Vocabulary Guide: At the Hospital in Spanish
Learning hospital in Spanish vocabulary could save someone’s life. As more and more people speak Spanish in the U.S., it’s becoming essential for healthcare workers to speak Spanish. Being able to explain what’s wrong is essential in Spanish, especially if you’re traveling.
Today, we’ll cover the most common vocabulary and phrases to know in an emergency. Knowing hospital in Spanish vocabulary is useful while travelling. It’s common to get sick on the road because we are eating different food, the weather is constantly changing,and the altitude varies from country to country.
So, let’s get to it and learn key vocabulary to use in a hospital in Spanish!
The Importance of Speaking Spanish in Hospitals
Many people from all over the world move to the United States. When they arrive, they often live in areas where everyone speaks Spanish so that they feel more connected to their community and home culture.
As a result, healthcare professionals encounter many patients whose native language is Spanish. This can be challenging when it comes to providing treatment in a hospital in Spanish.
The health and wellness industry is growing rapidly. We live in a time when cultures are merging, which is a great thing in my opinion. But, we have to be prepared for it.
Whether you’re a doctor, a patient or a curious traveler, this article is for you. Now let’s get into the list of hospital in Spanish vocabulary and phrases that will have you ready in no time!
Hospital in Spanish Essential Vocabulary and Phrases
Knowing basic vocabulary in Spanish in a hospital can be very broad so I’ll cover what I believe to be the most important vocabulary. These essential Spanish for hospital words and phrases give you a clear idea of the kind of words you’ll need in a hospital.
Basic Hospital in Spanish Vocabulary
Hospital – El hospital
Ward – La sala
Urine sample – La muestra de orina
Wound – La herida
Instruments – Los instrumentos
Medical alert – Alerta médica
Directory – El directorio
Hospital Staff
Doctor – El doctor, la doctora, el médico, la médica
Patient – El/la paciente
Nurse – El enfermero/la enfermera
Surgeon – El cirujano/la cirujana
Visitor – La visita
Medical Equipment
Bed – La cama
Surgery – La cirugía
Drip – El suero
Painkiller – El analgésico
Bed pan – El orinal
Syringe – La jeringa
Needle – La aguja
Vaccine – La vacuna
Crutches – Las muletas
Mask – La mascarilla
Gloves – Los guantes
Ambulance – La ambulancia
Stretcher – La camilla
Bandage – El vendaje
Cast – El yeso
Scalpel – El bisturí
Stethoscope – El estetoscopio
Useful Hospital in Spanish Phrases
¿Está herido/a?
Are you hurt?
¡Llama a una ambulancia!
Call an ambulance!
Llévalo a la emergencia
Take him to the ER.
¿Está embarazada?
Are you pregnant?
¿Tiene alguna alergia que deberíamos saber?
Do you have any allergies we should know about?
¿Puedes ver?
Can you see?
¿Puedes oír?
Can you hear?
¿Puede moverse?
Can you move?
¿Puedes ver?
Can you see?
¿Puedes respirar bien?
Can you breathe well?
¿Le duele?
Does it hurt?
¿Perdió el conocimiento?
Did you lose consciousness?
Abra la boca.
Open your mouth.
Por favor no se mueva.
Please don’t move.
Necesitamos hacer algunos exámenes.
We need to run some tests.
Respire profundo.
Take a deep breath.
Llama a los bomberos/emergencia.
Call 911.
Aquí está la receta médica
Here is your prescription.
Additional Hospital in Spanish Vocabulary
Transplant – El transplante
Treatment – El tratamiento
Trauma – El trauma
Traumatology – La traumatología
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) – La Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI)
Medical visit – La visita médica
Visitation – Las visitas
Hospital admission – La admisión hospitalaria
Insurance forms – Formularios de Seguro
Use el botón si necesita ayuda.
Press this button if you need help.
Por favor presione este botón si necesita la ayuda de una enfermera.
Please press this button if you need help from a nurse.
Por favor tome esta medicina.
Please take this medicine.
Esto puede doler un poco.
This could hurt a little.
This vocabulary list is specifically for you to be able to speak in a hospital in Spanish. If you’re looking for additional vocabulary related to conditions, illnesses and diseases in Spanish, we’ve got your back. And if you’re looking for different activities related to health, fitness and nutrition, this post is full of fun ideas!
Dealing with an Emergency at a Hospital in Spanish
If you’re wondering what an emergency in a hospital in Spanish might sound like, here’s a conversation between a doctor, a medical alert, and a patient in a hospital in Spanish.
Doctor: ¿Qué pasó?
Alerta Médica: Hubo un accidente de carro
Doctor: ¿Hace cuánto sucedió?
Alerta Médica: Hace una hora
Doctor: Pasémoslo a la camilla
Alerta Médica: Bueno. 1, 2, 3.
Doctor: ¿Puede escucharme?
Paciente: ¿Dónde estoy?
Doctor: Tranquilo, todo estará bien.
Paciente: Gracias.
Doctor: Preparémoslo para cirugía.
Doctor: What happened?
Medical Alert: There was a car crash
Doctor: How long ago did it happen?
Medical Alert: An hour ago
Doctor: Let’s get him on the stretcher
Medical Alert: Okay, 1, 2, 3.
Doctor: Can you hear me?
Patient: Where am I?
Doctor: Calm down, everything will be okay.
Patient: Thank you.
Doctor: Let’s prep him for surgery.
Have You Ever Been in a Hospital?
Knowing how to discuss your health in Spanish is important whether you’re at the doctor’s office, a hospital, or talking to a friend. It can save your life or someone else’s. And if you’re a healthcare worker, it’s necessary.
To be able to effectively communicate at a hospital in Spanish, make sure to review this vocabulary. If you’re like me, and you like to learn a little bit about everything, it’s always useful to know medical terms.
Don’t be afraid to try out these expressions or even create your own dialogue. And if you’d like a certified Spanish teacher to check your skills using this hospital in Spanish vocabulary, sign up for a free class and move toward becoming a fluent Spanish speaker today!
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