How to Talk About Your Hobbies and Pastimes in Spanish
Talking about your hobbies in Spanish is a fantastic conversation starter and icebreaker.
One of the many perks of learning Spanish is communicating with people from other cultures and backgrounds. Sharing about yourself in these bilingual encounters is an excellent and genuine opportunity to make friends and acquaintances through common interests.
Keep reading for an insightful lesson on how to talk about your hobbies and pastimes in Spanish and start the conversation.
What Are Your Hobbies in Spanish?
¿Qué te gusta hacer para divertirte? (What do you like to do for fun?)
Everybody has different interests and is drawn to entertaining activities that fit their personality. Most people enjoy these leisurely activities in their spare time. They also pursue such activities and interests outside of their professional or academic activities. These captivating and attention drawing activities are known as hobbies.
In Spanish, hobbies are called pasatiempos or aficiones. Even the Americanism “hobby” is widely accepted and used by some Spanish speakers.
You’ll find some hobbies have an educational focus or enriching goal, while others are simply for entertainment purposes, or for keeping you busy in your free time.
Hobbies allow us to connect with others and provide a space of comfort where common interests are shared. Being able to speak about your favorite hobbies in Spanish gives you a chance to encounter like-minded individuals.
Use this list of questions to ask about hobbies in Spanish.
¿Cual es tu pasatiempo favorite?
What’s your favorite hobby?
¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?
What do you like to do in your free time?
¿Qué haces para divertirte?
What do you do for fun?
¿Qué haces los fines de semana?
What do you do on weekends?
¿Tienes algún pasatiempo?
Do you have any hobbies?
Talking About Your Hobbies in Spanish
Answering the previous questions and talking about your pastimes and hobbies in Spanish requires you to build the appropriate sentences following Spanish grammar rules.
You can use several verbs to indicate your passion and affinity for a specific activity or for your favorite hobbies in Spanish.
- interesar (to be interested in)
- gustar (to like)
- encantar (to love)
You can conjugate these verbs using indirect object pronouns to match the subject in a sentence, not the verb. Their purpose is to indicate who is receiving the result of the action—in other words, to whom the action is being done.
Here are the object pronouns in Spanish.
- me – actions for yo (I)
- te – actions for tú (you)
- le – actions for él, ella and usted (he, she, and formal you)
- nos – actions for nosotros (us)
- les – actions for ustedes (them)
These sentences use the pattern indirect object pronoun + conjugated verb + object.
Let’s examine some examples following this pattern.
Me gusta jugar al golf.
I like to play golf.
Me is the indirect object pronoun for I + gusta is the verb + jugar al golf is the object.
Le interesa aprender español.
You are interested in learning Spanish.
Le is the indirect object pronoun for she, he, or you + interesa is the verb + aprender español is the object.
Nos encantan los videojuegos.
We love videogames.
Nos is the indirect object pronoun for us + encantan is the verb for a plural subject and object + los videojuegos are the object.
When you build this type of sentence following the pattern with the verbs interesar, gustar, and encantar, you have to use the verbs in the present indicative form. They often include an –n at the end to match a plural subject, otherwise it stays the same.
Let’s take a look at even more sentences so you can see the sentence pattern in action.
Other Example Sentences
Me interesa leer tres libros al mes.
I’m interested in reading three books per month.
Me gusta ir al gimnasio.
I like going to the gym.
A ti te interesan las historietas.
You are interested in comic books.
A mis hermanos y a mí nos gustan los juegos de mesa.
My siblings and I like board games.
¿Te gustan los documentales?
Do you like documentaries?
A mi sobrina y a mí nos encanta colorear.
My niece and I love to color.
¿Le interesan las artes marciales?
Are you interested in martial arts?
No me gustan los deportes.
I don’t like sports.
¿Les gusta ir de compras?
Do you like to go shopping?
Les encanta tocar la guitarra.
They love to play the guitar.
No te gusta ir al cine.
You don’t like going to the movies.
Games and Entertainment
Hobbies are available in a wide variety. There are different hobbies that suit one’s personality, a specific set of skills, or interests. Here’s a list of fun pastimes and hobbies in Spanish.
Going to the Movies (Ir al cine)
This is one of the best hobbies you can enjoy if you like to spend some quality time with friends and family surrounded by yummy candy, freshly-made popcorn, and thrilling emotions.
Ir al cine is a fantastic hobby that provides entertainment and a friendly escape from your daily routine.
Example Phrases
Mi pasatiempo favorito es ir al cine.
My favorite hobby is going to the movies.
Nos encanta ir al cine los domingos con mi familial.
We love going to the movies on Sundays with my family.
Discuss your trip to the movies in Spanish with help from this amusing article about Going to the Movies in Spanish.
Binge Watching (Ver maratones de series)
In this day and age, no one is a stranger to the art of binge watching! The practice of enjoying a maratón de series (marathon of shows) is a common hobby thanks to the large variety of streaming platforms that allow you to sit through full seasons and back to back episodes of your favorite shows.
Example Phrases
Me gusta ver maratones de Friends los fines de semana.
I like binge-watching Friends on weekends.
Me interesa ver más maratones de documentales.
I’m interested in binge-watching more documentaries.
Start binge-watching with this fascinating list of 13 Educational Documentaries in Spanish You Don’t Want to Miss.
Board Games (Juegos de mesa)
Los juegos de mesa are a fun hobby in Spanish you can enjoy with others. They encourage healthy competition, strategic thinking, and teamwork. Los rompecabezas (puzzles), juegos de cartas (card games), and classical games like Monopoly keep you engaged for hours.
Example Phrases
Mi hobby favorito es jugar a serpientes y escaleras.
My favorite hobby is playing Shoots and Ladders.
Nos gusta armar rompecabezas con mis hermanos.
We like to do puzzles with my siblings.
Plan an afternoon of fun and games with this useful list of 10 Must-Play Spanish Card Games for Everyone.
Watch a Sports Game (Ver un partido)
Whether you’re into futbol (soccer), béisbol (base ball), baloncesto (basketball), or any other competitive sport; tuning into an exciting live match is highly amusing.
Something about watching a competition gets people going and full of excitement. Watching a sports game outside of your routine proves to be a fantastic pastime
Example Phrases
Me gustó mucho el partido de hockey de ayer.
I really enjoyed yesterday’s hockey match.
¿Te gusta ver deportes en tu tiempo libre?
Do you like watching sports in your free time?
If watching a soccer match is your chosen pastime, you can learn more in this blog post about Soccer Positions in Spanish.
Going Shopping (Ir de compras)
Ir de compras is a great escape from your day-to-day routine. If you enjoy trying new clothes or spoiling yourself with new gifts and accessories, taking a trip to the mall sounds like your kind of hobby.
Example Phrases
Nos encanta ir de compras con mis amigas.
We love to go shopping with my friends.
Ir a comprar ropa es mi pasatiempo favorite.
Shopping for clothes is my favorite hobby.
Talk about your visit to your favorite shops with this Ultimate Guide to Fashion in Spanish.
Reading (Leer)
Leer un libro (reading a book) expands your knowledge and allows your imagination to fly. Books are available in multiple genres for readers of different ages and levels. When you choose reading as your favorite hobby you also choose to educate yourself.
Example Phrases
Me interesa leer todos los libros de Harry Potter.
I’m interested in reading all the Harry Potter books.
Leer es un pasatiempo muy educative.
Reading is a highly educational hobby.
Make reading your hobby with this list of 6 Books to Enhance your Spanish.
Sports and Fitness
Here’s a list of sports and fun fitness activities in Spanish.
Skateboarding and Surfing (Patinar y surfear)
Patinar y surfear are thrilling active sports that involve performing tricks and riding a skateboard and surfboard. Both are recreational activities and are done professionally by well-known athletes.
Example Phrases
Te encanta surfear en el mar.
You love surfing in the ocean.
Me gusta visitar el parque de patinaje todas las mañanas.
I like to visit the skate park every morning.
If surfing is your preferred hobby, you’ll love this article about Water Sports in Spanish.
Martial Arts (Artes marciales)
Las artes marciales are a fantastic hobbie you can practice to stay healthy. Training requires discipline and time. Some well known forms of martial arts are: boxeo (boxing), capoeira, mixed martial arts, judo, and kung-fu.
Example Phrases
Me gusta practicar karate.
I like to practice karate.
¿Te interesa aprender artes marciales?
Are you interested in learning martial arts?
Going to the Gym (Ir al gimnasio)
For some people ir al gimnasio can be a challenge, for others finding that motivation is actually quite simple. Going to the gym is a hobby and chosen pastime for many. Even when it’s part of their daily routine, it’s an activity that keeps them entertained and engaged in their spare time.
Example Phrases
Me gusta ir al gimnasio todas las noches.
I like to go to the gym every night.
¿Te interesa meterte al gimnasio conmigo?
Are you interested in going to the gym with me?
Learn how to talk about your gym routine with this Exercise and Workout Vocabulary in Spanish Guide.
Outdoor Activities
Activities which take place in natural environments also have incredible positive effects on our health and well-being.
Camping (Acampar)
Spending time outside around a fire and sleeping under the stars is an excellent hobby to take on. Acampar brings you closer to nature and is a fun escape from your daily routine.
Example Phrases
Me gusta acampar en parques nacionales.
I like to camp in National Parks.
¿Te interesa acampar este fin de semana?
Are you interested in camping this weekend?
Prepare for your next outdoor adventure with this practical Vocabulary Guide to Camping in Spanish.
Trekking (Senderismo)
El senderismo is the activity of hiking and walking on nature trails. The purpose of this hands-on hobby is to explore and enjoy wilderness on foot.
Example Phrases
El senderismo es un nuevo pasatiempo para mi.
Trekking is a new hobby for me.
Me gusta hacer senderismo en lugares remotos.
I enjoy trekking in remote places.
Fishing (Pescar)
La pesca (fishing) is a hobby that is practiced in a variety of forms and places. From pesca con mosca (fly fishing) to pesca deportiva (sports fishing); there’s plenty of alternatives for the most experienced to beginner fishing enthusiasts.
Example Phrases
A mi abuelo y a mi papá les encanta pescar.
My grandpa and my dad love to fish.
¿Vienes a pescar mañana?
Are you coming fishing tomorrow?
Skill Hobbies
Skill hobbies are not only fun but also beneficial to remain mentally productive.
Sewing and Knitting (Costura y tejido)
Creative hobbies like la costura y el tejido are ideal for enhancing motor skills and imagination.
These pastimes allow you to create from scratch and are guaranteed to keep you engaged.
Example Phrases
Uso mi tiempo libre para tejer una bufanda.
I use my spare time to knit a scarf.
¿Le interesa a tu hija aprender a closer?
Is your daughter interested in learning how to sew?
Take on sewing as a hobby with this Ultimate Vocabulary Guide to Sew in Spanish.
Baking (Hornear)
Preparing baked goods and sweet delights requires a specific set of skills, but for some people it comes naturally. Baking is a fun and delicious hobby you can share with your family and friends.
Example Phrases
Mi pasatiempo es hornear galletas de chispas de chocolate.
My pastime is baking chocolate chip cookies.
¿A tus hijas les gusta hornear pasteles?
Do your kids like to bake cakes?
Prepare your favorite desserts with this Uplifting Vocabulary Guide to Baking in Spanish.
Photography (Fotografía)
Enjoying photography as a hobby is super accessible for amateurs thanks to smartphones. You just need your camera, beautiful settings, and a good eye for lighting, focus, and composition.
Example Phrases
La fotografía es un pasatiempo entretenido.
Photography is an entertaining hobby.
¿Te gusta tomar fotos?
Do you like to take photos?
Are you looking for more awesome hobbies in Spanish? Read this curated list of 25 Different Free Time Hobbies to Discuss in Spanish.
Learning Spanish Is Also a Hobby
Using your free time to learn Spanish isn’t just fun and insightful, it also amplifies your communication possibilities and prepares you for smooth travels in Spanish-speaking countries.
Sign up for a free class with our native, certified, Spanish-speaking teachers from Guatemala. They’ll support you in becoming more fluent and will show you useful vocabulary for you to use naturally in conversation.
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