en rodajas (sliced pineapple)
- El cilantro (coriander)
- El limón (lemon)
- Las tortillas de maíz (corn tortillas)
Prepare yourself for making Mexican tacos by reading this blog post about visiting the Mexican meat market for sourcing the best cuts.
10. Tlayuda
The tlayuda is a dish from Oaxaca and is made of the best and yummiest ingredients Mexican cuisine has to offer.
Once again the tortilla plays an essential role and the recipe varies according to what you have to choose from.The tlayuda uses these ingredients in Spanish:
- Las tortillas de maíz grandes (large corn tortillas)
- La cebolla blanca (white onion)
- El tomate (tomato)
- El repollo (cabbage)
- La cecina (jerky styled beef)
- El chorizo fresco (fresh chorizo)
- El aguacate (avocado)
- El limón (lemon)
- El queso Oaxaca (Oaxaca cheese)
- La manteca de cerdo (pork lard)
- Los frijoles refritos (refried beans)
11. Choripan
The Argentinian choripan is an all-time favorite to meat lovers and asado (grilling) enthusiasts. It’s enjoyed in most of South America. The recipe is simple and flavorful.
Making a good chimichurri sauce is key to hitting the mark when it comes to the choripan. It uses ingredients you’re guaranteed to find at any grocery store:
- El aceite de oliva (olive oil)
- El perejil (parsley)
- El ajo (garlic)
- Las hojuelas de chile (chili flakes)
- El orégano (oregano)
- El vinagre de vino tinto (red wine vinegar)
- El jugo de limón (lemon juice)
- La sal (salt)
- La pimienta (pepper)
- El chorizo Argentino (Argentinian Chorizo)
- El pan blanco (white bread roll)
12. Pozole
Pozole is one of those Mexican dishes that comes in different variations according to the region where it’s made. It’s a savory soup that is topped with different sides and ingredients. You can find red, green, and white pozole depending where you are.
The recipe for red pozole uses these ingredients in Spanish:
- El agua (water)
- La carne de puerco (pork meat)
- La costilla de puerco (pork ribs)
- El maíz (corn)
- La cebolla blanca (white onion)
- El ajo (garlic)
- La sal (salt)
- El chile ancho (ancho chili)
- El chile guajillo (guajillo chili)
- El aceite vegetal (vegetable oil)
- El orégano (oregano)
- La lechuga (lettuce)
- El rábano (radish)
- El chile piquín (piquín chili powder)
- Las tortillas doradas (fried tortillas)
- El aguacate (avocado)
- El limón (lemon)
Once again, Pozole is another Mexican recipe where tortillas are a key ingredient. Read this fascinating blog post to learn about tortilla culture in Latin America.
13. Flan
Flan is a scrumptious dessert that is very popular and beloved around Spanish-speaking countries. As it can be very simple and homemade, it can also be elevated and gourmet.
The traditional flan recipe requires you to follow the instructions thoroughly and without skipping any steps. It uses the following ingredients in Spanish:
- La leche entera (whole milk)
- El azúcar (sugar)
- Los huevos (eggs)
- La piel de limón (lemon peel)
- La canela (cinnamon)
Talk About Your Favorite Ingredients in Spanish!
What are your favorite ingredients in Spanish?
Will you follow the recipes in Spanish for these amazing dishes?
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Want to learn more about Hispanic and Latin American culture? Check these out!
- Top 20 Guatemalan Words and Slang Expressions You Should Know
- Bien vs Bueno: How Good is Your Spanish?
- How to Talk About Learning a Language in Spanish
- Señora vs Señorita: Who Is She?
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- 200+ Beginner Spanish Vocabulary Words PDF: Learn Spanish Fast!
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