Your Spanish Guide to Outer Space in Spanish
Learn all about space in Spanish in this article that will take you to the moon!
Are you a Spanish language learner? An astronomy enthusiast? A student or educator?
This article will provide a comprehensive guide to outer space terminology in Spanish.
The exploration of outer space has always been a subject of wonder and fascination for humanity. From ancient civilizations to modern scientists, the mysteries of the universe have captured our imagination.
In this guide, we will delve into the terminology of outer space in Spanish, covering space-related words, astronomical concepts, celestial bodies, and expressions.
Also, you will find explanations about space travel and missions, satellites, telescopes, and other scientific discoveries.
Read ahead to learn more about outer space in Spanish, Space Exploration Day, and the resources and materials available to explore space-related topics further.
There are some interesting books, websites, podcasts, and documentaries where you can learn and dive into this fascinating topic.
After this lesson, you will have access to space vocabulary, a complete glossary, and examples to see Spanish grammar in action around these subjects.
Let’s explore!
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Astronomical Concepts and Celestial Bodies
In this section, we will cover the basics of space in Spanish, as well as explanations and examples of how to use the terms.
We hope it inspires you to embark on many different endeavors, like learning Spanish!
The Sun
Let’s start our cosmic journey with our nearest star, the Sun. In Spanish, the Sun is referred to as el sol.
Read also: Learn About the Solar System in Spanish Activities, Games, and More
The energy radiated by the Sun is essential for sustaining life on Earth.
La energía irradiada por el sol es esencial para el sustento de la vida en la Tierra.
The Moon
Our natural satellite is known as la luna in Spanish.
Throughout history, the Moon has been subject of admiration and a source of myths and legends.
A través de la historia, la luna ha sido objeto de admiración y fuente de mitos y leyendas.
Solar System
What about the solar system in Spanish? This one is el sistema solar.
Our solar system consists of eight planets, including ours, the Sun, and all-natural satellites like the Moon.
Nuestro sistema solar consiste en ocho planetas incluyendo el nuestro, el sol y todos los satélites naturales como la luna.
The Planets
Do you know the names of the planets in Spanish? There are 8 planetas in our solar system, each with its name in Spanish. Here are the names of the planets in order:
Mercury – Mercurio
Venus – Venus
Earth – Tierra
Mars – Marte
Jupiter – Júpiter
Saturn – Saturno
Uranus – Urano
Neptune – Neptuno
Pluto or Plutón is not considered a planet but a dwarf planet (planeta enano).
See this: A Kids Guide to Astronomy in Spanish
The Stars
Stars, or las estrellas in Spanish, are distant and brilliant celestial bodies or cuerpos celestes scattered throughout the universe.
On a clear night, we can see countless stars shining in the sky.
En una noche clara, podemos ver incontables estrellas brillando en el cielo.
The Galaxies
Las galaxias are vast systems of stars, gas dust or polvo, and dark matter.
Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is one of the billions of galaxies in the universe.
Nuestra propia galaxia, la Vía Láctea, es una de billones de galaxias en el universo.
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The Constellations
Constellations are patterns of stars grouped in the night sky, each with a name in Spanish.
Constellations have been used since ancient times for navigation and storytelling.
Las constelaciones se han usado desde tiempos antiguos para navegar y contar historias.
Here are the names of some constellations:
Draco – La constelación de Dragón
Orion – La constelación de Orión
Pegasus – La constelación de pegaso
The Zodiac Constellations – Las constelaciones del zodiaco
Ursa Major – La constelación de la Osa Mayor
Ursa Minor – La constelación de la Osa Menor
The Asteroids
Asteroids are rocky objects that orbit the Sun, primarily found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Los asteroides son objetos rocosos que orbitan el sol, principalmente se encuentran en el cinturón de asteroides entre Marte y Jupiter.
The Comets
Comets are icy bodies that develop tails when they approach the Sun.
Los cometas son cuerpos de hielo que desarrollan colas cuando se acercan al sol.
The Black Holes
Black holes are regions in space where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape.
Los agujeros negros / hoyos negros son regiones en el espacio donde la gravedad es tan fuerte que nada, ni siquiera la luz, puede escapar.
The Nebulas
Nebulas are vast clouds of gas and dust in space, often the birthplaces of stars.
Las nebulosas son extensas nubes de gas y polvo en el espacio, a menudo los lugares de nacimiento de las estrellas.
The Supernovae
Supernovae are explosive events that occur when massive stars reach the end of their life cycle.
Las supernovas son eventos explosivos que ocurren cuando estrellas masivas alcanzan el fin de su ciclo de vida.
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The Cosmic Rays
Cosmic rays are high-energy particles that travel through space.
Los rayos cósmicos son particulas de alta energía que viajan a través del espacio.
The Orbits
The path followed by a celestial body, such as a planet or satellite, around another body, is called an orbit.
El camino seguido por un cuerpo celestial, como un planeta o satélite, alrededor de otro cuerpo es llamado una órbita.
The Milky Way
The Milky Way is our galaxy, a vast collection of stars and other celestial objects.
La Vía Láctea es nuestra galaxia, una colección vasta de estrellas y otros cuerpos celestes.
A Light-Year
A light-year is the distance that light travels in one year.
Un año luz es la distancia a la que la luz viaja en un año.
The Big Bang
The Big Bang is the scientific theory that explains the universe’s origin.
El Big Bang es la teoría científica que explica el origen del universo.
The Dark Matter
Dark matter is a mysterious substance that makes up a significant portion of the universe’s mass.
La materia oscura es una substancia misteriosa que constituye una gran porción de la masa del universo.
Space Travel
The exploration of space has led humanity to undertake space travel.
La exploración del espacio ha conducido a la humanidad a emprender viajes espaciales.
Space Missions
Space missions are planned expeditions to investigate and gather information about outer space.
Las misiones espaciales son expediciones planeadas para investigar y recopilar información sobre el espacio exterior.
See more: A Kids Guide to Talking About Aliens in Spanish
Satellites are objects that orbit around planets and other celestial bodies.
Los satélites son objetos que orbitan alrededor de planetas y otros cuerpos celestes.
Telescopes are optical instruments that allow us to observe distant objects in space.
Los telescopios son instrumentos ópticos que nos permiten observar objetos distantes en el espacio.
Scientific Discoveries
Space exploration has led to many significant scientific discoveries.
La exploración del espacio ha conducido a descubrimientos científicos significativos.
Introduction to Spanish-Language Resources
To learn more about space in Spanish, be sure to access these resources handpicked for you!
1. Books: If you wish to expand your knowledge of space in Spanish, numerous books cover this fascinating topic.
Some recommended titles are “El universo en una cáscara de nuez” by Stephen Hawking and “Cosmos” by Carl Sagan, translated into Spanish.
2. Websites: The internet is a treasure chest of information and resources about space in Spanish.
Websites like NASA have Spanish versions where you can learn about the latest missions and discoveries.
3. Podcasts: Spanish astronomy and space exploration podcasts are an excellent way to learn while being entertained.
Several podcasts cover topics from the Big Bang theory to life on other planets.
4. Documentaries: Spanish documentaries provide a visual and educational experience of space.
Platforms like Netflix and YouTube offer a wide selection of space-related documentaries in Spanish. Remember, you can change audio and subtitles to Spanish on streaming platforms.
Asteroid – El asteroide
Asteroid belt – El cinturón de asteroides
Astronomic – Astronómico, astronómica
Atmosphere – La atmósfera
Biosphere – La biósfera
Carbon dioxide – El dióxido de carbono
Celestial bodies – Los cuerpos celestes
Celestial vault – La bóveda celeste
Comets – Los cometas
Constellations – Las constelaciones
Core – El núcleo
Cosmic Rays – Los rayos cósmicos
Crust – La corteza
Dense – Denso
Dwarf planets – Los planetas enanos
Elliptical – Elíptica
Energy – La energía
Galaxy – La galaxia
Gassy – Gaseoso
Geosphere – La geósfera
Glacier – El glaciar
Gravity – La gravedad
Hemisphere – El hemisferio
Ice – El hielo
Inner Layers – Las capas internas
Light – La luz
Light-years – Los años luz
Magnetic – Magnético
Matter – Materia
Meteorites – Los meteoros
Milky Way – La Vía Láctea
Nitrogen – El nitrógeno
Orbit – La órbita
Outer Layers – Las capas externas
Oxygen – El oxígeno
Ozone Layer – La capa de ozono
Radiation – La radiación
Rocky – Rocoso, rocosa
Satellites – Los satélites
Seasons of the year – Las estaciones del año
Sky – El cielo
Space – El espacio
Sphere – La esfera
Spiral – Espiral
Star – La estrella
Stellar dust – El polvo estelar
Storm – La tormenta
Swirl – El remolino
Terrestrial – Terrestre
The big explosion – La gran explosión
Time – El tiempo
Tons – Las toneladas
Trayectory – La trayectoria
Ultraviolet Rays – Los rayos ultravioleta
Universe – El universo
Vapor – El vapor
Void – El vacío
Volcano – El volcán
Water – El agua
See more Vocabulary: The Ultimate Vocabulary Guide to Space in Spanish
Keep Exploring the Spanish Language to Expand Your Horizons!
Space exploration is humanity’s most thrilling, challenging, and inspiring of endeavors.
In this guide, we explored outer space in Spanish, covering astronomical concepts, celestial bodies, and space-related terms.
Learning about space in Spanish can open doors to new knowledge, opportunities, and horizons. A new language is a door to the unknown in cultural, linguistic, and social terms.
It will enrich your understanding of things from different points of view and a better cultural standpoint.
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