Traer Conjugation: Free Spanish Lesson and PDF
Looking to learn about traer conjugation? Bring it on!
Traer is an irregular Spanish verb that usually means “to bring,” or “to carry.” Its numerous related translations in English include
- To bring in
- To fetch
- To give
- To bring about
- To get
- To bring about
- To bring back
- To carry back
Today, we’ll take a close look at traer conjugation and learn multiple forms, encompassing three moods:
- Indicative (present, past, conditional, and future)
- Subjunctive (present and past)
- Imperative
The Ultimate Guide to Traer Conjugation
Because this is a complete guide to traer conjugation, you may not be familiar with all the tenses and forms shown. It’s all good! With practice, you’ll soon be an expert at using Spanish verbs.
Be sure to try out your fresh traer conjugation skills with the practice exercises later in this article!
Traer vs Llevar
Spanish learners often confuse “to take” (llevar) with “to bring” (traer). The difference relates to the location of the person to whom you are talking.
Te traigo comida and te llevo comida both mean “I’ll bring you food.” The former conveys the idea that you are relatively near that person, whereas the latter indicates that you’re far from them.
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Traer Conjugation: Verbals
For these traer conjugations, there are two forms of traer that you need to learn.
- Conjugation of haber + past participle of traer
- Conjugation of estar + gerund form of traer
The infinitive form of the verb is traer.
The past participle of traer is traído.
The gerund form of traer is trayendo.
These compound tenses involve using the helping verbs haber and estar. The conjugation changes in these tenses happen within the helping verbs, while the form of traer stays the same.
Let’s see them in action:
Los pasajeros no pueden traer animales en el tren.
Passengers may not carry animals on the train.
He traído una botella de agua y una manzana.
I brought a bottle of water and an apple.
Mi papá está trayendo el gato al veterinario.
My dad is bringing the cat to the vet.
Traer Conjugation: Indicative Mood
Yo | traigo |
Tú | traes |
Él, ella, usted | trae |
Nosotros | traemos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | traen |
No puedo ir, ¡no traigo zapatos!
I can’t go, I don’t have shoes on!
Mi madre es la que trae el dinero.
My mother is the one who brings in the money.
¿Qué traes a la reunión?
What are you bringing to the meeting?
Traemos unos tacos de desayuno para compartir.
We’re bringing breakfast tacos to share.
Yo | traje |
Tú | trajiste |
Él, ella, usted | trajo |
Nosotros | trajimos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | trajeron |
El perro trajo la ramita.
The dog fetched the stick.
¿Trajiste tu tarea?
Did you bring your homework?
Jade y Olivia trajeron ese pastel de chocolate.
Jade and Olivia brought that chocolate cake.
Yo | traía |
Tú | traías |
Él, ella, usted | traía |
Nosotros | traíamos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | traían |
Cuando estaba en el colegio, siempre traía comida de la casa para el almuerzo.
When I was in school, I would always bring food from home for lunch.
Ayer los periódicos traían una buena noticia.
Yesterday the newspapers had some good news.
Nosotros nunca traíamos los libros porque eran muy pesados.
We never brought the books because they were very heavy.

Yo | traería |
Tú | traerías |
Él, ella, usted | traería |
Nosotros | traeríamos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | traerían |
Felipe nos traería los boletos tan pronto como los comprara.
Felipe would bring us the tickets as soon as he bought them.
Yo traería todos los juguetes si pudiera.
I would bring all the toys if I could.
Yo | traeré |
Tú | traerás |
Él, ella, usted | traerá |
Nosotros | traeremos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | traerán |
Traeré una playera turquesa.
I’ll wear a turquoise t-shirt.
Ella no traerá su nueva bufanda.
She will not wear her new scarf.
Todos traeremos algo de comer a la fiesta.
We will all bring something to eat to the party.
Traer Conjugation: Subjunctive Mood
We use the subjunctive mood to talk about hypotheses, hopes, wishes, or uncertainty.
Yo | traiga |
Tú | traigas |
Él, ella, usted | traiga |
Nosotros | traigamos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | traigan |
Alicia quiere que yo traiga las bolsas.
Alicia wants me to bring the bags.
Quiero que me traiga una taza de té, por favor.
I want you to bring me a cup of tea, please.
No traigas nada por favor.
Don’t bring anything please.
Yo | trajera / trajese |
Tú | trajeras / trajeses |
Él, ella, usted | trajera / trajese |
Nosotros | trajéramos / trajésemos |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | trajeran / trajesen |
Ellos me pidieron que yo les trajera unas galletas.
They asked me to bring them cookies.
Yo esperaba que tú trajeras los pasaportes.
I was hoping that you would bring the passports.
Me gustaría que el año nuevo trajese más éxito.
I would like more success in the New Year.
Traer conjugation in the past subjunctive mood can either end in –era or -ese. Both ways are accepted, although -era is more common and informal. When writing a formal letter, I suggest you use the verb ending -ese. This also applies to the next tense.
Past Perfect Subjunctive
Yo | hubiera / hubiese + traído |
Tú | hubieras / hubieses + traído |
Él, ella, usted | hubiera / hubiese + traído |
Nosotros | hubiéramos / hubiésemos + traído |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | hubieran / hubiesen + traído |
For the past perfect subjunctive tense, we use the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle of traer.
Ojalá me hubiera traído el almuerzo.
I wish he had brought me lunch.
El profesor jamás hubiese traído el premio.
The teacher would have never brought the prize.
Present Perfect Subjunctive
Yo | haya + traído |
Tú | hayas + traído |
Él, ella, usted | haya + traído |
Nosotros | hayamos + traído |
Ellos, ellas, ustedes | hayan + traído |
For the perfect subjunctive tense we use the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle of traer.
No puedo decir que nos hayas traído suerte.
I cannot say you bring us luck.
No creo que las hayan traído todavía.
I don’t think they have brought them yet.
(Note: the future subjunctive tense exists is rarely used, so I’m not including it in this lesson.)
Traer Conjugation: Imperative Mood
The imperative mood is used to give commands. These tenses don’t include most of the subject pronouns since you can’t give commands in the first person singular (yo) or plural (nosotros) or the third person (él, ella, ellos, ellas).
Affirmative | Negative |
Trae | No traigas |
Traiga | No traiga |
Traigamos | No traigamos |
Traigan | No traigan |
Trae las tijeras, por favor.
Bring the scissors, please.
Traigamos a Lola aquí mañana.
Let’s bring Lola here tomorrow.
No traigan la basura a la playa.
Don’t take trash to the beach.
Traer Conjugation Exercises
The best way to solidify your traer conjugation knowledge is by practicing! Check your understanding by completing the following exercises. (See the answer key at the end of the post.)
Exercise 1
Identify the tense and pronoun of each traer conjugation.
1. traería
2. traiga
3. traen
4. traigo
5. trajiste
Exercise 2
Conjugate traer in the tense given.
1. yo – past simple indicative
2. usted – imperative, negative
3. tú – present simple indicative
4. ellos – conditional indicative
5. nosotros – future simple
Exercise 3
Fill in the blank with the correct form of traer.
1. Yo _____________ mi vestido azul. (present simple)
2. Cuando eras joven, tú _____________ este peluche a la cama. (past imperfect)
3. ¿Ud. no _____________ los documentos mañana? (future simple)
4. Ojala que Ana _____________ suficiente dinero. (present subjunctive)
5. ¡___________ la pelota! (affirmative imperative)
Exercise 4
Translate the following sentences to English.
1. Estamos trayendo demasiadas maletas en el viaje.
2. Si Elena hubiera traído el dinero, la cuenta ya estuviera pagado.
3. Es importante traer suficiente agua potable en la caminata.
4. Trajimos regalos a la familia.
5. Estas situaciones siempre traen problemas.
Click here to see the answer key!
Bring Your Spanish Skills to the Next Level
Congratulations! You’ve just learned a great deal about traer conjugation in Spanish and uses of the verb traer. The next step is to develop a speaking practice to solidify your new knowledge. A brilliant way to make it happen is with one of our native Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala. Ask them for tips to help you learn the uses and tenses of Spanish verb conjugation. Engage in real-life conversations today by signing up for a free class at Homeschool Spanish Academy!

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- The Ultimate Guide to the Differences Between ‘Pero’ and ‘Sino’ in Spanish
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- Ver Conjugation: Free Spanish Lesson, Exercises, and PDF
- Common Irregular Informal Commands in Spanish
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Answer Key
Exercise 1
1. yo/él, ella, usted – conditional
2. yo/él, ella, usted – present subjunctive
3. ellos, ellas, ustedes – simple present indicative
4. yo – simple present indicative
5. tú – simple past indicative
Exercise 2
1. traje
2. no traiga
3. traes
4. traerían
5. traerémos
Exercise 3
1. traigo
2. traías
3. traerá
4. traiga
5. trae
Exercise 4
1. We are bringing too much luggage on this trip.
2. If Elena had brought the money, the bill would already have been paid.
3. It’s important to bring enough drinking water on the hike.
4. We brought gifts to the family.
5. These situations always bring problems.
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