Spanish for Youth Group
If you grew up (or are still growing up!) in the church, you know that youth group is a big part of the church community. It is a place where teens and pre-teens can come together, find community, have fun, and learn about God in a more relatable way. I personally remember attending several different youth groups because it was a great way to find friends outside of school. One youth group even had their facility open every day after school, and I would go and do homework or just hang out with other kids and the staff. It was a great, friendly environment, and I would always invite my friends, whether or not church was their ‘thing.’ At that age, I didn’t speak Spanish very well, so I couldn’t invite any Spanish-speaking friends to youth group with me! Hopefully, with these helpful vocab lists, you will be prepared to invite your Spanish-speaking friends to youth group in their native language.
Useful Vocabulary
We’ll start with some activities and people that you’ll find when you go to youth group:
English | Spanish |
Youth group | El grupo de jóvenes |
Games | Los juegos |
Teams | Los equipos |
Friends | Los amigos |
Fun | La diversión |
Prizes | Los premios |
Worship | La alabanza |
To worship | La alabanza |
Prayer | La oración |
Pray | Orar |
Prayer request | La petición de oración |
Devotional | El devocional |
Small group | El grupo pequeño |
Staff | El personal |
Retreat | El retiro |
Leader | El/La líder |
Sermon | El sermón |
Bible | La biblia |
Bible study | El estudio bíblico |
Bible verse | El versículo bíblico |
Church | La iglesia |
Pastor | El pastor / La pastora |
Jesus | Jesús |
God | Dios |
Service projects | Los proyectos de servicio |
Pretty straightforward, right? You can use these words to give your friends an idea of what will happen at the event. Now, you can’t predict everything will be said at youth group, but here are some phrases that you can use to invite your friend to youth group and then introduce them to the whole gang!
Helpful Phrases
¿Quieres venir al grupo de jóvenes conmigo?
¿A qué hora empieza?
Empieza a las…
Do you want to come to your group with me?
What time does it start?
It starts at…
¿Qué haces en el grupo de jóvenes?
Nos divertimos, aprendemos sobre Dios y hablamos de lo que está pasando en nuestras vidas.
What do you do at youth group?
We have fun, learn about God, and talk about what’s going on in our lives.
¡Es muy divertido!
It’s very fun!
¿Está bien si no soy cristiano/católico/mormón/etc.?
¡Sí, está bien!
Is it okay if I’m not a Christian/Catholic/Mormon/etc.?
Yes, it’s fine!
Este es mi amigo/a…
This is my friend…
Él/Ella es mi vecino/a…
He/She is my neighbor.
Él/Ella va a mi escuela.
He/She goes to my school.
Sentémonos por aquí.
Let’s sit over here.
I hope those phrases help you get up the nerve to ask your Spanish-speaking friends to the next youth group event! Even if they can’t understand everything that happens that night, the most important thing is to make sure they feel welcome! If you have more specific phrases that you want to learn how to say in Spanish, be sure to ask your teacher in your next Spanish class! ¡Diviértete!
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